[ ]内が点字による略し方あるいは点字記号です。点字パターンをアルファベットや片仮名で示せるときはそれを用い、それで示せないときは点の配置を示す数字を使いました。なお、外来語中のアキュートやウムラウトなどの記号はすべて ^ で代用しました(点字では 4の点)。
この資料の作成に当たっては、『英語点訳ガイド−Textbook Written by Braille Transcribers−』(小林雅子・石井薫著、2008年)の巻末資料3 'Contraction Dictionary' を基にし、“Instruction Manual for Braille Transcribing”(Revised, 1977, Library of Congress)および『初歩から学ぶ英語点訳 四訂版』(福井哲也著、2007年)も参考にしました。
Aare: A[ヨ]e
Aaron: A[ヨ]on
Ab: [56]Ab
Abaddon: Aba[256]on
abalone: abalone
abandon: ab[ヘ]on
abandoned: ab[ヘ]on[ケ]
abashed: aba[ク][ケ]
abbacy: a[23]acy
abb^e: a[23][4]e
abbey: a[23]ey
Abbott: A[23]ott
abbreviate: a[23]reviate
abbreviation: a[23]revi[6n]
abdominally: abdom[35][6y]
abdominous: abdom[35][シ]s
abeam: ab[2]m
abecedarian: abeced[ヨ]ian
abed: ab[ケ]
Aberdeen: Ab[セ]de[26]
aberrance: ab[セ]r[46e]
abeyance: abey[46e]
ab initio: [56]ab [35]itio
able: a[3456]
able-bodied: a[3456]-bodi[ケ]
abled: a[3456]d
ablegate: ablegate
aboard: abo[ヨ]d
abominableness: abom[35]a[3456][56s]
abomination: abom[35][6n]
a bon march^e: a bon m[ヨ][カ][4]e
abortionist: abor[56n]i[ヤ]
abought: ab[5シ]
abounding: ab[46d][ユ]
about: [ab]
about-face: [ab]-face
above: [abv]
aboveboard: [abv]bo[ヨ]d
aboveground: [abv]gr[46d]
above-mentioned: [abv]-m[26][56n][ケ]
above-said: [abv]-[sd]
abrasion: abra[46n]
abreaction: abreac[56n]
abreast: abr[2][ヤ]
absence: abs[56e]
absinthe: abs[35][ホ]
abstained: ab[ヤ]a[35][ケ]
abstention: ab[ヤ][26][56n]
abstinence: ab[ヤ][35][56e]
a capriccio: a capri[25]io
acceded: a[25][ケ][ケ]
accedence: a[25][ケ][56e]
accelerando: a[25]el[セ][ヘ]o
acceleration: a[25]el[セ][6n]
accented: a[25][26]t[ケ]
acceptance: a[25]ept[46e]
accessible: a[25]essi[3456]
accession: a[25]es[46n]
acciaccatura: a[25]ia[25]atura
accident: a[25]id[26]t
accidentally: a[25]id[26]t[6y]
acclamation: a[25]lam[6n]
acclivity: a[25]liv[56y]
accommodation: a[25]ommod[6n]
accompanist: a[25]ompani[ヤ]
accomplishment: a[25]ompli[ク][56t]
accord: a[25]ord
accordance: a[25]ord[46e]
according: [ac]
accordingly: [ac]ly
accosted: a[25]o[ヤ][ケ]
accouchement: a[25][シ][カ]e[56t]
account: a[25][46t]
accountable: a[25][46t]a[3456]
accouterment: a[25][シ]t[セ][56t]
accredited: a[25]r[ケ]it[ケ]
accretion: a[25]re[56n]
accrued: a[25]ru[ケ]
accumbent: a[25]umb[26]t
accumulation: a[25]umul[6n]
accursedness: a[25]urs[ケ][56s]
accusation: a[25]us[6n]
accustomed: a[25]u[ヤ]om[ケ]
acedia: ac[ケ]ia
acerbility: ac[セ]bil[56y]
acerose: ac[セ]ose
acetimeter: acetimet[セ]
acetone: acet[5o]
Achaean: A[カ]aean
ached: a[カ][ケ]
Acheron: A[カ][セ]on
a cheval: a [カ]eval
achievement: a[カ]ieve[56t]
Achillean: A[カ]ill[2]n
acierate: aci[セ]ate
aciform: aci[メ]m
acknowledge: ac[5k]l[ケ]ge
acknowledgeable: ac[5k]l[ケ]gea[3456]
acknowledgment: ac[5k]l[ケ]g[56t]
a compte: a [36]pte
acoustically: ac[シ][ヤ]ic[6y]
a couvert: a c[シ]v[セ]t
acquaintance: acqua[35]t[46e]
acquiescence: acquiesc[56e]
acreage: acreage
across: [acr]
acrostic: acro[ヤ]ic
actually: actu[6y]
aculeate: acul[2]te
add: add
addax: a[256]ax
added: a[256][ケ]
addendum: a[256][26]dum
adder: a[256][セ]
addict: a[256]ict
addicted: a[256]ict[ケ]
additionally: a[256]i[56n][6y]
addressed: a[256]ress[ケ]
adds: a[256]s
adduceable: a[256]ucea[3456]
Adenauer: Ad[26]au[セ]
adenoid: ad[26]oid
adenotomy: ad[26]otomy
adhere: ad[5h]
adhered: adh[セ][ケ]
adherence: adh[セ][56e]
adherent: adh[セ][26]t
adherer: adh[セ][セ]
adheres: ad[5h]s
adhesion: adhe[46n]
ad infinitum: ad [35]f[35]itum
adjoining: adjo[35][ユ]
adjournment: adj[シ]rn[56t]
adjustable: adju[ヤ]a[3456]
adjustment: adju[ヤ][56t]
administered: adm[35]i[ヤ][セ][ケ]
administration: adm[35]i[ヤ]r[6n]
ad nauseam: ad naus[2]m
ado: ado
adobe: adobe
adrenalin: adr[26]al[35]
adulthood: adulthood
advanced: adv[46e]d
advancing: advanc[ユ]
adventuresome: adv[26]ture[5s]
adverbially: adv[セ]bi[6y]
adversity: adv[セ]s[56y]
advisedness: advis[ケ][56s]
aedes: aedes
aedile: aedile
Aegean: Aeg[2]n
Aeneas: Aen[2]s
Aeneid: Aeneid
aeration: aer[6n]
aerial: aerial
aerodynamics: aerodynamics
aerofoil: aerofoil
aeroplane: aeroplane
aesthetically: aes[ホ]tic[6y]
affable: a[235]a[3456]
affair: a[235]air
affaire d'amour: a[235]aire d'am[シ]r
affecting: a[235]ect[ユ]
affenpinscher: a[235][26]p[35]s[カ][セ]
afferent: a[235][セ][26]t
affianced: a[235]i[46e]d
affiliation: a[235]ili[6n]
affined: a[235][35][ケ]
affinity: a[235][35][56y]
affirmation: a[235]irm[6n]
affluence: a[235]lu[56e]
afford: af[メ]d
affordance: af[メ]d[46e]
affording: af[メ]d[ユ]
afforest: af[メ]e[ヤ]
afforestation: af[メ]e[ヤ][6n]
affrighted: a[235][5r][ケ]
affronter: a[235]ront[セ]
affusion: a[235]u[46n]
Afghan: Af[キ]an
aforementioned: a[メ]em[26][56n][ケ]
aforesaid: a[メ]e[sd]
aforethought: a[メ]e[ス][5シ]
aforetime: a[メ]e[5t]
after: [af]
afterbirth: [af]bir[ス]
aftercare: [af]c[ヨ]e
after-dinner: [af]-d[35]n[セ]
aftereffect: aft[セ]e[235]ect
afterimage: aft[セ]image
aftermath: [af]ma[ス]
aftermost: [af]mo[ヤ]
afternoon: [afn]
afternoons: [afn]s
afterthought: [af][ス][5シ]
aftertime: [af][5t]
afterward: [afw]
afterwards: [afw]s
afterworld: [af][456w]
again: [ag]
against: [agヤ]
aged: ag[ケ]
ageless: age[46s]
agglomeration: a[2356]lom[セ][6n]
agglutinin: a[2356]lut[35][35]
aggradation: a[2356]rad[6n]
aggrandize: a[2356]r[ヘ]ize
aggravation: a[2356]rav[6n]
aggregation: a[2356]reg[6n]
aggression: a[2356]res[46n]
aggrieved: a[2356]riev[ケ]
aghast: a[キ]a[ヤ]
agility: agil[56t]
ago: ago
agone: ag[5o]
agraffe: agra[235]e
agreeable: agreea[3456]
agreeably: agreeably
agreed: agre[ケ]
aground: agr[46d]
aimlessly: aim[46s]ly
ain't: a[35]'t
air-conditioned: air-[25]di[56n][ケ]
Airedale: Airedale
airiness: airi[56s]
airlike: airlike
airproof: airpro[ミ]
a la carte: a la c[ヨ]te
Aladdin: Ala[256][35]
a la king: a la k[ユ]
alar: al[ヨ]
alarming: al[ヨ]m[ユ]
albeit: albeit
albino: alb[35]o
albuminous: album[35][シ]s
alchemist: al[カ]emi[ヤ]
Alcyone: Alcyone
aleatory: al[2]tory
aleurone: aleur[5o]
Alexander: Alex[ヘ][セ]
Alexandrian: Alex[ヘ]rian
al fine: al fine
alforja: al[メ]ja
al fresco: [56]al fresco
alien: ali[26]
alienation: ali[26][6n]
aliform: ali[メ]m
alike: alike
alimentary: ali[56t][ヨ]y
allargando: all[ヨ]g[ヘ]o
Allegheny: Alle[キ][26]y
allemande: allem[ヘ]e
all-out: all-[シ]
allowance: all[コ][46e]
allowedly: all[コ][ケ]ly
ally: ally
allyl: allyl
almandine: alm[ヘ][35]e
almoner: almon[セ]
almost: [alm]
almshouse: almsh[シ]se
aloft: al[ミ]t
alone: al[5o]
along: al[56g]
aloofness: alo[ミ][56s]
already: [alr]
alright: al[5r]
alrighty: al[5r]y
also: [al]
also-ran: [al]-ran
althea: al[ホ]a
althorn: althorn
although: [alス]
altimeter: altimet[セ]
altogether: [alt]
always: [alw]
Amalthaea: Amal[ス]aea
Amanda: Am[ヘ]a
ambitiousness: ambiti[シ]s[56s]
ambler: am[3456]r
ambulance: ambul[46e]
amenable: am[26]a[3456]
amenity: am[26][56y]
ament: a[56t]
amerceable: am[セ]cea[3456]
amethyst: ame[ス]y[ヤ]
among: am[56g]
amongst: am[56g][ヤ]
amount: am[46t]
amour: am[シ]r
anachronistic: ana[カ]roni[ヤ]ic
anaerobic: anaerobic
anaesthesia: anaes[ホ]sia
anandrous: an[ヘ]r[シ]s
anathema: ana[ホ]ma
ancestral: ance[ヤ]ral
anchored: an[カ]or[ケ]
anchovy: an[カ]ovy
ancient: anci[26]t
ancon: ancon
and: [ヘ]
Andalusian: [6][ヘ]alusian
andante: [ヘ]ante
Andean: [6][ヘ][2]n
Anderson: [6][ヘ][セ]son
Andes: [6][ヘ]es
andiron: [ヘ]iron
Andr^e: [6][ヘ]r[4]e
Andrea: [6][ヘ]rea
Andreanof: [6][ヘ]r[2]n[ミ]
Andrew: [6][ヘ]rew
Androcles: [6][ヘ]rocles
Andromache: [6][ヘ]roma[カ]e
androsterone: [ヘ]ro[ヤ][セ][5o]
anemone: anemone
anesthesia: anes[ホ]sia
anisomerous: anisom[セ][シ]s
anisometric: anisometric
Anno Domini: Anno Dom[35]i
annuity: annu[56y]
another: ano[ホ]r
Anschluss: Ans[カ]luss
anteater: anteat[セ]
antecedence: antec[ケ][56e]
antedate: antedate
antediluvian: antediluvian
antenatal: antenatal
antenuptial: antenuptial
anterior: ant[セ]ior
anteroom: anteroom
anthem: an[ホ]m
anther: an[ホ]r
antheses: an[ホ]ses
anthill: anthill
Antigone: Antigone
antimere: antim[セ]e
antinationalistic: antin[6n]ali[ヤ]ic
antinode: antinode
antinoise: antinoise
antinovel: antinovel
Antisthenes: Antis[ホ]nes
antitheses: anti[ホ]ses
Antoinette: Anto[35]ette
apart: a[5p]
apartheid: a[5p]heid
apartment: a[5p][56t]
apathetic: apa[ホ]tic
ap^eritif: ap[4]eritif
apery: ap[セ]y
apostle: apo[ヤ]le
apostolic: apo[ヤ]olic
apothecary: apo[ホ]c[ヨ]y
apparatus: app[ヨ]atus
apparent: app[ヨ][26]t
apparition: app[ヨ]i[56n]
appearance: appe[ヨ][46e]
apperceive: ap[pセcv]
apprehensible: appreh[26]si[3456]
appurtenance: appurt[26][46e]
aquamarine: aquam[ヨ][35]e
aquarium: aqu[ヨ]ium
aqueduct: aqueduct
Arab: [6][ヨ]ab
Arabian: [6][ヨ]abian
Arachne: [6][ヨ]a[カ]ne
araroba: [ヨ][ヨ]oba
arboreal: [ヨ]bor[2]l
Archaean: [6][ヨ][カ]aean
archdeacon: [ヨ][カ]d[2]con
archer: [ヨ][カ][セ]
Archimedean: [6][ヨ][カ]im[ケ][2]n
architect: [ヨ][カ]itect
arciform: [ヨ]ci[メ]m
area: [ヨ]ea
areas: [ヨ][2]s
areaway: [ヨ][2]way
arena: [ヨ][26]a
arenaceous: [ヨ][26]ace[シ]s
aren't: [ヨ][26]'t
Ares: [6][ヨ]es
argentine: [ヨ]g[26]t[35]e
Argo: [6][ヨ]go
argument: [ヨ]gu[56t]
argumentation: [ヨ]gu[56t][6n]
argumentum: [ヨ]gu[56t]um
aright: a[5r]
arise: [ヨ]ise
arisen: [ヨ]is[26]
arising: [ヨ]is[ユ]
arista: [ヨ]i[ヤ]a
