Examles of Gas Turbine Plants
The second GT Coge-Plant for Simpson Paper was installed at Pomona District near Los Angeles City. Initially generated steam was supplied to the pulp/paper process, and later, all the steam was injected into GT for much better performance, i.e., 30% bigger output (32 to 42MW) and efficiency (32 to 42%).
Main Contractor: Simpson Paper
Engineering Contractor: Energy Services
GT Supplier: IHI(Japan)
The barge mounted 56MW generating plant, which includes 2 GTs and all the auxiliaries, was pre-assembled and commissioned in Japan. And towed via Pacific Ocean to the riverside near Chittagong, in Bangaladesh and was grounded at site. The natural gas is used for GT fuel, by gas compressors installed in the barge.
Main Contractor: IHI(Japan)
GT Supplier: IHI(Japan)
The aero-derivative GT was installed for repowering Industrial heavy duty GT for Cogeneration in Dow Chemical Stade Plant near Hamburg, in Germany. The hardwares and ductings at the downstream from GT were used as it is. The natural gas mixed with max. 50% of hydrogen gas acquired as the off-product from the plant process.
Main Contractor: IHI(Japan)
GT Supplier: IHI(Japan)
The steam injected GT of 42MW was installed in Procter & Gamble Oxnard Plant, 60mile northwest from Los Angeles. The air quality requirement to meet 9 PPM or less of NOx and CO was attained by steam mxing with the gas fuel.
Main Contractor: IHI(Japan)
Engineering Contractor: Energy Services
GT Supplier: IHI(Japan)