Gavotta, Allegro, Sonata No. 10 F-dur, Opus 5
Gavotte, in F Major

The Opus 5 by Arcangelo Corelli was advertised as much as a year before it appeared, because he took three years to complete the final revision of work. It was 1 January 1700 when at last the dedication to the cultivated Princess Sophie Charlotte, Electress of Brandenburg and soon to the first Queen of Prussia, was formulated, and publication followed shortly afterwards.

Recording: Vienna, Schoenbrun Palace, 1972
Playing: Capella Academica Wien
Violin: Eduard Melkus Cembalo: Huguette Dreyfus

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"Orpheus and Euridice"@Bronze Plaque, c. 1520@Nurnberg, Germany

Die Violinsonaten zeichnen sich durch klangliche Schoenheit, formale Klarheit und ausdruckvolle Melodik aus. Ihre ganz und gar geigerisch empfundene Kompositionsweise - frei von uebermaessigen technischen Anforderungen - hat wesentlich dazu beigetragen, dass diese Stuecke ausserordentlich beliebt und international verbreitet wurden. Die Fuelle der Ausgaben, deren Anzahl im 18 Jahrhundert auf ueber vierzig stieg, bezeugt dies.
Noch heute gehoeren die Corellischen Violinsonaten zum festen Studienrepertoire des Geigers, Sie geben dem Vortragenden Gelegenheit, nicht nur Musikalitaet und technische Diziplin, sondern auch Stilempfinden in bezug auf Verzierungen und die vielfaetigen Moeglichkeiten de Continuogestaltung unter Beweis zu stellen.

The violin sonatas are outstanding for their beauty of sonority, formal clarity and expressive melodic langauge. They are composed in a wholly violinistic style, unburdened by excessive technical demands, and this was an important factor in their exceptional popularity and their international dissemination. The sheer number of editions - over 40 during the 18th century - bears witness to that.
Even today Corelli's sonatas are part of the standard repertory worked at by every serious student of the violin. They enable the performer to demonstrate not only musically and technical discipline but also understanding of style in respect of ornamentation and the manifold possibilities of continuo realization.

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