Original Contributions

Tachyphylaxis to the Action of Topically Applied Corticosteroids

Anthony du Vivier, MB, MRCP, Richard B. Stoughton, MD

Arch Dermatol/Vol 111 , May 1975 pp.581-583

Accepted for publication Nov 21, 1974. From the Division of Dermatology, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, Calif. Reprint requests tc 476 Prospect St, La Jolla, CA 92037 (Dr. Stcughton).

 A previously unrecognized pharmacological event, acute tolerance to the vasoconstrictive action of topically applied glucocorticosteroids, has been discovered in human skin. Thus, potent topical glucocorticosteroids will cause vasoconstriction when first applied to human skin but with subsequent applications the production of vasoconstriction rapidly diminishes. However, after a rest period of a few days, the same Initial vasoconstrictive effect may be produced again, but this will also disappear if the steroid is again continued topically. These observations have important applications to optimum timing in the clinical topical use of glucocorticosteroids for maximum therapeutic advantage.

This article reports the occurrence of acute tolerance to the vasoconstrictive action of topically applied corticosteroids when administered repeatedly. This phenomenon, known as tachyphylaxis and easily demonstrated with many drugs (including catecholamines), may give a clue as to how topically applied corticosteroids cause vasoconstriction. Also, it may possibly serve to explain a not-infrequent patient complaint that their responsiveness to new corticosteroids, although often marked at first, diminishes with constant usage.


 A number of experiments on normal subjects were designed with the use of the vasoconstrictor bioassay technique as previously described1,2) and by a new method in which no occlusive dressings or open guards were used to cover or protect the application site. The experiments were carried out by one investigator, and vasoconstriction responses were read by an independent trained observer. The degree of vasoconstriction (blanching) is a subjective visual assessment on the part of the reader and is determined on a graded basis where O is no blanching; 1, just detectable blanching; 2, definite but not maximum; and 3, maximum blanching.2)

Experiment 1

 This experiment demonstrated tachyphylaxis and recovery after a four-day rest period. The corticosteroids used were 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide in N,N-di-methylacetamide (DMAC) and 0.5% triamcinolone acetonide in DMAC. Exactly 0.01 ml of each was applied to one site on the volar aspect of each forearm of five subjects at O, 4, 8, 24, 28, 32, 48, 52, 56, 72, and 76 hours. There followed a rest period and a final application was made at 168 hours. No guards or occlusive dressings were used. Subjects followed their normal routine for clothing and bathing. The degree of vasoconstriction was noted at these times and also at 80, 96, 172, 176, and 192 hours.
 The results are tabulated as the average degree of vasoconstriction out of ten application sites from the five subjects of each corticosteroid concentration against time (in hours) as graphed in Fig 1.
 The corticosteroid used was fluocinonide(Lidex) cream. The experiment was conducted in an identical way except that the steroid was applied at O, 8, 24, 32, 48, 56, 72, 80, and 192 hours. Ten subjects were used and the blanching grades are the average of 20 applications of fluocinonide cream since both forearms are used in each subject. Readings were taken at these times and also at 96, 198, and 216 hours. The results are seen in Fig 2.

Experiment 2

 This experiment demonstrated that the vehicle used alone caused neither vasoconstriction nor was responsible for the tachyphylaxis. The coriticosteroids used were 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide in DMAC and 0.5% triamcinolone acetonide in DMAC. Exactly 0.01 ml of the DMAC was applied to one site on the volar aspect of each forearm of five subjects at O, 4, 8, 24, 28, and 32 hours and then 0.01 ml of the corticosteroid was applied topically to these sites without a guard at 48, 52, 56, 72, 76, 80, and 96 hours. Readings were made at these times and also at 100 and 104 hours. The results are shown in Fig 3.

Experiment 3

 This experiment demonstrated that, although recovery from tachyphylaxis occurs after a rest period, tachyphylaxis can be induced once again. The corticosteroids used were fiuocinonide cream and 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide in DMAC.
 The steroids were applied on alternate days at O, 7, 48, 55, and 96 hours, followed by a rest period, and the steroids were reapplied at 168, 175, 216, and 233 hours. Readings were taken at 7, 24, 31, 48, 55, 72, 79, 96, 103, 168, 175, 192, 199, 216, 223, 240, 247, 264, and 271 hours. Ten subjects were used and each steroid was applied under an open guard. The results are shown in Fig 4.


 The results are tabulated graphically. The vertical coordinate represents the average degree (grade) of vasoconstriction observed in the application sites from all the subjects for each particular corticosteroid concentration. The horizontal coordinate represents time (in hours) and the application times of the corticosteroids are indicated.
 Experiment I demonstrates the diminution of the vasoconstriction response to corticosteroids applied three times daily for four days (tachyphylaxis) and the recovery of the response after a four-day rest period. It can be seen from the second experiment that it is not the vehicle alone but the corticosteroid that is responsible for the vasoconstriction and tachyphylaxis. The third experiment demonstrates tachyphylaxis to repeated steroid applications, recovery with cessation of applications, and subsequent tachyphylaxis if steroids are applied repeatedly once again.
 During these experiments, an observation arbitrarily called the "ring effect" was observed. Thus, when a steroid has been applied to a site repeatedly and tachyphylaxis has occurred, if the steroid is then applied to a greater area than it had been previously, vasoconstriction would occur around the margin of the central nonreacting skin, forming a ring. The peripheral area not having been primed by previously applied steroid had presumably not developed tachyphylaxis. This effect could be a source of error in interpreting vasoconstriction bioassays if it is not recognized.
 A statistical evaluation of the results using an analysis of variance substantiated the graphical evidence of tachyphylaxis by indicating at the 1% Ievel of significance that the effect of treatments are different at different times following the initial application. However, the significance level of the interaction factors of time, treatment, and subjects showed that the time courses of tachyphylaxis were somewhat different for different steroids and different subjects. Thus, in experiment 1 the maximum response (at 8 hours) to the application of 0.5% triamcinolone acetonide is significantly different at the 5% Ievel from that of 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide. Also, 0.5% triamcinolone acetonide fails to give a peak response that is significantly different from O at 52 hours whereas 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide continues to give a significant peak response at the 5% level at 52 hours. It appears that the stronger the steroid the greater the degree of vasoconstriction produced initially, but tachyphylaxis occurs more quickly.