aristocracy: [ヨ]i[ヤ]ocracy
aristocrat: [ヨ]i[ヤ]ocrat
arithmetic: [ヨ]i[ス]metic
a rivederci: a riv[ケ][セ]ci
Armageddon: [6][ヨ]mag[ケ]don
Armenian: [6][ヨ]m[26]ian
armful: [ヨ]m[56l]
aroma: [ヨ]oma
Aroostook: [6][ヨ]oo[ヤ]ook
arose: [ヨ]ose
around: [ヨ][46d]
aroused: [ヨ][シ]s[ケ]
arpeggio: [ヨ]pe[2356]io
arrear: [ヨ]re[ヨ]
arrive: [ヨ]rive
arriv^e: [ヨ]riv[4]e
arrowhead: [ヨ]r[コ]h[2]d
arsenal: [ヨ]s[26]al
arsenic: [ヨ]s[26]ic
artful: [ヨ]t[56l]
artistic: [ヨ]ti[ヤ]ic
artistically: [ヨ]ti[ヤ]ic[6y]
as: [z]
ascertain: asc[セ]ta[35]
assemble: assem[3456]
assembled: assem[3456]d
assembler: assem[3456]r
asseverate: ass[5e]ate
aster: a[ヤ][セ]
asterisk: a[ヤ][セ]isk
asthenia: as[ホ]nia
asthma: as[ス]ma
astonishing: a[ヤ]oni[ク][ユ]
astonishment: a[ヤ]oni[ク][56t]
astounding: a[ヤ][46d][ユ]
astraddle: a[ヤ]ra[256]le
astrakhan: a[ヤ]rakhan
astral: a[ヤ]ral
astriction: a[ヤ]ric[56n]
astringent: a[ヤ]r[ユ][26]t
astrologer: a[ヤ]rolog[セ]
astronomer: a[ヤ]ronom[セ]
astrosphere: a[ヤ]rosph[セ]e
astuteness: a[ヤ]ute[56s]
asunder: as[5u]
atheist: a[ホ]i[ヤ]
Athena: A[ホ]na
athenaeum: a[ホ]naeum
atheneum: a[ホ]neum
Athens: A[ホ]ns
athwart: a[ス]w[ヨ]t
atmosphere: atmosph[セ]e
atone: at[5o]
atoned: aton[ケ]
atonement: at[5o][56t]
atoner: aton[セ]
attach^e: atta[カ][4]e
attached: atta[カ][ケ]
attainment: atta[35][56t]
auctioneer: auc[56n]e[セ]
auf Wiedersehen: auf Wi[ケ][セ]seh[26]
Augean: Aug[2]n
augmentation: aug[56t][6n]
au gratin: au grat[35]
aunthood: aunthood
aureate: aur[2]te
aurora borealis: aurora bor[2]lis
austerity: au[ヤ][セ][56y]
Austronesia: Au[ヤ]ronesia
authentic: au[ホ]ntic
auximone: auxim[5o]
avenue: av[26]ue
averment: av[セ][56t]
aviation: avi[6n]
avowed: av[コ][ケ]
awareness: aw[ヨ]e[56s]
awesome: awe[5s]
awesomeness: awe[5s][56s]
awfully: aw[56l]ly
awhile: a[サ]ile
axone: ax[5o]
babbitt: ba[23]itt
babble: bab[3456]
babbled: bab[3456]d
babbling: ba[23]l[ユ]
Babine: Bab[35]e
baccalaureate: ba[25]alaur[2]te
baccarat: ba[25][ヨ]at
Bacchae: Bac[カ]ae
bacchanal: bac[カ]anal
Bacchus: Bac[カ]us
bachelor: ba[カ]elor
backsheesh: back[ク]ee[ク]
backsword: backsword
bacon: bacon
bacteria: bact[セ]ia
Baedeker: Baedek[セ]
Baer: Baer
baff: baff
baffled: ba[235]l[ケ]
bagging: ba[2356][ユ]
bagginess: ba[2356]i[56s]
Baghdad: Ba[キ]dad
bahadur: bahadur
bailiff: bailiff
bain-marie: ba[35]-m[ヨ]ie
bakery: bak[セ]y
balancer: bal[46e]r
ballerina: ball[セ][35]a
ballonet: ballonet
ballooned: balloon[ケ]
ballyhoo: b[6y]hoo
baloney: baloney
Balthazar: Bal[ス]az[ヨ]
Baltimore: Baltimore
bambino: bamb[35]o
bandage: b[ヘ]age
bandanna: b[ヘ]anna
bandeau: b[ヘ][2]u
banderole: b[ヘ][セ]ole
bandit: b[ヘ]it
bandog: bandog
bandoleer: b[ヘ]ole[セ]
bandore: b[ヘ]ore
bandstand: b[ヘ][ヤ][ヘ]
bandy-legged: b[ヘ]y-le[2356][ケ]
banister: bani[ヤ][セ]
banshee: ban[ク]ee
Barabbas: B[ヨ]a[23]as
barbarian: b[ヨ]b[ヨ]ian
barbarity: b[ヨ]b[ヨ][56y]
Barbarossa: B[ヨ]b[ヨ]ossa
barbarous: b[ヨ]b[ヨ][シ]s
barbecue: b[ヨ]becue
barberry: b[ヨ]b[セ]ry
bargaining: b[ヨ]ga[35][ユ]
barghest: b[ヨ][キ]e[ヤ]
baritone: b[ヨ]it[5o]
bar mitzvah: b[ヨ] mitzvah
barometer: b[ヨ]omet[セ]
baron: b[ヨ]on
baroness: b[ヨ]o[56s]
baronet: b[ヨ]onet
barong: b[ヨ][56g]
barouche: b[ヨ][シ][カ]e
barred: b[ヨ]r[ケ]
barrister: b[ヨ]ri[ヤ][セ]
barrow: b[ヨ]r[コ]
Baruch: B[ヨ]u[カ]
basinet: bas[35]et
bassinet: bass[35]et
bastard: ba[ヤ][ヨ]d
bastille: ba[ヤ]ille
bastinado: ba[ヤ][35]ado
bastioned: bas[56n][ケ]
bateau: bat[2]u
bathed: ba[ホ]d
bather: ba[ホ]r
bathysphere: ba[ス]ysph[セ]e
battledore: battledore
bauble: bau[3456]
bayonet: bayonet
bayou: bay[シ]
bazaar: baza[ヨ]
be: [23] (or) be
beachcomber: b[2][カ]comb[セ]
beached: b[2][カ][ケ]
beaconed: b[2]con[ケ]
beadwork: b[2]d[5w]
be-all: be-all
be-in: be-in
be-knickerbockered: be-knick[セ]bock[セ][ケ]
bear: be[ヨ]
bearable: be[ヨ]a[3456]
beard: be[ヨ]d
bearer: be[ヨ][セ]
beast: b[2][ヤ]
beatification: [23]atific[6n]
beatify: [23]atify
beatitude: [23]atitude
Beatrice: [6][23]atrice
beau geste: b[2]u ge[ヤ]e
beautifully: b[2]uti[56l]ly
beaver: b[2]v[セ]
bebeeru: [23]be[セ]u
bebop: [23]bop
because: [23c]
beckoned: backon[ケ]
becoming: [23]com[ユ]
bedabble: [23]dab[3456]
bedaub: [23]daub
bedding: b[ケ]d[ユ]
bedeafen: [23]d[2]f[26]
bedecked: [23]deck[ケ]
bedel: [23]del
bedevilment: [23]devil[56t]
bedight: [23]di[キ]t
bedim: [23]dim
bedizen: [23]diz[26]
bedlam: b[ケ]lam
Bedouin: B[ケ][シ][35]
bedraggled: [23]dra[2356]l[ケ]
bedridden: b[ケ]ri[256][26]
bedstead: b[ケ][ヤ][2]d
bee: bee
beech: bee[カ]
beefeater: beefeat[セ]
beeline: beel[35]e
Beelzebub: [6][23]elzebub
been: be[26]
beer: be[セ]
Beethoven: Bee[ス]ov[26]
beetle: beetle
before: [23f]
beforehand: [23f]h[ヘ]
beforetime: [23f][5t]
befoul: [23]f[シ]l
befriend: [23][fr]
befriended: [23]fri[26]d[ケ]
befriendest: [23]fri[26]de[ヤ]
befriending: [23]fri[26]d[ユ]
befuddled: [23]fu[256]l[ケ]
beg: beg
beggared: be[2356][ヨ][ケ]
beggin: be[2356][35]
beggin': be[2356][35]'
begging: be[2356][ユ]
beginning: [23]g[35]n[ユ]
begone: [23]g[5o]
begonia: [23]gonia
Beguine: Begu[35]e
beguine: [23]gu[35]e
behave: [23]have
behind: [23h]
be'ind: be'[35]d
behindhand: [23h]h[ヘ]
behoof: [23]ho[ミ]
beigoma: beigoma
bein': [23]in'
being: [23][ユ]
belched: bel[カ][ケ]
Belg.: Belg.
Belial: [6][23]lial
believed: [23]liev[ケ]
believer: [23]liev[セ]
belike: [23]like
belittle: [23][ll]
belittled: [23][ll]d
belittling: [23]littl[ユ]
Belize: [6][23]lize
bell: bell
belligerence: bellig[セ][56e]
bellow: bell[コ]
belong: [23]l[56g]
belonging: [23]l[56g][ユ]
below: [23l]
belowground: [23l]gr[46d]
beloved: [23]lov[ケ]
belov'ed: [23]lov'[ケ]
beluga: [23]luga
belvedere: belv[ケ][セ]e
bema: [23]ma
bename: [23][5n]
Benares: [6][23]n[ヨ]es
bench: b[26][カ]
beneath: [23n]
Benedict: B[26]edict
Benedictine: B[26]edict[35]e
benediction: b[26]edic[56n]
benefaction: b[26]efac[56n]
benefic: [23]nefic
benefice: b[26]efice
beneficence: [23]nefic[56e]
beneficent: [23]nefic[26]t
beneficial: b[26]eficial
beneficiary: b[26]efici[ヨ]y
benefit: b[26]efit
benefiting: b[26]efit[ユ]
Benelux: B[26]elux
Benes: [6][23]nes
Ben^et: [6][23]n[4]et
benevolence: [23]nevol[56e]
benevolent: [23]nevol[26]t
benibana: [23]nibana
benign: [23]nign
benison: b[26]ison
Benjamin: B[26]jam[35]
Benten: B[26]t[26]
Benzedrine: B[26]z[ケ]r[35]e
benzoin: b[26]zo[35]
Beowulf: [6][23][コ]ulf
Beppu: Beppu
bequeathed: [23]qu[2][ホ]d
berated: [23]rat[ケ]
berceuse: b[セ]ceuse
bereavement: [23]r[2]ve[56t]
bereft: [23]reft
beret: [23]ret
beriberi: b[セ]ib[セ]i
Bering Sea: [6][23]r[ユ] Sea
berth: b[セ][ス]
Berthold: B[セ][ス]old
beryl: b[セ]yl
beryllium: [23]ryllium
beseeched: [23]see[カ][ケ]
beside: [23s]
besides: [23s]s
besmear: [23]sme[ヨ]
besom: [23]som
besought: [23]s[5シ]
Bess: Bess
best: be[ヤ]
bestial: be[ヤ]ial
bestowed: [23][ヤ][コ][ケ]
bestraddle: [23][ヤ]ra[256]le
bet: bet
beta: [23]ta
betatron: [23]tatron
betel: [23]tel
Beth: Be[ス]
bethel: be[ホ]l
Bethesda: [6][23][ホ]sda
bethought: [23][ス][5シ]
betimes: [23][5t]s
betrothed: [23]tro[ホ]d
better: bett[セ]
betterment: bett[セ][56t]
between: [23t]
betweentimes: [23t][5t]s
betweenwhiles: [23t][サ]iles
beverage: b[5e]age
bevy: bevy
beware: [23]w[ヨ]e
beyond: [23y]
bezel: bezel
bezique: [23]zique
bibber: bi[23][セ]
Bible: Bi[3456]
biconvex: biconvex
biddable: bi[256]a[3456]
bidding: bi[256][ユ]
bier: bi[セ]
biffin: bi[235][35]
biggin: bi[2356][35]
Bighorn: Bighorn
bight: bi[キ]t
bijou: bij[シ]
bilander: bil[ヘ][セ]
bilinear: bil[35]e[ヨ]
bilingual: bil[ユ]ual
binary: b[35][ヨ]y
binate: b[35]ate
Binet: B[35]et
binge: b[ユ]e
bingo: b[ユ]o
binocular: b[35]ocul[ヨ]
binomial: binomial
binucleate: binucl[2]te
biofertilizer: biof[セ]tiliz[セ]
biosphere: biosph[セ]e
bipartisan: bi[5p]isan
bipartite: bi[5p]ite
Birmingham: Birm[ユ]ham
birthday: bir[ス][5d]
birthright: bir[ス][5r]
birthstone: bir[ス][ヤ][5o]
bishop: bi[ク]op
bistort: bi[ヤ]ort
bistro: bi[ヤ]ro
bivouac: biv[シ]ac
blabber: bla[23][セ]
black-out: black-[シ]
black-outs: black-[シ]ts
bladder: bla[256][セ]
blameable: blamea[3456]
blandishment: bl[ヘ]i[ク][56t]
blather: bla[ホ]r
bleacher: bl[2][カ][セ]
blear: ble[ヨ]
bleeding: ble[ケ][ユ]
blemish: blemi[ク]
blench: bl[26][カ]
blended: bl[26]d[ケ]
bless: b[46s]
blessed: b[46s][ケ]
bless'ed: b[46s]'[ケ]
blessing: b[46s][ユ]
blether: ble[ホ]r
blind: [bl]
blindage: bl[35]dage
blinded: bl[35]d[ケ]
blinder: bl[35]d[セ]
blindest: bl[35]de[ヤ]
blindfold: [bl]fold
Blindheim: Bl[35]dheim
blinding: bl[35]d[ユ]
blindly: [bl]ly
blindness: [bl][56s]
blinds: [bl]s
blithesome: bli[ホ][5s]
bloodhound: bloodh[46d]
blood'ound: blood'o[シ]d
blossomed: blossom[ケ]
blowhard: bl[コ]h[ヨ]d
blowhole: bl[コ]hole
blubber: blu[23][セ]
Bluenose: Bluenose
bluff: bluff
bluffed: blu[235][ケ]
blunder: bl[5u]
boardinghouse: bo[ヨ]d[ユ]h[シ]se
Bobbie: Bo[23]ie
bobbinet: bo[23][35]et
bobble: bob[3456]
bocaccio: boca[25]io
Boer: Boer
bolero: bol[セ]o
boloney: boloney
bolthead: bolth[2]d
Bonapartist: Bona[5p]i[ヤ]
bone: b[5o]
boned: bon[ケ]
boner: bon[セ]
bongo: b[56g]o
bon jour: bon j[シ]r
Boone: Boone
Bordeaux: Bord[2]ux
bordereau: bord[セ][2]u
boreal: bor[2]l
boredom: boredom
borough: bor[シ][キ]
bosomed: bosom[ケ]
Boston: Bo[ヤ]on
bother: bo[ホ]r
bothered: bo[ホ]r[ケ]
bottleneck: bottleneck
