Name: | Kichinosuke (Kirk) Hanawa |
Date of Birth: | January 15, 1942 |
Education: | Graduated from University of Tokyo, Aircraft Engine Course |
Qualification: | Registered Professional Engineer on Mech. Eng'ng in 1978 |
| Registered Professional Engineer on Project Management in 2001 |
Membership: | Gas Turbine Society of Japan since 1973 |
| American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics since 1992 |
| Institute of Professional Engineers, Japan since 1996 |
| American Society of Mechanical Engineering since 1997 |
Career: |
2000 up to Present | Representative, Hanawa P.E. Office |
| - GT Cycle Innovation Study |
| - Closed Cycle GT Survey |
| - Japan Nationwide Natural Gas Pipeline Study |
1995 thru 2000 | Engineering Superintendent, Plant Div., IHI Co., Ltd. |
| - PM for a New Sunshine Research Contract of NEDO. |
1990 thru 1995 | General Manager, Advanced Tech. Engineering Dept., IHI Co., Ltd.. |
| - Various Testing Facilities for Aerospace Industries. |
1989 thru 1990 | Manager, Engineering Development Div., IHI. |
| - Coordination of Air-Breathing Engine for Space Plane. |
1983 thru 1989 | Manager, Gas Turbine Div., IHI Co., Ltd.. |
| - Project Execution of Overseas GT Cogeneration Plants. |
1979 thru 1983 | Vice President, Sales Engineering, Houston Office, IHI Inc., USA. |
| - GT Business Coordination from Japan to North America. |
1964 thru 1979 | Basic & Detailed Engineering on GT Development. |
| - Aircraft Derivative GT Development with GE, USA. |
| - Industrial Type GT Development with Brown Boveri. |
1964 | Joined Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. |