 Tachyphylaxis has been known for many years. A typical demonstration of this was the diminished effect on blood pressure of the sympathomimetic agent ephedrine injected intravenously repeatedly in dogs3). The mechanism is now explained in terms of the release of norepinephrine from storage vesicles in the adrenergic nerve endings that attaches itself to receptors on the effector cell, causing vasoconstriction4). Repeated stimulation by ephedrine caused norepinephrine store depletion and the response diminished to 0.
 The exact mechanism of vasoconstriction produced by topically applied corticosteroids is not clear. Many workers have implied a relationship between norepinephrine and corticosteroids. Fritz and Levine5) showed that vasoconstriction by norepinephrine in the mesoappendix of adrenalectomized rats did not occur unless adrenal cortical extract was applied topically. Solomon et al6) demonstrated that orally given guanethidine, a norepinephrine antagonist, prevents topically applied steroid vasoconstriction in normotensive subjects and suggested that corticosteroids are capable of releasing norepinephrine from cutaneous stores. Others suggest that norepinephrine is not the only factor involved. Reis' showed that steroids have a local and primary effect on normal human bulbar conjunctival vessels as well as potentiating norepinephrine. Frank et al8) showed that steroids suppress the vasodilation eaused by such agents as histamine, alcohol, and bradykinin as well as potentiating norepinephrine. Wolf et al9) reported in the modified hamster cheek pouch and in humans that topically applied corticosteroids potentiated catecholamine-induced vasoconstriction, and because this effect was blocked by phentolamine but not by propanolol, they suggested this action might be through the increased sensitivity ofα-adrenergic receptors.
 The demonstration of tachyphylaxis to topically applied steroids might suggest that they act indirectly by releasing endogenous norepinephrine from nerve storage vesicles in a similar way to ephedrine in the original dog experiments. They might also infiuence the metabolism of the neurotransmitter or its recapture by the vesicles after release.
 Alternatively, the steroid may act by attaching itself to a receptor site causing the release of the intracellular mediators cyclic adenosine monophosphate or guanosine monophosphate and thus cause vasoconstriction. The latter is probably more likely (J. J. Voorhees, oral communication, 1974), since cyclic adenosine monophosphate is generally thought to be a dilator of smooth muscle10), and there is some evidence now that cyclic guanosine monophosphate is a vasoconstrictor and can be stimulated byα-receptor activity11). This receptor site might be a specific receptor for each different steroid or a general receptor for all corticosteroids. It is well known that intradermally injected epinephrine and norepinephrine cause vasoconstriction and pilomotion,12,13) and it may be that the receptor site for corticosteroids and norepinephrine are the same, although we have never seen pilomotion with topical corticosteroids. Finally, it is possible that corticosteroids affect cyclic adenosine monophosphate or guanosine monophosphate in the effector cell directly either by influencing its production or metabolism.
 It is difficult to know what the correlation is between vasoconstriction in the normal skin and the efficacy of a topically applied steroid in the diseased state. However, patients frequently observe that they become resistant to a topically applied steroid after constant usage. Although there has never been any scientific evidence for this observation, it certainly could be explained in terms of tachyphylaxis. On the other hand it is known that topically applied corticosteroids inhibit mitosis in normal14) and diseased skin15,16), and it will be interesting to see whether tachyphylaxis occurs with regard to mitosis as it does with vasoconstriction.

 This investigation was supported by US Army Medical Research and Development Command contract DA 17-67-C-7159 and National Institutes of Health research grant AM I1649.


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1) du Vivier A, Stoughton RB: Tachyphylaxis to the action of topically applied corticosteroids. Arch Dermatol 111: 581-583, 1975
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1) 外用ステロイドの作用に対する効果減弱反応
2) ヒスタミンで誘発される膨疹が抑制される事によって分かる外用ステロイドに対する効果減弱反応
 日本のアトピー性皮膚炎患者は医師に、ステロイドの外用効果が無くなる事を訴えるが医師にはなかなか認めてもらえないでいる。前述二論文のなかの「はじめに」に当たる部分に共通して次の事が述べられている。「初めは劇的に効くが、持続的に使用しているとその効果は減弱するというしばしば聞かれる患者の訴え」や「臨床現場では、患者は時々、ステロイドの効果が反復持続外用によって減弱すると訴える」と。このことは、持続外用によってステロイドには効果減弱反応が起こるということが1970年代中頃の米国では広く認められていることを意味している。これの反映がPhysician's Desk Reference の中にある「小児には3週間以上の長期使用の効果と安全性は確認されていない」という言葉となっているのであろう。