boucl^e: b[シ]cl[4]e
boudoir: b[シ]doir
bouffe: b[シ][235]e
bougainvillaea: b[シ]ga[35]villaea
bought: b[5シ]
bound: b[46d]
boundary: b[46d][ヨ]y
bounder: b[46d][セ]
boundless: b[46d][46s]
bounteous: b[46t]e[シ]s
bountiful: b[46t]i[56l]
bounty: b[46t]y
boutonniere: b[シ]tonni[セ]e
boutonni^ere: b[シ]tonni[4]ere
bowhead: b[コ]h[2]d
brabble: brab[3456]
braille: [brl]
brailled: [brl]d
brailleletter: [brl][lr]
brailler: [brl]r
braillewriter: [brl]writ[セ]
brailling: braill[ユ]
braillist: brailli[ヤ]
brandish: br[ヘ]i[ク]
brassiere: brassiere
breakthrough: br[2]k[5ス]
breastbone: br[2][ヤ]b[5o]
breathe: br[2][ホ]
breathed: br[2][ホ]d
breeding: bre[ケ][ユ]
brevity: brev[56y]
Briarean: Bri[ヨ][2]n
bride-to-be: bride-to-be
bridgeable: bridgea[3456]
brigandine: brig[ヘ][35]e
brightened: b[5r][26][ケ]
Brighton: B[5r]on
brimful: brim[56l]
brimfull: brimfull
bringing: br[ユ][ユ]
brininess: br[35]i[56s]
brisance: bris[46e]
brothel: bro[ホ]l
brother: bro[ホ]r
brother-in-law: bro[ホ]r-in-law
brougham: br[シ][キ]am
brought: br[5シ]
bubble: bub[3456]
bubbled: bub[3456]d
bubbling: bu[23]l[ユ]
buccaneer: bu[25]ane[セ]
Buckingham: Buck[ユ]ham
Buddha: Bu[256]ha
buff: buff
buffer: bu[235][セ]
buffoonery: bu[235]oon[セ]y
bughouse: bugh[シ]se
bumblebee: bum[3456]bee
Bundestag: Bundestag
bunghole: bunghole
burden: burd[26]
burdensome: burd[26][5s]
bureau: bur[2]u
bureaucracy: bur[2]ucracy
burgher: bur[キ][セ]
Burlingame: Burl[ユ]ame
burgonet: burgonet
business: busi[56s]
businesslike: busi[56s]like
but: [b]
buttoned: button[ケ]
by: [356] (or) by
by and by: [356][ヘ] by
by-and-by: by-[ヘ]-by
by and large: [356][ヘ] l[ヨ]ge
bye-bye: bye-bye
bygone: byg[5o]
bylaw: bylaw
by law: [356]law
by-law: by-law
by-line: by-l[35]e
byname: by[5n]
bypath: bypa[ス]
by-product: by-product
byroad: byroad
Byron: Byron
bystander: by[ヤ][ヘ][セ]
by-the-book: by-[ホ]-book
byway: byway
by way: [356]way
by-way: by-way
byword: by[45w]
cabaret: cab[ヨ]et
cabbage: ca[23]age
cable: ca[3456]
cabled: ca[3456]d
cache: ca[カ]e
caddy: ca[256]y
cadenced: cad[56e]d
Caedmon: Caedmon
Caen: Caen
Caesarean: Caes[ヨ][2]n
cafeteria: cafet[セ]ia
caffeine: ca[235]e[35]e
Caledonia: Cal[ケ]onia
calescence: calesc[56e]
calisthenics: calis[ホ]nics
Calloway: Call[コ]ay
camaraderie: cam[ヨ]ad[セ]ie
can: [c]
cancan: cancan
cancel: c[46e]l
cancellation: c[46e]ll[6n]
cancelled: c[46e]ll[ケ]
cancer: c[46e]r
cancerous: c[46e]r[シ]s
Candace: C[ヘ]ace
candescence: c[ヘ]esc[56e]
candidate: c[ヘ]idate
candidness: c[ヘ]id[56s]
candle: c[ヘ]le
candy: c[ヘ]y
cannot: [456c]
canoed: cano[ケ]
cans: cans
can's: [c]'s
canst: can[ヤ]
can't: [c]'t
cantilever: cantil[5e]
Cantonese: Cantonese
canzone: canzone
capriccio: capri[25]io
captainess: capta[35]ess
carafe: c[ヨ]afe
C^ardenas: C[4]ard[26]as
careful: c[ヨ]e[56l]
carefully: c[ヨ]e[56l]ly
careener: c[ヨ]e[26][セ]
career: c[ヨ]e[セ]
carelessness: c[ヨ]e[46s][56s]
caressing: c[ヨ]ess[ユ]
Caribbean: C[ヨ]i[23][2]n
carnation: c[ヨ]n[6n]
Carolingian: C[ヨ]ol[ユ]ian
carouse: c[ヨ][シ]se
carousel: c[ヨ][シ]sel
carte blanche: c[ヨ]te blan[カ]e
carthorse: c[ヨ]thorse
cartooner: c[ヨ]toon[セ]
caseate: cas[2]te
casino: cas[35]o
Cassandra: Cass[ヘ]ra
casserole: cass[セ]ole
castle: ca[ヤ]le
Castlereagh: Ca[ヤ]ler[2][キ]
castlery: ca[ヤ]lery
castoff: ca[ヤ][ミ]f
catacomb: catacomb
Catharine: Ca[ス][ヨ][35]e
cathead: cath[2]d
cathedral: ca[ホ]dral
Catherine: Ca[ホ]r[35]e
cation: cation
catlike: catlike
caustically: cau[ヤ]ic[6y]
caveat: cav[2]t
cave-in: cave-in
cave-ins: cave-[35]s
CD: [56]CD
cedar: c[ケ][ヨ]
ceded: c[ケ][ケ]
cedilla: c[ケ]illa
celandine: cel[ヘ][35]e
celestially: cele[ヤ]i[6y]
cement: ce[56t]
centime: c[26]time
centimeter: c[26]timet[セ]
centrosome: c[26]trosome
centrosphere: c[26]trosph[セ]e
ceramics: c[セ]amics
cerate: c[セ]ate
cereal: c[セ][2]l
Ceres: C[セ]es
cerise: c[セ]ise
cerograph: c[セ]ograph
ceroplastic: c[セ]opla[ヤ]ic
cerulean: c[セ]ul[2]n
ceruse: c[セ]use
Cesarean: Ces[ヨ][2]n
Chaeronea: [6][カ]aeronea
chaff: [カ]aff
chaffed: [カ]a[235][ケ]
chaffinch: [カ]a[235][35][カ]
chaffs: [カ]a[235]s
chaise longue: [カ]aise l[56g]ue
Chalcedon: [6][カ]alc[ケ]on
Chaldean: [6][カ]ald[2]n
chalone: [カ]al[5o]
chalybeate: [カ]alyb[2]te
chance: [カ][46e]
chanced: [カ][46e]d
chancellor: [カ][46e]llor
chancery: [カ][46e]ry
chances: [カ][46e]s
chandelier: [カ][ヘ]eli[セ]
changeable: [カ]angea[3456]
changeably: [カ]angeably
changefully: [カ]ange[56l]ly
chapeau: [カ]ap[2]u
chaperoned: [カ]ap[セ]on[ケ]
character: [5カ]
characteristic: [5カ]i[ヤ]ic
characteristically: [5カ]i[ヤ]ic[6y]
characterization: [5カ]iz[6n]
characterize: [5カ]ize
charade: [カ][ヨ]ade
charg^e d'affaires: [カ][ヨ]g[4]e d'a[235]aires
chargeable: [カ][ヨ]gea[3456]
charitable: [カ][ヨ]ita[3456]
charity: [カ][ヨ][56y]
Charleston: [6][カ][ヨ]le[ヤ]on
Charlestown: [6][カ][ヨ]lest[コ]n
charred: [カ][ヨ]r[ケ]
chastised: [カ]a[ヤ]is[ケ]
chastity: [カ]a[ヤ][56y]
chateau: [カ]at[2]u
Chatham: [6][カ]atham
chauffeur: [カ]au[235]eur
chauvinistically: [カ]auv[35]i[ヤ]ic[6y]
Cheddar: [6][カ][ケ]d[ヨ]
cheddite: [カ][ケ]dite
cheerfully: [カ]e[セ][56l]ly
cheerlessness: [カ]e[セ][46s][56s]
chemasthenia: [カ]emas[ホ]nia
chemin de fer: [カ]em[35] de f[セ]
chemotherapy: [16]emo[ホ]rapy
chenille: [カ][26]ille
cherishing: [カ][セ]i[ク][ユ]
cheroot: [カ][セ]oot
cherubic: [カ][セ]ubic
chervonets: [カ][セ]vonets
Cheyenne: [6][カ]ey[26]ne
chieftain: [カ]iefta[35]
chieftainess: [カ]iefta[35]ess
chiffonier: [カ]i[235]oni[セ]
chifforobe: [カ]i[235]orobe
child: [カ]
childhood: [カ]ildhood
childishness: [カ]ildi[ク][56s]
childlike: [カ]ildlike
child-like: [カ]-[l]
children: [カn]
children's: [カn]'s
child's: [カ]'s
Childs: [6][カ]ilds
Chilean: [6][カ]il[2]n
chili con carne: [カ]ili con c[ヨ]ne
Chillicothe: [6][カ]illico[ホ]
China: [6][カ][35]a
chine: [カ][35]e
Chinese: [6][カ][35]ese
Chinook: [6][カ][35]ook
chiromancer: [カ]irom[46e]r
Chisholm: [6][カ]isholm
chlorination: [カ]lor[35][6n]
chloroform: [カ]loro[メ]m
chochin: [カ]o[カ][35]
chockfull: [カ]ockfull
cholera: [カ]ol[セ]a
Chopin: [6][カ]op[35]
chorea: [カ]orea
Chou En-lai: [6][カ][シ] En-lai
chough: [カ][シ][キ]
chowder: [カ][コ]d[セ]
chow mein: [カ][コ] me[35]
christened: [カ]ri[ヤ][26][ケ]
Christhood: [6][カ]ri[ヤ]hood
Christina: [6][カ]ri[ヤ][35]a
Christopher: [6][カ]ri[ヤ]oph[セ]
chromosome: [カ]romosome
chrysanthemum: [カ]rysan[ホ]mum
chubbiness: [カ]u[23]i[56s]
chuckfull: [カ]uckfull
churchwarden: [カ]ur[カ]w[ヨ]d[26]
Chusingura: [6][カ[s[35]gura
cicerone: cic[セ]one
cigarette: cig[ヨ]ette
cinched: c[35][カ][ケ]
cinema: c[35]ema
cinerarium: c[35][セ][ヨ]ium
cingulum: c[ユ]ulum
circuity: circu[56y]
circularization: circul[ヨ]iz[6n]
circumference: circumf[セ][56e]
circumstance: circum[ヤ][46e]
cithern: ci[ホ]rn
citizeness: citiz[26]ess
city: c[56y]
clandestine: cl[ヘ]e[ヤ][35]e
Clarence: Cl[ヨ][56e]
clarification: cl[ヨ]ific[6n]
clarinet: cl[ヨ][35]et
clarionet: cl[ヨ]ionet
cleanable: cl[2]na[3456]
cleanliness: cl[2]nli[56s]
clear: cle[ヨ]
clearheadedness: cle[ヨ]h[2]d[ケ][56s]
clearinghouse: cle[ヨ][ユ]h[シ]se
Clement: Cle[56t]
Clementine: Cle[56t][35]e
clerically: cl[セ]ic[6y]
clever: cl[5e]
cleverest: cl[5e]e[ヤ]
clich^e: cli[カ][4]e
cliff: cliff
Clifford: Clif[メ]d
cliffs: cli[235]s
Cliffside: Cli[235]side
cliffy: cli[235]y
clincher: cl[35][カ][セ]
clinging: cl[ユ][ユ]
clinically: cl[35]ic[6y]
clobber: clo[23][セ]
cloddish: clo[256]i[ク]
clone: cl[5o]
clothed: clo[ホ]d
clotheshorse: clo[ホ]shorse
clubbable: clu[23]a[3456]
clypeate: clyp[2]te
coarseness: co[ヨ]se[56s]
cobbled: cob[3456]d
cobbler: cob[3456]r
Coblenz: Co[3456]nz
cochineal: co[カ][35][2]l
cochlear: co[カ]le[ヨ]
coddled: co[256]l[ケ]
coed: co[ケ]
coefficient: coe[235]ici[26]t
coenesthesis: coenes[ホ]sis
coenobite: coenobite
coenzyme: co[26]zyme
coerce: co[セ]ce
coffee: c[ミ]fee
coffin: c[ミ]f[35]
cohere: co[5h]
cohered: coh[セ][ケ]
coherence: coh[セ][56e]
coherent: coh[セ][26]t
coherer: coh[セ][セ]
coheres: co[5h]s
cohesion: cohe[46n]
coiffure: coi[235]ure
colander: col[ヘ][セ]
Coleridge: Col[セ]idge
collaterally: collat[セ][6y]
colleague: coll[2]gue
collinear: coll[35]e[ヨ]
colonel: colonel
colorblind: color[bl]
colourfulness: col[シ]r[56l][56s]
coma: [36]a
Comanchean: [6][36]an[カ][2]n
comatose: [36]atose
combatable: [36]bata[3456]
combination: [36]b[35][6n]
combing: [36]b[ユ]
combustible: [36]bu[ヤ]i[3456]
come: [36]e
comedian: [36][ケ]ian
comedo: [36][ケ]o
comedown: [36]ed[コ]n
comedy: [36][ケ]y
comeliness: [36]eli[56s]
comely: [36]ely
comer: [36][セ]
comestible: [36]e[ヤ]i[3456]
comether: [36]e[ホ]r
comfortable: [36][メ]ta[3456]
comically: [36]ic[6y]
comin': [36]in'
Cominform: [6][36][35][メ]m
coming: [36][ユ]
Comintern: [6][36][35]t[セ]n
comique: [36]ique
comitia: [36]itia
comity: [36][56y]
comma: [36]ma
commandant: [36]m[ヘ]ant
commandeer: [36]m[ヘ]e[セ]
commander-in-chief: [36]m[ヘ][セ]-in-[カ]ief
commandment: [36]m[ヘ][56t]
commando: [36]m[ヘ]o
commemorational: [36]memor[6n]al
commenced: [36]m[56e]d
commencement: [36]m[56e][56t]
commendation: [36]m[26]d[6n]
comment: [36][56t]
commentary: [36][56t][ヨ]y
commingle: [36]m[ユ]le
commissar: [36]miss[ヨ]
commissioned: [36]mis[46n][ケ]
commissioner: [36]mis[46n][セ]
commoner: [36]mon[セ]
commonest: [36]mone[ヤ]
Commons: [6][36]mons
