Lately, the "Sapporo castanets association" (SCA) was launched on May 5, 2001.

The purpose
1. We spread castanets and let you know charm.
2. We aim at friendship through castanets.
3 .We exchange the information of castanets and We promorte about the improvement of castnet`s technology.
4. We move the fingertrip and prevent senility.
5. We raise the 2nd Lucero Tena ( Queen of Castnet.)
6. Others

If it is the favorite one of castanets, anyone in the world can register as a club member.
If you attach castanets and are exciting, we will especially welcome you.

An entrance fee and a fee are no charge.
It is [ member ] under collection now.

....................... The admission application method .......................

You write "I join The Sapporo castanets association."and
After specifying the address, a name, age, an occupation, and a telephone number
Please apply by E-mail. (letter and a postcard, and facsimile are also O.K.).
The direction of admission hope is the address of E-meil.
Please click and apply
5-14-1, Atsubetsu-minami, Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo Japan
facsimile and tel.@011-891-1048

The Sapporo castanets association chairman Yuji Shingai

It is [ list-of-members ] under creation below.
Since it is creating at any time, those who registered as a club member need to check your name.
In addition, please announce the direction with a name leak or correction by mail.
Icorrect immediately.
Homepage "a castanets world"
Sapporo Castnet Assotiation (SCA)
It returns to a top pege
The List of Members