commonwealth: [36]monw[2]l[ス]
communicableness: [36]munica[3456][56s]
communistic: [36]muni[ヤ]ic
community: [36]mun[56y]
comose: [36]ose
company: [36]pany
comparable: [36]p[ヨ]a[3456]
compartimento: [36][5p]i[56t]o
compartment: [36][5p][56t]
compassion: [36]pas[46n]
compatible: [36]pati[3456]
compensation: [36]p[26]s[6n]
competence: [36]pet[56e]
competition: [36]peti[56n]
compilation: [36]pil[6n]
complacence: [36]plac[56e]
complaining: [36]pla[35][ユ]
compliance: [36]pli[46e]
complication: [36]plic[6n]
complicity: [36]plic[56y]
complimentary: [36]pli[56t][ヨ]y
compon^e: [36]pon[4]e
compone: [36]p[5o]
component: [36]pon[26]t
composedness: [36]pos[ケ][56s]
compounded: [36]p[46d][ケ]
comprehendible: [36]preh[26]di[3456]
compression: [36]pres[46n]
Compton: [6][36]pton
comptroller: [36]ptroll[セ]
compurgation: [36]purg[6n]
computation: [36]put[6n]
comradery: [36]radery
Comstock: [6][36][ヤ]ock
Con: Con (Constance)
con.: Con. (concerto)
conamed: co[5n]d
Conan Doyle: Conan Doyle (name)
conation: con[6n]
conative: [25]ative
conatus: conatus
concavity: [25]cav[56y]
concealment: [25]c[2]l[56t]
conceded: [25]c[ケ][ケ]
conceivable: [25]ceiva[3456]
conceive: [25cv]
conceived: [25cv]d
conceiver: [25cv]r
conceiving: [25cvg]
concentration: [25]c[26]tr[6n]
conception: [25]cep[56n]
concertina: [25]c[セ]t[35]a
concessionary: [25]ces[46n][ヨ]y
conch: con[カ]
concha: [25][カ]a
conchula: [25][カ]ula
concierge: [25]ci[セ]ge
concinnity: [25]c[35]n[56y]
concomitance: [25]comit[46e]
concordance: [25]cord[46e]
concourse: [25]c[シ]rse
concrescence: [25]cresc[56e]
concubine: [25]cub[35]e
concurrence: [25]curr[56e]
condensable: [25]d[26]sa[3456]
condescendence: [25]desc[26]d[56e]
condiment: [25]di[56t]
condone: [25]d[5o]
condoned: [25]don[ケ]
condoner: [25]don[セ]
cone: c[5o]
coned: con[ケ]
coneflower: c[5o]fl[コ][セ]
conenose: c[5o]nose
Conestoga: [6][25]e[ヤ]oga
coney: coney
Coney Island: Coney Isl[ヘ]
confectionery: [25]fec[56n][セ]y
confederation: [25]f[ケ][セ][6n]
conference: [25]f[セ][56e]
confessional: [25]fes[46n]al
configuration: [25]figur[6n]
confineable: [25]f[35]ea[3456]
conflagration: [25]flagr[6n]
conformer: [25][メ]m[セ]
confound: [25]f[46d]
confounded: [25]f[46d][ケ]
confrere: [25]fr[セ]e
confusion: [25]fu[46n]
conga: [25]ga
cong^e: [25]g[4]e
congealed: [25]g[2]l[ケ]
congee: [25]gee
congener: [25]g[26][セ]
congenial: [25]g[26]ial
congenital: [25]g[26]ital
conger: [25]g[セ]
conglomeration: [25]glom[セ][6n]
Congo: [6][25]go
congratulation: [25]gratul[6n]
congregation: [25]greg[6n]
congressional: [25]gres[46n]al
congruity: [25]gru[56y]
congruous: [25]gru[シ]s
conic: [25]ic
conidia: conidia
conidial: conidial
conidian: conidian
conidiophore: conidiophore
conidium: conidium
conifer: conif[セ]
coniferous: conif[セ][シ]s
coniine: coni[35]e
conium: conium
conj.: [25]j. (conjunction)
conk: conk
conked: conk[ケ]
con man: con man
Conn.: [6][25]n.
Connecticut: [6][25]necticut
conn: conn
conned: conn[ケ]
conning: conn[ユ]
Connersville: [6][25]n[セ]sville
conoid: conoid
consanguinity: [25]sangu[35][56y]
conscience: [25]sci[56e]
consecration: [25]secr[6n]
consequence: [25]sequ[56e]
consequentially: [25]sequ[26]ti[6y]
consist: [25]si[ヤ]
consisted: [25]si[ヤ][ケ]
constable: [25][ヤ]a[3456]
Constance: [6][25][ヤ][46e]
Constantine: [6][25][ヤ]ant[35]e
constellation: [25][ヤ]ell[6n]
consternation: [25][ヤ][セ]n[6n]
constringent: [25][ヤ]r[ユ][26]t
cont.: [25]t. (continued)
conte: conte
conterminal: [25]t[セ]m[35]al
contiquity: [25]tiqu[56y]
continence: [25]t[35][56e]
continent: [25]t[35][26]t
contingence: [25]t[ユ][56e]
contingent: [25]t[ユ][26]t
continue: [25]t[35]ue
continuity: [25]t[35]u[56y]
continuous: [25]t[35]u[シ]s
conto: [25]to
contraband: [25]trab[ヘ]
contraction: [25]trac[56n]
contradistinction: [25]tradist[35]c[56n]
contrary: [25]tr[ヨ]y
contradance: [25]trad[46e]
contredanse: [25]tredanse
controversially: [25]trov[セ]si[6y]
conundrum: conundrum
conurbation: [25]urb[6n]
convenance: [25]v[26][46e]
convenience: [25]v[26]i[56e]
conventionality: [25]v[26][56n]al[56y]
conversazione: [25]v[セ]sazione
conversionary: [25]v[セ][46n][ヨ]y
conveyance: [25]vey[46e]
cony: cony
coof: co[ミ]
Cooney: Cooney
cooperation: coop[セ][6n]
coordination: coord[35][6n]
coparcenary: cop[ヨ]c[26][ヨ]y
copyright: copy[5r]
coriander: cori[ヘ][セ]
coroner: coron[セ]
coronet: coronet
corporeal: corpor[2]l
corporeally: corpore[6y]
cortisone: cortis[5o]
costermonger: co[ヤ][セ]m[56g][セ]
costumer: co[ヤ]um[セ]
coterie: cot[セ]ie
cotoneaster: cotonea[ヤ][セ]
couchant: c[シ][カ]ant
could: [cd]
couldn't: [cd]n't
couldst: [cd][ヤ]
countenance: c[46t][26][46e]
counterpart: c[46t][セ][5p]
countess: c[46t]ess
countinghouse: c[46t][ユ]h[シ]se
countless: c[46t][46s]
country: c[46t]ry
county: c[46t]y
coup^e: c[シ]p[4]e
coupon: c[シ]pon
courthouse: c[シ]rth[シ]se
couturier: c[シ]turi[セ]
covenant: cov[26]ant
coward: c[コ][ヨ]d
cowherd: c[コ]h[セ]d
cowhide: c[コ]hide
coworker: co[5w][セ]
crabbed: cra[23][ケ]
create: cr[2]te
created: cr[2]t[ケ]
creating: cr[2]t[ユ]
creation: cre[6n]
creator: cr[2]tor
creature: cr[2]ture
credence: cr[ケ][56e]
credentials: cr[ケ][26]tials
credenza: cr[ケ][26]za
credo: cr[ケ]o
credulity: cr[ケ]ul[56y]
creme de menthe: creme de m[26][ホ]
crenation: cr[26][6n]
cribbage: cri[23]age
Crimean: Crim[2]n
criminality: crim[35]al[56y]
crimination: crim[35][6n]
criminologist: crim[35]ologi[ヤ]
cringed: cr[ユ][ケ]
cringing: cr[ユ][ユ]
crinite: cr[35]ite
crinoid: cr[35]oid
criterion: crit[セ]ion
crochet: cro[カ]et
crofter: cr[ミ]t[セ]
crone: cr[5o]
crooner: croon[セ]
crop-eared: crop-e[ヨ][ケ]
cross-questioned: cross-[5q][ケ]
crosstown: crosst[コ]n
crosstrees: crosstrees
crouton: cr[シ]ton
crowhop: cr[コ]hop
crumbled: crum[3456]d
crustacean: cru[ヤ]ac[2]n
crystal: cry[ヤ]al
cuddlesome: cu[256]le[5s]
cuff: cuff
cuffed: cu[235][ケ]
cuffs: cu[235]s
cuisine: cuis[35]e
culinary: cul[35][ヨ]y
culmination: culm[35][6n]
Cumaean: Cumaean
cumbersomeness: cumb[セ][5s][56s]
cuneal: cun[2]l
cuneate: cun[2]te
cuneated: cun[2]t[ケ]
cupful: cup[56l]
cushioned: cu[ク]ion[ケ]
customer: cu[ヤ]om[セ]
cut-and-come-again: cut-[ヘ]-come-[ag]
cyclone: cycl[5o]
Cyclopean: Cyclop[2]n
cylinder: cyl[35]d[セ]
Czarina: Cz[ヨ][35]a
dabbing: da[23][ユ]
dabble: dab[3456]
dabbled: dab[3456]d
dabbling: da[23]l[ユ]
dachshund: da[カ]shund
dacoity: dacoity
Daedalus: Daedalus
dagger: da[2356][セ]
dallying: d[6y][ユ]
danced: d[46e]d
dancer: d[46e]r
dandelion: d[ヘ]elion
dander: d[ヘ][セ]
daredevil: d[ヨ]edevil
darksome: d[ヨ]k[5s]
dastard: da[ヤ][ヨ]d
daughter-in-law: dau[キ]t[セ]-in-law
daunder: daund[セ]
day: [5d]
daybreak: [5d]br[2]k
day-by-day: [5d]-by-[5d]
daysman: [5d]sman
daytime: [5d][5t]
Dayton: [6][5d]ton
Daytona: [6][5d]tona
deaconess: d[2]co[56s]
deafening: d[2]f[26][ユ]
deaminate: deam[35]ate
dear: de[ヨ]
dearest: de[ヨ]e[ヤ]
dearth: de[ヨ][ス]
death: d[2][ス]
deathless: d[2][ス][46s]
deathlike: d[2][ス]like
d^ebouch^e: d[4]eb[シ][カ][4]e
debut: debut
deceased: dec[2]s[ケ]
decedent: dec[ケ][26]t
deceivable: deceiva[3456]
deceive: [dcv]
deceived: [dcv]d
deceiving: [dcvg]
deceiver: [dcv]r
declaration: decl[ヨ][6n]
declare: [dcl]
declared: [dcl]d
declaring: [dclg]
declarer: [dcl]r
declination: decl[35][6n]
decline: decl[35]e
decompound: decomp[46d]
decontrol: decontrol
dedicate: d[ケ]icate
dedication: d[ケ]ic[6n]
deduce: deduce
deduced: deduc[ケ]
deduct: deduct
deduction: deduc[56n]
deedless: de[ケ][46s]
defence: def[56e]
deference: def[セ][56e]
definite: def[35]ite
definition: def[35]i[56n]
deflation: defl[6n]
deforest: de[メ]e[ヤ]
deformity: de[メ]m[56y]
deity: de[56y]
d^ejeuner: d[4]ejeun[セ]
delightsome: deli[キ]t[5s]
delineate: del[35][2]te
delineation: del[35]e[6n]
delphinine: delph[35][35]e
demanded: dem[ヘ][ケ]
d^emarche: d[4]em[ヨ][カ]e
demented: de[56t][ケ]
dementia: de[56t]ia
demonetization: dem[5o]tiz[6n]
demonetize: dem[5o]tize
Demosthenes: Demos[ホ]nes
demount: dem[46t]
denarius: d[26][ヨ]ius
denary: d[26][ヨ]y
denationalization: den[6n]aliz[6n]
denationalize: den[6n]alize
denatured: denatur[ケ]
denial: d[26]ial
denied: d[26]i[ケ]
denier: d[26]i[セ]
denim: d[26]im
Denise: D[26]ise
denitrate: denitrate
denizen: d[26]iz[26]
denominate: denom[35]ate
denominational: denom[35][6n]al
denominator: denom[35]ator
denote: denote
denoted: denot[ケ]
denouement: den[シ]e[56t]
denounce: den[シ]nce
denounced: den[シ]nc[ケ]
density: d[26]s[56y]
dentiphone: d[26]tiph[5o]
dentolingual: d[26]tol[ユ]ual
denudate: d[26]udate
denudation: d[26]ud[6n]
denudative: denudative
denude: denude
denunciation: denunci[6n]
deny: d[26]y
depart: de[5p]
department: de[5p][56t]
departure: de[5p]ure
depeople: depeople
depone: dep[5o]
deponent: depon[26]t
depredation: depr[ケ][6n]
derail: derail
derailment: derail[56t]
derange: derange
derangement: derange[56t]
dereliction: d[セ]elic[56n]
deride: deride
derision: deri[46n]
derisive: derisive
derivable: deriva[3456]
derivation: d[セ]iv[6n]
derivative: derivative
derive: derive
derived: deriv[ケ]
derogate: d[セ]ogate
derogatory: derogatory
derring-do: d[セ]r[ユ]-[d]
derringer: d[セ]r[ユ][セ]
deshabille: deshabille
desiccation: desi[25][6n]
destination: de[ヤ][35][6n]
destiny: de[ヤ][35]y
destitution: de[ヤ]itu[56n]
deterioration: det[セ]ior[6n]
determination: det[セ]m[35][6n]
detestable: dete[ヤ]a[3456]
detestation: dete[ヤ][6n]
dethrone: de[ス]r[5o]
dethronement: de[ス]r[5o][56t]
dethroner: de[ス]ron[セ]
detrimental: detri[56t]al
Deutsche: Deuts[カ]e
devastation: deva[ヤ][6n]
Devers: D[5e]s
diablerie: dia[3456]rie
diaeresis: diaeresis
diandrous: di[ヘ]r[シ]s
diary: di[ヨ]y
diathermic: dia[ホ]rmic
dibble: dib[3456]
Dictaphone: Dictaph[5o]
dictionary: dic[56n][ヨ]y
diddled: di[256]l[ケ]
dieresis: di[セ]esis
difference: di[235][セ][56e]
different: di[235][セ][26]t
diff'rent: diff'r[26]t
difficile: di[235]icile
diffidence: di[235]id[56e]
diffraction: di[235]rac[56n]
diffusion: di[235]u[46n]
digger: di[2356][セ]
dignity: dign[56y]
dillydally: dillyd[6y]
dimension: dim[26][46n]
diminuendo: dim[35]u[26]do
diminution: dim[35]u[56n]
dim-out: dim-[シ]
dinar: d[35][ヨ]
dinette: d[35]ette
dingdong: d[ユ]d[56g]
dinghy: d[35][キ]y
dinginess: d[ユ]i[56s]
dingy: d[ユ]y
dinosaur: d[35]osaur
diphtheria: diph[ホ]ria
diphthongal: diph[ス][56g]al
disabled: [256]a[3456]d
disablement: [256]a[3456][56t]
disaccharide: disac[カ][ヨ]ide
disaccord: [256]a[25]ord
disaster: [256]a[ヤ][セ]
disbelief: [256]belief
disc: disc
discard: [256]c[ヨ]d
discernment: [256]c[セ]n[56t]
dischargeable: [256][カ][ヨ]gea[3456]
discipline: [256]cipl[35]e
disciplinarian: [256]cipl[35][ヨ]ian
disco: [256]co
discomforting: [256]com[メ]t[ユ]
discommode: [256]commode
disconcerted: [256]conc[セ]t[ケ]
disconformity: [256]con[メ]m[56y]
disconnecting: [256]connect[ユ]
disconsolate: [256]consolate
discontented: [256]cont[26]t[ケ]
discontinuance: [256]cont[35]u[46e]
discontinued: [256]cont[35]u[ケ]
discountable: [256]c[46t]a[3456]
discountenance: [256]c[46t][26][46e]
discreditable: [256]cr[ケ]ita[3456]
discrimination: [256]crim[35][6n]
discus: [256]cus
discuss: [256]cuss
discussion: [256]cus[46n]
disdainful: [256]da[35][56l]
disease: [256][2]se
diseased: [256][2]s[ケ]
disenfranchisement: [256][26]fran[カ]ise[56t]
disengage: [256][26]gage
disenthronement: [256][26][ス]r[5o][56t]
disforest: [256][メ]e[ヤ]
dish: di[ク]
dishabille: [256]habille
disharmonious: [256]h[ヨ]moni[シ]s
dishcloth: di[ク]clo[ス]
dishearten: [256]he[ヨ]t[26]
dishelm: [256]helm
dishevel: di[ク]evel
dishevelled: di[ク]evell[ケ]
dishonesty: [256]h[5o][ヤ]y
disinclined: [256][35]cl[35][ケ]
disingenuous: [256][35]g[26]u[シ]s
disinterested: [256][35]t[セ]e[ヤ][ケ]
disk: disk
dislike: [256]like
dismally: [256]m[6y]
disobedient: [256]ob[ケ]i[26]t
disparaged: [256]p[ヨ]ag[ケ]
disparity: [256]p[ヨ][56y]
dispartment: [256][5p][56t]
dispensation: [256]p[26]s[6n]
dispeople: [256]people
dispersion: [256]p[セ][46n]
dispirited: di[456s][ケ]
displeased: [256]pl[2]s[ケ]
dispone: [256]p[5o]
disproof: [256]pro[ミ]
Disraeli: [6][256]raeli
disseat: [256]s[2]t
dissemination: [256]sem[35][6n]
dissension: [256]s[26][46n]
dissenting: [256]s[26]t[ユ]
dissertation: [256]s[セ]t[6n]
dissever: [256]s[5e]
dissipation: [256]sip[6n]
dissyllabic: [256]syllabic
dist.: [256]t. (district)
distaff: [256]taff
distaffs: [256]ta[235]s
distain: [256]ta[35]
distal: [256]tal
distances: [256]t[46e]s
distant: [256]tant
distasteful: [256]ta[ヤ]e[56l]
distemper: [256]temp[セ]
distend: [256]t[26]d
distention: [256]t[26][56n]
distich: [256]ti[カ]
distilled: [256]till[ケ]
distillery: [256]till[セ]y
distinction: [256]t[35]c[56n]
distingu^e: [256]t[35]gu[4]e
distinguish: [256]t[ユ]ui[ク]
distinguished: [256]t[ユ]ui[ク][ケ]
distortion: [256]tor[56n]
distraction: [256]trac[56n]
distraint: [256]tra[35]t
distraught: [256]trau[キ]t
distressing: [256]tress[ユ]
district: [256]trict
disturbance: [256]turb[46e]
disulphide: disulphide
disulphuric: disulphuric
ditheism: di[ホ]ism
dither: di[ホ]r
divergence: div[セ]g[56e]
diversiform: div[セ]si[メ]m
diversion: div[セ][46n]
diversity: div[セ]s[56y]
divertissement: div[セ]tisse[56t]
divestment: dive[ヤ][56t]
divination: div[35][6n]
divineness: div[35]e[56s]
divinity: div[35][56y]
division: divi[46n]
do: [d]
do: do (musical note)
doable: doa[3456]
do-all: [d]-all
dobbin: do[23][35]
document: docu[56t]
documented: docu[56t][ケ]
doddering: do[256][セ][ユ]
dodo: dodo
Doenitz: Doenitz
doer: do[セ]
does: does
doffs: d[ミ]fs
dog-eared: dog-e[ヨ][ケ]
dogdays: dog[5d]s
dogged: do[2356][ケ]
doggerel: do[2356][セ]el
doggone: dogg[5o]
doghouse: dogh[シ]se
do-good: [d]-[gd]
do-gooder: [d]-[gd][セ]
doin': do[35]'
doing: do[ユ]
dolefully: dole[56l]ly
dolesome: dole[5s]
domestically: dome[ヤ]ic[6y]
domination: dom[35][6n]
domineer: dom[35]e[セ]
domineering: dom[35]e[セ][ユ]
Dominick: Dom[35]ick
donation: don[6n]
done: d[5o]
donee: donee
Donegal: D[5o]gal
Donelson: D[5o]lson
Donets: Donets
Dongola: D[56g]ola
don't: don't
Doolittle: Doolittle
doomsday: dooms[5d]
Dorothea: Doro[ホ]a
dorsally: dors[6y]
double: d[シ][3456]
double-entendre: d[シ][3456]-[26]t[26]dre
double-quick: d[シ][3456]-[qk]
doubled: d[シ][3456]d
doublet: d[シ][3456]t
doubtfulness: d[シ]bt[56l][56s]
douceur: d[シ]ceur
douche: d[シ][カ]e
doughtiness: d[5シ]i[56s]
doughty: d[5シ]y
doughy: d[シ][キ]y
downcomer: d[コ]ncom[セ]
downright: d[コ]n[5r]
downtrodden: d[コ]ntro[256][26]
drabble: drab[3456]
drachma: dra[カ]ma
dragonet: dragonet
dragooned: dragoon[ケ]
dreadful: dr[2]d[56l]
dreadnought: dr[2]dn[5シ]
dreamland: dr[2]ml[ヘ]
dreary: dre[ヨ]y
dredging: dr[ケ]g[ユ]
dribble: drib[3456]
dribbled: drib[3456]d
drive-in: drive-in
drive-ins: drive-[35]s
Drogheda: Dro[キ][ケ]a
dromedary: drom[ケ][ヨ]y
drone: dr[5o]
droned: dron[ケ]
drought: dr[5シ]
droughty: dr[5シ]y
drubbing: dru[23][ユ]
druggist: dru[2356]i[ヤ]
drumbled: drum[3456]d
ducally: duc[6y]
duchess: du[カ]ess
duff: duff
duffel: du[235]el
dugong: dug[56g]
dugout: dug[シ]t
dug-out: dug-[シ]
dukedom: dukedom
dumbbell: dumbbell
dumbfounded: dumbf[46d][ケ]
dunderhead: d[5u]h[2]d
dunghill: dunghill
duotone: duot[5o]
dutifully: duti[56l]ly
d'you: d'y[シ]
dystonia: dystonia
dystopian: dystopian
dystrophication: dystrophic[6n]
dystrophy: dystrophy
each: ea[カ]
eager: eag[セ]
earache: e[ヨ]a[カ]e
earl: e[ヨ]l
early: e[ヨ]ly
earnest: e[ヨ]ne[ヤ]
earning: e[ヨ]n[ユ]
earphone: e[ヨ]ph[5o]
earring: e[ヨ]r[ユ]
earthen: e[ヨ][ホ]n
earthenware: e[ヨ][ホ]nw[ヨ]e
earthwork: e[ヨ][ス][5w]
easeful: ease[56l]
easel: easel
east: ea[ヤ]
Easter: Ea[ヤ][セ]
eaten: eat[26]
ebb: ebb
ebbed: e[23][ケ]
ebbing: e[23][ユ]
ecce: e[25]e
eccentricity: e[25][26]tric[56y]
ecclesiastic: e[25]lesia[ヤ]ic
echoed: e[カ]o[ケ]
e-commerce: [56]e-comm[セ]ce
economy: economy
ecotone: ecot[5o]
ecstasy: ec[ヤ]asy
Ed: [6][ケ] (name)
ed.: [ケ]. (edition)
edacious: edaci[シ]s
eddied: [ケ]di[ケ]
eddy: [ケ]dy
edelweiss: [ケ]elweiss
edema: [ケ]ema
Eden: [6][ケ][26]
edentate: ed[26]tate
edentulous: ed[26]tul[シ]s
edged: [ケ]g[ケ]
edible: [ケ]i[3456]
edict: edict
edile: [ケ]ile
Edinburgh: [6][ケ][35]bur[キ]
edited: [ケ]it[ケ]
Edith: [6][ケ]i[ス]
edition: edi[56n]
editor: [ケ]itor
editorial: [ケ]itorial
education: [ケ]uc[6n]
educed: educ[ケ]
e'en: e'[26]
e'er: e'[セ]
eeriness: e[セ]i[56s]
efface: e[235]ace
effaceable: e[235]acea[3456]
effected: e[235]ect[ケ]
effeminate: e[235]em[35]ate
effervescence: e[235][セ]vesc[56e]
effeteness: e[235]ete[56s]
effort: ef[メ]t
effortless: ef[メ]t[46s]
egg: egg
egghead: e[2356]h[2]d
egg-head: egg-h[2]d
egglike: e[2356]like
eggnog: e[2356]nog
eggplant: e[2356]plant
eggs: e[2356]s
egg-shaped: egg-[ク]ap[ケ]
eighth: ei[キ][ス]
Einsteinian: E[35][ヤ]e[35]ian
Einthoven: E[35]thov[26]
either: [ei]
elasticity: ela[ヤ]ic[56y]
elation: el[6n]
Eleanor: El[2]nor
Eleazar: El[2]z[ヨ]
electioneer: elec[56n]e[セ]
electroform: electro[メ]m
element: ele[56t]
elementary: ele[56t][ヨ]y
elevation: elev[6n]
elimination: elim[35][6n]
elongation: el[56g][6n]
elsewhere: else[5サ]
e-mail: [56]e-mail
embarkation: emb[ヨ]k[6n]
embedded: emb[ケ]d[ケ]
emblem: em[3456]m
emblematic: em[3456]matic
embouchure: emb[シ][カ]ure
embraceable: embracea[3456]
emergence: em[セ]g[56e]
eminence: em[35][56e]
eminent: em[35][26]t
Emmental: Em[56t]al
Emmentaler: Em[56t]al[セ]
emptiness: empti[56s]
empyrean: empyr[2]n
en: en (type measure)
enable: [26]a[3456]
enabled: [26]a[3456]d
enabling: [26]abl[ユ]
enamel: [26]amel
en avant: en avant
en casserole: en cass[セ]ole
enceinte: [26]ce[35]te
Enceladus: [6][26]celadus
encephalitis: [26]cephalitis
enchained: [26][カ]a[35][ケ]
encompassed: [26]compass[ケ]
encore: [26]core
encounter: [26]c[46t][セ]
encountering: [26]c[46t][セ][ユ]
encyclopaedia: [26]cyclopaedia
encyclopedia: [26]cyclop[ケ]ia
endearment: [26]de[ヨ][56t]
endogenous: [26]dog[26][シ]s
endothermic: [26]do[ホ]rmic
endowment: [26]d[コ][56t]
en effet: en e[235]et
enervation: [26][セ]v[6n]
en famille: en famille
enfeebled: [26]fee[3456]d
enfeeblement: [26]fee[3456][56t]
enfeoffment: [26]fe[ミ]f[56t]
enfin: [26]f[35]
enforceable: [26][メ]cea[3456]
engineer: [26]g[35]e[セ]
England: [6][26]gl[ヘ]
Englander: [6][26]gl[ヘ][セ]
enhanced: [26]h[46e]d
Enid: [6][26]id
enigma: [26]igma
enigmatically: [26]igmatic[6y]
enlightenment: [26]li[キ]t[26][56t]
en masse: en masse
enmity: [26]m[56y]
ennobler: [26]no[3456]r
Enoch: [6][26]o[カ]
Enomoto: [6][26]omoto
enormity: enorm[56y]
enormous: enorm[シ]s
Enos: [6][26]os
enough: [26] (or) [26][シ][キ]
enough's: [26][シ][キ]'s
enounce: en[シ]nce
en route: en r[シ]te
Enschede: [6][26]s[カ][ケ]e
ensembled: [26]sem[3456]d
ensphere: [26]sph[セ]e
en suite: en suite
enswathed: [26]swa[ホ]d
entablement: [26]ta[3456][56t]
entente: [26]t[26]te
enthrone: [26][ス]r[5o]
enthroned: [26][ス]ron[ケ]
entity: [26]t[56y]
entourage: [26]t[シ]rage
entrain: [26]tra[35]
entre nous: [26]tre n[シ]s
entrepreneur: [26]trepr[26]eur
enucleate: enucl[2]te
enucleation: enucle[6n]
enumeration: enum[セ][6n]
enunciation: enunci[6n]
envisioned: [26]vi[46n][ケ]
enwreathed: [26]wr[2][ホ]d
eparchial: ep[ヨ][カ]ial
ephedrine: eph[ケ]r[35]e
Epicurean: Epicur[2]n
epinasty: epina[ヤ]y
epinephrine: epinephr[35]e
epistle: epi[ヤ]le
epithet: epi[ホ]t
e pluribus unum: [56]e pluribus unum
epochal: epo[カ]al
equally: equ[6y]
equation: equ[6n]
equidistance: equidist[46e]
equinoctial: equinoctial
equinox: equinox
equity: equ[56y]
er: [セ] (hesitation)
era: [セ]a
eradication: eradic[6n]
erase: erase
erasable: erasa[3456]
eraser: eras[セ]
erasing: eras[ユ]
erection: erec[56n]
erelong: [セ]el[56g]
ergo: [セ]go
Erica: [6][セ]ica
Erie: [6][セ]ie
Ernest: [6][セ]ne[ヤ]
eroding: erod[ユ]
erosion: ero[46n]
erotic: [セ]otic
errand: [セ]r[ヘ]
erroneous: [セ]rone[シ]s
erstwhile: [セ][ヤ][サ]ile
erudition: [セ]udi[56n]
eruption: erup[56n]
erysipelas: [セ]ysipelas
esophageal: esophag[2]l
esparto: es[5p]o
especially: especi[6y]
establishment: e[ヤ]abli[ク][56t]
estate: e[ヤ]ate
esteemed: e[ヤ]eem[ケ]
Esther: Es[ホ]r
esthetically: es[ホ]tic[6y]
Esthonia: Es[ス]onia
estimated: e[ヤ]imat[ケ]
estrangement: e[ヤ]range[56t]
estrone: e[ヤ]r[5o]
estuary: e[ヤ]u[ヨ]y
Ethel: E[ホ]l
ethereal: e[ホ]r[2]l
ethereally: e[ホ]re[6y]
Eucharist: Eu[カ][ヨ]i[ヤ]
European: Europ[2]n
euthenics: eu[ホ]nics
Evanston: Evan[ヤ]on
evening: ev[26][ユ]
event: ev[26]t
eventfully: ev[26]t[56l]ly
ever: [5e]
Everard: [6][5e][ヨ]d
Everest: [6][5e]e[ヤ]
Everett: [6][5e]ett
everlasting: [5e]la[ヤ][ユ]
evermore: [5e]more
eversion: ev[セ][46n]
evert: ev[セ]t
every: [e]
Every: [6][e] (name)
everybody: [5e]ybody
everyday: [5e]y[5d]
every-day: [e]-[5d]
everyone: [5e]y[5o]
everything: [5e]y[ス][ユ]
everywhere: [5e]y[5サ]
evzone: evz[5o]
exaggerated: exa[2356][セ]at[ケ]
examination: exam[35][6n]
exchangeable: ex[カ]angea[3456]
excommunicated: excommunicat[ケ]
exertion: ex[セ][56n]
exhaustiveness: exhau[ヤ]ive[56s]
exoneration: exon[セ][6n]
ex parte: ex [5p]e
expedience: exp[ケ]i[56e]
expedited: exp[ケ]it[ケ]
expedition: exp[ケ]i[56n]
experience: exp[セ]i[56e]
experimentation: exp[セ]i[56t][6n]
exponent: expon[26]t
expressionless: expres[46n][46s]
extensometer: ext[26]somet[セ]
exterior: ext[セ]ior
extermination: ext[セ]m[35][6n]
extinguished: ext[ユ]ui[ク][ケ]
extraretinal: extraret[35]al
extraordinary: extraord[35][ヨ]y
fabled: fa[3456]d
faddish: fa[256]i[ク]
Faenza: Faenza
faerie: faerie
faery: faery
faience: fai[56e]
fainthearted: fa[35]the[ヨ]t[ケ]
falcon: falcon
falconer: falcon[セ]
falconet: falconet
fall-out: fall-[シ]
familiarity: famili[ヨ][56y]
fandango: f[ヘ]ango
farandole: f[ヨ][ヘ]ole
farfetched: f[ヨ]fet[カ][ケ]
farina: f[ヨ][35]a
faro: f[ヨ]o
farthermost: f[ヨ][ホ]rmo[ヤ]
farthingale: f[ヨ][ス][35]gale
fascination: fasc[35][6n]
fashionableness: fa[ク]iona[3456][56s]
fashioned: fa[ク]ion[ケ]
fastest: fa[ヤ]e[ヤ]
fastidiousness: fa[ヤ]idi[シ]s[56s]
fatally: fat[6y]
father: [5f]
father-in-law: [5f]-in-law
fatherless: [5f][46s]
fatherlike: [5f]like
fealty: f[2]lty
fear: fe[ヨ]
fearfully: fe[ヨ][56l]ly
fearfulness: fe[ヨ][56l][56s]
fearsome: fe[ヨ][5s]
feasible: f[2]si[3456]
feasibility: f[2]sibil[56y]
feather: f[2][ホ]r
feathered: f[2][ホ]r[ケ]
February: Febru[ヨ]y
federal: f[ケ][セ]al
federally: f[ケ][セ][6y]
federation: f[ケ][セ][6n]
fedora: f[ケ]ora
feeder: fe[ケ][セ]
feint: fe[35]t
feminine: fem[35][35]e
femininity: fem[35][35][56y]
fenced: f[56e]d
fencer: f[56e]r
fenestration: f[26]e[ヤ]r[6n]
Fenian: F[26]ian
feoffee: fe[ミ]fee
feral: f[セ]al
Ferdinand: F[セ]d[35][ヘ]
Feringhee: F[セ][35][キ]ee
Feringi: F[セ][ユ]i
fermentation: f[セ][56t][6n]
fernery: f[セ]n[セ]y
ferociousness: f[セ]oci[シ]s[56s]
ferocity: f[セ]oc[56y]
festivity: fe[ヤ]iv[56y]
festooned: fe[ヤ]oon[ケ]
fever: fev[セ]
feverish: fev[セ]i[ク]
fiance: fiance
fianc^e: fianc[4]e
fichu: fi[カ]u
fictionally: fic[56n][6y]
fiddling: fi[256]l[ユ]
fiendishness: fi[26]di[ク][56s]
fill-in: fill-in
fill-ins: fill-[35]s
finality: f[35]al[56y]
finally: f[35][6y]
financed: f[35][46e]d
financially: f[35]anci[6y]
financier: f[35]anci[セ]
fineness: f[35]e[56s]
finery: f[35][セ]y
finesse: fi[56s]e
finger: f[ユ][セ]
finis: f[35]is
finite: f[35]ite
finnan haddie: f[35]nan ha[256]ie
firearms: fire[ヨ]ms
firedrake: firedrake
fireworks: fire[5w]s
first: [fヤ]
first-begotten: [fヤ]-[23]gott[26]
first-born: [fヤ]-born
first-comer: [fヤ]-com[セ]
firsthand: [fヤ]h[ヘ]
firstling: [fヤ]l[ユ]
firstly: [fヤ]ly
fishmonger: fi[ク]m[56g][セ]
fissionable: fis[46n]a[3456]
fisticuff: fi[ヤ]icuff
fisticuffs: fi[ヤ]icu[235]s
flabbiness: fla[23]i[56s]
flaccidity: fla[25]id[56y]
flagging: fla[2356][ユ]
flamingo: flam[ユ]o
flashing: fla[ク][ユ]
flea: flea
fleas: fl[2]s
fledgling: fl[ケ]gl[ユ]
flightiness: fli[キ]ti[56s]
flogging: flo[2356][ユ]
Florence: Flor[56e]
floundered: fl[46d][セ][ケ]
flourishing: fl[シ]ri[ク][ユ]
flowering: fl[コ][セ][ユ]
fluffiness: flu[235]i[56s]
fluffy: flu[235]y
fodder: fo[256][セ]
fogginess: fo[2356]i[56s]
foghorn: foghorn
folderol: fold[セ]ol
fomentation: fo[56t][6n]
Fontainebleau: Fonta[35]ebl[2]u
foothill: foothill
foothold: foothold
for: [メ]
foramen: [メ]am[26]
forasmuch: [メ]as[mカ]
forbearance: [メ]be[ヨ][46e]
forbidding: [メ]bi[256][ユ]
forceable: [メ]cea[3456]
forcefulness: [メ]ce[56l][56s]
fore-and-after: [メ]e-[ヘ]-[af]
forearm: [メ]e[ヨ]m
forebears: [メ]ebe[ヨ]s
foredate: [メ]edate
foredoomed: [メ]edoom[ケ]
forefathers: [メ]e[5f]s
forego: [メ]ego
foregone: [メ]eg[5o]
foreigner: [メ]eign[セ]
foreknowable: [メ]e[5k]a[3456]
forenamed: [メ]e[5n]d
forenoon: [メ]enoon
forensically: [メ][26]sic[6y]
forepart: [メ]e[5p]
forerunner: [メ]erunn[セ]
foresaid: [メ]e[sd]
foreseeable: [メ]eseea[3456]
forest: [メ]e[ヤ]
forestation: [メ]e[ヤ][6n]
forester: [メ]e[ヤ][セ]
forethought: [メ]e[ス][5シ]
foretime: [メ]e[5t]
forevermore: [メ][5e]more
foreword: [メ]e[45w]
forgery: [メ]g[セ]y
forget-me-not: [メ]get-me-[n]
forked: [メ]k[ケ]
formally: [メ]m[6y]
forswear: [メ]swe[ヨ]
Forsythe: [6][メ]sy[ホ]
forthright: [メ][ス][5r]
forthwith: [メ][ス][モ]
forum: [メ]um
foster: fo[ヤ][セ]
Fotheringhay: Fo[ホ]r[35][キ]ay
fought: f[5シ]
found: f[46d]
foundation: f[46d][6n]
foundry: f[46d]ry
fountain: f[46t]a[35]
four-in-hand: f[シ]r-in-h[ヘ]
fractionary: frac[56n][ヨ]y
fraenum: fraenum
fragmentary: frag[56t][ヨ]y
Francene: Franc[26]e
Frances: Fr[46e]s
Francesca: Fr[46e]sca
fraternity: frat[セ]n[56y]
Fr^aulein: Fr[4]aule[35]
freedom: freedom
freeness: free[56s]
frenetically: fr[26]etic[6y]
frenum: fr[26]um
frere: frere
fricandeau: fric[ヘ][2]u
Friday: Fri[5d]
Frieda: Fri[ケ]a
friend: [fr]
friended: fri[26]d[ケ]
friendless: [fr][46s]
friendlessness: [fr][46s][56s]
friendly: [fr]ly
Friendly Islands: Fri[26]dly Isl[ヘ]s
friends: [fr]s
friendship: [fr][ク]ip
frighten: f[5r][26]
frightened: f[5r][26][ケ]
frightfulness: f[5r][56l][56s]
fringed: fr[ユ][ケ]
froghopper: froghopp[セ]
from: [f]
froward: frow[ヨ]d
fruity: fruity
fulfillment: fulfill[56t]
full: full
fuller: full[セ]
fullest: fulle[ヤ]
fully: fully
fulminous: fulm[35][シ]s
fulsomeness: ful[5s][56s]
functionary: func[56n][ヨ]y
fundamentally: funda[56t][6y]
funeral: fun[セ]al
funereal: fun[セ][2]l
furbelow: furbel[コ]
furlong: furl[56g]
furlough: furl[シ][キ]
furtherance: fur[ホ]r[46e]
furtherer: fur[ホ]r[セ]
furthermore: fur[ホ]rmore
furthest: fur[ホ][ヤ]
fusion: fu[46n]
gabardine: gab[ヨ]d[35]e
gabbled: gab[3456]d
gadabout: gad[ab]
gaffe: ga[235]e
Galahad: Gala[456h]
Galilean: Galil[2]n
galingale: gal[35]gale
galleass: gall[2]ss
gallinipper: gallinipp[セ]
Galloway: Gall[コ]ay
gambled: gam[3456]d
gambler: gam[3456]r
gander: g[ヘ][セ]
garage: g[ヨ]age
garbled: g[ヨ][3456]d
gar^con: g[ヨ][4]con
gardenia: g[ヨ]d[26]ia
garderobe: g[ヨ]derobe
garlanded: g[ヨ]l[ヘ][ケ]
garment: g[ヨ][56t]
garotte: g[ヨ]otte
gashouse: gash[シ]se
gasometer: gasomet[セ]
gastight: gasti[キ]t
gastritis: ga[ヤ]ritis
gastroenteritis: ga[ヤ]ro[26]t[セ]itis
gathered: ga[ホ]r[ケ]
gaucheness: gau[カ]e[56s]
gaucherie: gau[カ][セ]ie
Gaylord: Gay[5l]
gear: ge[ヨ]
gelatinous: gelat[35][シ]s
genealogy: g[26]ealogy
general: g[26][セ]al
g^en^eral: g[4]en[4]eral
generally: g[26][セ][6y]
generation: g[26][セ][6n]
generically: g[26][セ]ic[6y]
generosity: g[26][セ]os[56y]
genetically: g[26]etic[6y]
genetics: g[26]etics
genially: g[26]i[6y]
genie: g[26]ie
genitourinary: g[26]itour[35][ヨ]y
genius: g[26]ius
genuineness: g[26]u[35]e[56s]
genus: g[26]us
Geoffrey: Ge[ミ]frey
geomancer: geom[46e]r
geranium: g[セ]anium
gerent: g[セ][26]t
Germany: G[セ][456m]
germander: g[セ]m[ヘ][セ]
germination: g[セ]m[35][6n]
gerundive: g[セ]undive
gestation: ge[ヤ][6n]
gesticulation: ge[ヤ]icul[6n]
gesturing: ge[ヤ]ur[ユ]
ghastliness: [キ]a[ヤ]li[56s]
ghee: [キ]ee
Ghent: [6][キ][26]t
gherkin: [キ][セ]k[35]
ghetto: [キ]etto
ghost: [キ]o[ヤ]
ghostlike: [キ]o[ヤ]like
ghoulishness: [キ][シ]li[ク][56s]
gibberish: gi[23][セ]i[ク]
giblet: gi[3456]t
giddiness: gi[256]i[56s]
Gifford: Gif[メ]d
gigantean: gigant[2]n
giggler: gi[2356]l[セ]
Gilead: Gil[2]d
ginger: g[ユ][セ]
gingham: g[ユ]ham
Gingold: G[35]gold
girandole: gir[ヘ]ole
giveaway: giveaway
gladdener: gla[256][26][セ]
gladsomely: glad[5s]ly
glance: gl[46e]
glanced: gl[46e]d
glandular: gl[ヘ]ul[ヨ]
glasshouse: glassh[シ]se
glasswork: glass[5w]
glissando: gliss[ヘ]o
glistening: gli[ヤ][26][ユ]
glowering: gl[コ][セ][ユ]
glutenous: glut[26][シ]s
go: [g]
go: go (Japanese board game)
go-ahead: [g]-ah[2]d
goatherd: goath[セ]d
gobbled: gob[3456]d
gobbledygook: gob[3456]dygook
gobbler: gob[3456]r
go-between: [g]-[23t]
goblet: go[3456]t
go-by: [g]-by
goby: goby
goddam: go[256]am
goddamn: goddamn
goddess: go[256]ess
godfather: god[5f]
godmother: god[5m]
goer: go[セ]
Goering: Goer[ユ]
goes: goes
Goethe: Goe[ホ]
goggled: go[2356]l[ケ]
goin': go[35]'
going: go[ユ]
gone: g[5o]
gong: g[56g]
gonof: gon[ミ]
good: [gd]
good-by: [gd]-by
good-enough: [gd]-[26][シ][キ]
Goodheart: Goodhe[ヨ]t
Good Hope: [6][gd] Hope (Cape of)
good-humored: [gd]-humor[ケ]
goodies: [gd]ies
goodly: [gd]ly
goodness: [gd][56s]
goods: [gd]s
goodwill: [gd]will
Goodwin: Goodw[35]
goody: [gd]y
Goodyear: Goodye[ヨ]
goody-goody: [gd]y-[gd]y
goofy: go[ミ]y
gooseneck: gooseneck
goshawk: goshawk
Goshen: Go[ク][26]
Gotham: Go[ス]am
Gotterdammerung: Gott[セ]damm[セ]ung
gourmand: g[シ]rm[ヘ]
gout: g[シ]t
governess: gov[セ][56s]
go'way: go'way
grandame: gr[ヘ]ame
grandchild: gr[ヘ][カ]ild
grandchildren: gr[ヘ][カn]
grandee: gr[ヘ]ee
grande passion: gr[ヘ]e pas[46n]
grandeur: gr[ヘ]eur
grandfather: gr[ヘ][5f]
grandiloquence: gr[ヘ]iloqu[56e]
grandmother: gr[ヘ][5m]
grandstand: gr[ヘ][ヤ][ヘ]
Grantham: Grantham
grasshopper: grasshopp[セ]
gratin: grat[35]
greasiness: gr[2]si[56s]
great: [grt]
Great Britain: [6][grt] Brita[35]
greaten: [grt][26]
greater: [grt][セ]
greatest: [grt]e[ヤ]
Greatheart: Gr[2]the[ヨ]t
greatly: [grt]ly
greatness: [grt][56s]
greediness: gre[ケ]i[56s]
greenery: gre[26][セ]y
gregariousness: greg[ヨ]i[シ]s[56s]
grenade: gr[26]ade
grenadier: gr[26]adi[セ]
greyhound: greyh[46d]
grey'ound: grey'[シ]nd
gribble: grib[3456]
griddled: gri[256]l[ケ]
griffin: gri[235][35]
gringo: gr[ユ]o
groggery: gro[2356][セ]y
grounded: gr[46d][ケ]
groundlessness: gr[46d][46s][56s]
groundwork: gr[46d][5w]
grout: gr[シ]t
growler: gr[コ]l[セ]
grubbiness: gru[23]i[56s]
grubstake: grub[ヤ]ake
gruesomeness: grue[5s][56s]
gruffness: gru[235][56s]
grumbler: grum[3456]r
guaranteed: gu[ヨ]ante[ケ]
guardedness: gu[ヨ]d[ケ][56s]
Guerin: Gu[セ][35]
guilelessness: guile[46s][56s]
guinea: gu[35]ea
guineas: gu[35][2]s
Guinness: Gu[35][56s]
gustation: gu[ヤ][6n]
gustatory: gu[ヤ]atory
gusto: gu[ヤ]o
gusty: gu[ヤ]y
gymnastically: gymna[ヤ]ic[6y]
gyrocompass: gyrocompass
habeas corpus: hab[2]s corpus
haberdasher: hab[セ]da[ク][セ]
hackamore: hackamore
had: [456h]
Hadassah: Hadassah
haddock: ha[256]ock
Haddon: Ha[256]on
hade: hade
Hades: Hades
Hadfield: [6][456h]field
Hadjemi: [6][456h]jemi
hadji: [456h]ji
Hadley: [6][456h]ley
hadn't: [456h]n't
Hadow: [6][456h][コ]
Hadrian: Hadrian
Hagedorn: Hag[ケ]orn
Hagerstown: Hag[セ]st[コ]n
haggadah: ha[2356]adah
haggardness: ha[2356][ヨ]d[56s]
halibut: halibut
Hakone: Hakone
Halloween: Hall[コ]e[26]
Hallowe'en: Hall[コ]e'[26]
hallucination: halluc[35][6n]
Hambletonian: Ham[3456]tonian
hance: h[46e]
handbreadth: h[ヘ]br[2]d[ス]
handiwork: h[ヘ]i[5w]
handled: h[ヘ]l[ケ]
handout: h[ヘ][シ]t
handsome: h[ヘ][5s]
handsomer: h[ヘ][5s]r
handsomest: h[ヘ][5s][ヤ]
hand-to-hand: h[ヘ]-to-h[ヘ]
handy: h[ヘ]y
Hapgood: Hapgood
happiness: happi[56s]
happy-go-lucky: happy-[g]-lucky
harangued: h[ヨ]angu[ケ]
harbinger: h[ヨ]b[ユ][セ]
hard-earned: h[ヨ]d-e[ヨ]n[ケ]
harem: h[ヨ]em
harmfully: h[ヨ]m[56l]ly
harnessed: h[ヨ][56s][ケ]
harpooned: h[ヨ]poon[ケ]
hartshorn: h[ヨ]tshorn
have: [h]
havelock: havelock
haven't: hav[26]'t
haversack: hav[セ]sack
headdress: h[2]ddress
headfirst: h[2]d[fヤ]
headstrong: h[2]d[ヤ]r[56g]
healthfulness: h[2]l[ス][56l][56s]
hear: he[ヨ]
heard: he[ヨ]d
hearken: he[ヨ]k[26]
heart: he[ヨ]t
heartened: he[ヨ]t[26][ケ]
hearth: he[ヨ][ス]
heartsease: he[ヨ]tsease
heathenesse: h[2][ホ][56s]e
heathenish: h[2][ホ]ni[ク]
heather: h[2][ホ]r
Hedda: H[ケ]da
hedgerow: h[ケ]ger[コ]
hedonic: h[ケ]onic
heedlessness: he[ケ][46s][56s]
heightened: hei[キ]t[26][ケ]
heinous: he[35][シ]s
hemisphere: hemisph[セ]e
henceforth: h[56e][メ][ス]
Hennessey: H[26][56s]ey
Hera: H[セ]a
Herculean: H[セ]cul[2]n
here: [5h]
Here: H[セ]e (goddess)
hereabout: [5h][ab]
hereafter: [5h][af]
hereditary: h[セ][ケ]it[ヨ]y
hereditament: h[セ][ケ]ita[56t]
heredity: h[セ][ケ][56y]
Hereford: H[セ]e[メ]d
hereinafter: [5h][35][af]
hereinto: [5h][35]to
hereof: [5h][ミ]
heresy: h[セ]esy
heretic: h[セ]etic
heretofore: [5h]to[メ]e
hereupon: [5h][45u]
herewith: [5h][モ]
Hergesheimer: H[セ]gesheim[セ]
Hermione: H[セ]mione
hero: h[セ]o
heroically: h[セ]oic[6y]
heroine: h[セ]o[35]e
Herr: H[セ]r
herringbone: h[セ]r[ユ]b[5o]
herself: [hセf]
hetaera: hetaera
heterogeneous: het[セ]og[26]e[シ]s
hexahedron: hexah[ケ]ron
hiccup: hi[25]up
hidden: hi[256][26]
hideaway: hideaway
hierarchy: hi[セ][ヨ][カ]y
higgledy-piggledy: hi[2356]ledy-pi[2356]ledy
higher: hi[キ][セ]
hilarious: hil[ヨ]i[シ]s
hilarity: hil[ヨ][56y]
him: [hm]
Himalayas: Himalayas
himself: [hmf]
hindmost: h[35]dmo[ヤ]
hindrance: h[35]dr[46e]
hinged: h[ユ][ケ]
hinging: h[ユ][ユ]
his: [236] (or) his
his/her: his/h[セ]
historically: hi[ヤ]oric[6y]
history: hi[ヤ]ory
hitherto: hi[ホ]rto
hoarding: ho[ヨ]d[ユ]
hobbled: hob[3456]d
hobbledehoy: hob[3456]dehoy
hobby: ho[23]y
Hoffman: H[ミ]fman
Hofmannsthal: H[ミ]manns[ス]al
hogshead: hogsh[2]d
hoity-toity: hoity-toity
Holinshed: Hol[35]sh[ケ]
home-coming: home-com[ユ]
hominy: hom[35]y
homogeneity: homog[26]e[56y]
honed: hon[ケ]
honesty: h[5o][ヤ]y
honey: h[5o]y
honeycomb: h[5o]ycomb
honeymooned: h[5o]ymoon[ケ]
Hong Kong: H[56g] K[56g]
hoof: ho[ミ]
hormone: horm[5o]
hornblende: hornbl[26]de
horseradish: horseradi[ク]
hostage: ho[ヤ]age
hostility: ho[ヤ]il[56y]
hothouse: hoth[シ]se
Houghton: H[シ][キ]ton
houseroom: h[シ]seroom
Howard: H[コ][ヨ]d
howbeit: h[コ]beit
however: h[コ][5e]
hubbub: hu[23]ub
huffish: hu[235]i[ク]
Huguenot: Hugu[26]ot
humbleness: hum[3456][56s]
hyaena: hyaena
hydrofluoric: hydrofluoric
hydroquinone: hydroqu[35][5o]
hyena: hy[26]a
hymeneal: hym[26][2]l
hypersthene: hyp[セ]s[ホ]ne
hypotenuse: hypot[26]use
hypothecary: hypo[ホ]c[ヨ]y
hypotheses: hypo[ホ]ses
hypothesis: hypo[ホ]sis
hypothetically: hypo[ホ]tic[6y]
hypsometer: hypsomet[セ]
hysteria: hy[ヤ][セ]ia
hysterics: hy[ヤ][セ]ics
Ichabod: I[カ]abod
idea: idea
ideal: id[2]l
idealistic: id[2]li[ヤ]ic
ideality: id[2]l[56y]
ideally: ide[6y]
ideas: id[2]s
ideation: ide[6n]
identity: id[26]t[56y]
Illinois: Ill[35]ois
illumination: illum[35][6n]
illustration: illu[ヤ]r[6n]
illustrious: illu[ヤ]ri[シ]s
imagery: imagery
imaginary: imag[35][ヨ]y
imagination: imag[35][6n]
imbedded: imb[ケ]d[ケ]
immediate: [imm]
immediately: [imm]ly
immediateness: [imm][56s]
immensity: imm[26]s[56y]
immersion: imm[セ][46n]
imminence: imm[35][56e]
imminent: imm[35][26]t
immingle: imm[ユ]le
imparted: im[5p][ケ]
impartiality: im[5p]ial[56y]
impassioned: impas[46n][ケ]
impeachment: imp[2][カ][56t]
impeccable: impe[25]a[3456]
impeded: imp[ケ][ケ]
impediment: imp[ケ]i[56t]
impedimenta: imp[ケ]i[56t]a
imperfection: imp[セ]fec[56n]
imperialistic: imp[セ]iali[ヤ]ic
imperious: imp[セ]i[シ]s
imperishable: imp[セ]i[ク]a[3456]
impermeable: imp[セ]mea[3456]
impertinence: imp[セ]t[35][56e]
impinge: imp[ユ]e
impingement: imp[ユ]e[56t]
impostor: impo[ヤ]or
impounded: imp[46d][ケ]
impresario: impres[ヨ]io
impressionable: impres[46n]a[3456]
imprisoned: imprison[ケ]
in: [35] (or) in
inaccessible: [35]a[25]essi[3456]
in-a-door: in-a-door
in-and-in: in-[ヘ]-in
inasmuch: [35]as[mカ]
inbeing: [35]be[ユ]
in-between: in-[23t]
inbound: [35]b[46d]
inbreeding: [35]bre[ケ][ユ]
incandescent: [35]c[ヘ]esc[26]t
incarceration: [35]c[ヨ]c[セ][6n]
incarnation: [35]c[ヨ]n[6n]
incendiary: [35]c[26]di[ヨ]y
inching: [35][カ][ユ]
incinerator: [35]c[35][セ]ator
inclement: [35]cle[56t]
inclination: [35]cl[35][6n]
incoherence: [35]coh[セ][56e]
incoherent: [35]coh[セ][26]t
incombustible: [35]combu[ヤ]i[3456]
incoming: [35]com[ユ]
incomparable: [35]comp[ヨ]a[3456]
incompetence: [35]compet[56e]
inconceivable: [35]conceiva[3456]
incongruity: [35]congru[56y]
incongruous: [35]congru[シ]s
inconsequential: [35]consequ[26]tial
inconsiderable: [35]consid[セ]a[3456]
inconsistent: [35]consi[ヤ][26]t
inconvenienced: [35]conv[26]i[56e]d
inconvenient: [35]conv[26]i[26]t
inconvertible: [35]conv[セ]ti[3456]
incorporeal: [35]corpor[2]l
increased: [35]cr[2]s[ケ]
incredible: [35]cr[ケ]i[3456]
incredulity: [35]cr[ケ]ul[56y]
indecision: [35]deci[46n]
indeed: [35]de[ケ]
indefinite: [35]def[35]ite
indefiniteness: [35]def[35]ite[56s]
indentation: [35]d[26]t[6n]
indeterminable: [35]det[セ]m[35]a[3456]
indiarubber: [35]diaru[23][セ]
indifference: [35]di[235][セ][56e]
indigenous: [35]dig[26][シ]s
indiscernible: [35]disc[セ]ni[3456]
indispensable: [35]disp[26]sa[3456]
indisposed: [35]dispos[ケ]
indistinct: [35]dist[35]ct
indistinctness: [35]dist[35]ct[56s]
indistinguishable: [35]dist[ユ]ui[ク]a[3456]
Indonesia: [6][35]donesia
indumentum: [35]du[56t]um
industrially: [35]du[ヤ]ri[6y]
inearthed: [35]e[ヨ][ホ]d
ineffable: [35]e[235]a[3456]
ineffaceable: [35]e[235]acea[3456]
inenarrable: [35]en[ヨ]ra[3456]
ineradicable: [35]eradica[3456]
inerasable: [35]erasa[3456]
inexperienced: [35]exp[セ]i[56e]d
inference: [35]f[セ][56e]
inferiority: [35]f[セ]ior[56y]
infinite: [35]f[35]ite
infinity: [35]f[35][56y]
influenced: [35]flu[56e]d
informally: [35][メ]m[6y]
information: [35][メ]m[6n]
infrared: [35]frar[ケ]
infringement: [35]fr[ユ]e[56t]
Inge: [6][35]ge
ingenious: [35]g[26]i[シ]s
ing^enue: [35]g[4]enue
ingenuity: [35]g[26]u[56y]
ingenuous: [35]g[26]u[シ]s
Ingersoll: [6][35]g[セ]soll
inglenook: [35]glenook
inglorious: [35]glori[シ]s
ingot: [35]got
ingrained: [35]gra[35][ケ]
ingratitude: [35]gratitude
ingredient: [35]gr[ケ]i[26]t
in-group: [35]-gr[シ]p
ingrown: [35]gr[コ]n
inhere: [35][5h]
inhered: [35]h[セ][ケ]
inherence: [35]h[セ][56e]
inherent: [35]h[セ][26]t
inherential: [35]h[セ][26]tial
inheres: [35][5h]s
inheritance: [35]h[セ]it[46e]
iniquity: [35]iqu[56y]
inland: [35]l[ヘ]
in-law: in-law
Inness: [6][35][56s]
innuendo: [35]nu[26]do
innumerable: [35]num[セ]a[3456]
inoffensiveness: [35][ミ]f[26]sive[56s]
inordinateness: [35]ord[35]ate[56s]
Inoue: [6][35]oue
in-patient: in-pati[26]t
inseparable: [35]sep[ヨ]a[3456]
insertion: [35]s[セ][56n]
insheathed: [35][ク][2][ホ]d
insincere: [35]s[35]c[セ]e
insincerity: [35]s[35]c[セ][56y]
insistent: [35]si[ヤ][26]t
insofar: [35]sof[ヨ]
insomuch: [35]so[mカ]
insouciance: [35]s[シ]ci[46e]
insphere: [35]sph[セ]e
inspirit: [35][456s]
instance: [35][ヤ][46e]
instill: [35][ヤ]ill
instilled: [35][ヤ]ill[ケ]
instrumental: [35][ヤ]ru[56t]al
insular: [35]sul[ヨ]
insurance: [35]sur[46e]
insurmountable: [35]surm[46t]a[3456]
intentionally: [35]t[26][56n][6y]
interceder: [35]t[セ]c[ケ][セ]
intercommunication: [35]t[セ]communic[6n]
intercommunity: [35]t[セ]commun[56y]
interested: [35]t[セ]e[ヤ][ケ]
interior: [35]t[セ]ior
intermediate: [35]t[セ]m[ケ]iate
interment: [35]t[セ][56t]
interminable: [35]t[セ]m[35]a[3456]
Internationale: [6][35]t[セ]n[6n]ale
interpretation: [35]t[セ]pret[6n]
intervened: [35]t[セ]v[26][ケ]
intestate: [35]te[ヤ]ate
intestinal: [35]te[ヤ][35]al
intimidation: [35]timid[6n]
into: [35|235] (or) [35]to
intone: [35]t[5o]
intoned: [35]ton[ケ]
intransigeance: [35]transige[46e]
intravenous: [35]trav[26][シ]s
invention: [35]v[26][56n]
Inverness: [6][35]v[セ][56s]
iodoform: iodo[メ]m
Ione: I[5o]
Iowa: I[コ]a
Iredell: Iredell
irksomeness: irk[5s][56s]
ironed: iron[ケ]
ironer: iron[セ]
irrationally: irr[6n][6y]
irredeemable: irredeema[3456]
irreducible: irreduci[3456]
irremeable: irremea[3456]
irreplaceable: irreplacea[3456]
irreverence: irr[5e][56e]
isinglass: is[35]glass
isoflavone: isoflav[5o]
isogenous: isog[26][シ]s
isomerous: isom[セ][シ]s
isometry: isometry
isothere: iso[ホ]re
isthmus: is[ス]mus
it: [x]
it'd: [x]'d
itinerary: it[35][セ][ヨ]y
it'll: [x]'ll
its: [xs]
it's: [x]'s
itself: [xf]
jabberer: ja[23][セ][セ]
jaborandi: jabor[ヘ]i
jack-in-the-pulpit: jack-in-[ホ]-pulpit
Jacobean: Jacob[2]n
jaconet: jaconet
jaggedness: ja[2356][ケ][56s]
Jamestown: Jamest[コ]n
January: Janu[ヨ]y
jardiniere: j[ヨ]d[35]i[セ]e
jardiniere: j[ヨ]d[35]iere
jargoned: j[ヨ]gon[ケ]
jarred: j[ヨ]r[ケ]
jealousness: j[2]l[シ]s[56s]
jeered: je[セ][ケ]
jehad: jehad
jeopardized: jeop[ヨ]diz[ケ]
jerkin: j[セ]k[35]
Jerome: J[セ]ome
J^erome: J[4]erome
Jerusalem: J[セ]usalem
jester: je[ヤ][セ]
jibboom: jibboom
jiffy: ji[235]y
jigger: ji[2356][セ]
jiggling: ji[2356]l[ユ]
jihad: jihad
jingled: j[ユ]l[ケ]
jingoist: j[ユ]oi[ヤ]
jobber: jo[23][セ]
joggled: jo[2356]l[ケ]
joined: jo[35][ケ]
jointed: jo[35]t[ケ]
jollity: joll[56y]
Jonathan: Jona[ス]an
Jones: J[5o]s
jongleur: j[56g]leur
jostling: jo[ヤ]l[ユ]
journalist: j[シ]rnali[ヤ]
journeywork: j[シ]rney[5w]
jouster: j[シ][ヤ][セ]
jowled: j[コ]l[ケ]
joyfulness: joy[56l][56s]
Judean: Jud[2]n
juggler: ju[2356]l[セ]
juggling: ju[2356]l[ユ]
julienne: juli[26]ne
jumbled: jum[3456]d
junction: junc[56n]
just: [j]
justice: ju[ヤ]ice
justifiable: ju[ヤ]ifia[3456]
justification: ju[ヤ]ific[6n]
Justina: Ju[ヤ][35]a
justly: ju[ヤ]ly
justness: ju[ヤ][56s]
juvenal: juv[26]al
juvenile: juv[26]ile
juvenility: juv[26]il[56y]
kainite: ka[35]ite
Kaliningrad: Kal[35][35]grad
kalong: kal[56g]
kangaroo: kang[ヨ]oo
karaoke: k[ヨ]aoke
karyosome: k[ヨ]yosome
Katharine: Ka[ス][ヨ][35]e
Katherine: Ka[ホ]r[35]e
keno: k[26]o
keramic: k[セ]amic
kerchief: k[セ][カ]ief
kerosene: k[セ]os[26]e
ketone: ket[5o]
kettledrum: kettledrum
khaddar: kha[256][ヨ]
khedive: kh[ケ]ive
kickoff: kick[ミ]f
kiddin': ki[256][35]'
kilowatt: kilowatt
kindergarten: k[35]d[セ]g[ヨ]t[26]
kindling: k[35]dl[ユ]
kinesthetic: k[35]es[ホ]tic
kingship: k[ユ][ク]ip
Kingoro: K[ユ]oro
Kingston: K[ユ][ヤ]on
kitchen: kit[カ][26]
kloof: klo[ミ]
Knesset: K[56s]et
Knesseth: K[56s]e[ス]
knighthood: kni[キ]thood
knockabout: knock[ab]
knock-out: knock-[シ]
knockout: knock[シ]t
knothole: knothole
know: [5k]
knowing: [5k][ユ]
knowledge: [k]
knowledgeable: [5k]l[ケ]gea[3456]
known: [5k]n
knows: [5k]s
Koblenz: Ko[3456]nz
Konev: K[5o]v
Koniggratz: Koni[2356]ratz
kosher: ko[ク][セ]
Kongo: K[56g]o
krone: krone
kronen: kron[26]
labored: labor[ケ]
labyrinth: labyr[35][ス]
Lacedaemon: Lac[ケ]aemon
laceration: lac[セ][6n]
lackaday: lacka[5d]
ladder: la[256][セ]
laddie: la[256]ie
Ladrone: Ladr[5o]
lady-in-waiting: lady-in-wait[ユ]
laggard: la[2356][ヨ]d
lagger: la[2356][セ]
lagging: la[2356][ユ]
lain: la[35]
laity: la[56y]
Lambar^en^e: Lamb[ヨ][4]en[4]e
lamentable: la[56t]a[3456]
lamentation: la[56t][6n]
lamination: lam[35][6n]
lampooned: lampoon[ケ]
lanced: l[46e]d
Lancelot: L[46e]lot
lanceolate: l[46e]olate
lancer: l[46e]r
lanceted: l[46e]t[ケ]
lancinated: lanc[35]at[ケ]
landaulet: l[ヘ]aulet
landlord: l[ヘ][5l]
landlubber: l[ヘ]lu[23][セ]
Langhorne: Langhorne
Languedoc: Langu[ケ]oc
languished: langui[ク][ケ]
lansquenet: lansqu[26]et
larceny: l[ヨ]c[26]y
larch: l[ヨ][カ]
larder: l[ヨ]d[セ]
larghetto: l[ヨ][キ]etto
laryngeal: l[ヨ]yng[2]l
lasting: la[ヤ][ユ]
latecomer: latecom[セ]
laterally: lat[セ][6y]
lathered: la[ホ]r[ケ]
Latin: Lat[35]
lathwork: la[ス][5w]
lattermost: latt[セ]mo[ヤ]
laughable: lau[キ]a[3456]
laughter: lau[キ]t[セ]
laundering: laund[セ][ユ]
laureate: laur[2]te
lavaret: lav[ヨ]et
lay-days: lay-[5d]s
layout: lay[シ]t
leaden: l[2]d[26]
leaguer: l[2]gu[セ]
Leander: Le[ヘ][セ]
lean-to: l[2]n-to
lear: le[ヨ]
learned: le[ヨ]n[ケ]
leash: l[2][ク]
least: l[2][ヤ]
leather: l[2][ホ]r
leavening: l[2]v[26][ユ]
lecherousness: le[カ][セ][シ]s[56s]
ledger: l[ケ]g[セ]
leered: le[セ][ケ]
legendary: leg[26]d[ヨ]y
legging: le[2356][ユ]
leghorn: leghorn
Lena: L[26]a
lengthen: l[26]g[ホ]n
lenience: l[26]i[56e]
leniency: l[26]i[26]cy
Leningrad: L[26][35]grad
lentamente: l[26]ta[56t]e
lentando: l[26]t[ヘ]o
l'envoi: l'[26]voi
Leroy: L[セ]oy
less: less
lessee: lessee
lessen: less[26]
lesson: lesson
lessor: lessor
lethargic: le[ス][ヨ]gic
Lethe: Le[ホ]
letter: [lr]
lettered: [lr][ケ]
Letterer: Lett[セ][セ]
lettergram: [lr]gram
letterhead: [lr]h[2]d
lettering: [lr][ユ]
Letterman: Lett[セ]man
letterpress: [lr]press
letters: [lr]s
lever: l[5e]
Lever Bros.: Lev[セ] Bros.
Lever Brothers: Lev[セ] Bro[ホ]rs
leverage: l[5e]age
leveret: l[5e]et
Lewiston: Lewi[ヤ]on
liberal: lib[セ]al
liberally: lib[セ][6y]
liberation: lib[セ][6n]
Liberian: Lib[セ]ian
libertine: lib[セ]t[35]e
libidinous: libid[35][シ]s
librarian: libr[ヨ]ian
library: libr[ヨ]y
licenced: lic[56e]d
licensed: lic[26]s[ケ]
lichen: li[カ][26]
lied: li[ケ]
lien: li[26]
lifeless: life[46s]
lifelike: lifelike
lifetime: life[5t]
lifework: life[5w]
ligament: liga[56t]
ligeance: lige[46e]
lightener: li[キ]t[26][セ]
lightheadedness: li[キ]th[2]d[ケ][56s]
lighthearted: li[キ]the[ヨ]t[ケ]
lighthouse: li[キ]th[シ]se
like: [l]
likeable: likea[3456]
liked: lik[ケ]
likely: likely
likes: likes
likewise: likewise
limeade: limeade
limousine: lim[シ]s[35]e
lineage: l[35]eage (alignment)
lineage: l[35][2]ge (ancestry)
lineal: l[35][2]l
lineament: l[35][2][56t]
linear: l[35]e[ヨ]
lineate: l[35][2]te
linen: l[35][26]
linen-draper: l[35][26]-drap[セ]
linen-like: l[35][26]-[l]
linen-weaver: l[35][26]-w[2]v[セ]
liner: l[35][セ]
lingerie: l[35]g[セ]ie
linger: l[ユ][セ]
lingering: l[ユ][セ][ユ]
lingo: l[ユ]o
lingual: l[ユ]ual
linguistically: l[ユ]ui[ヤ]ic[6y]
linoleum: l[35]oleum
lioness: lio[56s]
lionet: lionet
lissomeness: lis[5s][56s]
listen: li[ヤ][26]
listener: li[ヤ][26][セ]
listlessness: li[ヤ][46s][56s]
literally: lit[セ][6y]
literary: lit[セ][ヨ]y
lithesomeness: li[ホ][5s][56s]
little: [ll]
littleness: [ll][56s]
littler: [ll]r
Little Rock: [6][ll] Rock
littlest: [ll][ヤ]
Littleton: Littleton
liveable: livea[3456]
liveried: liv[セ]i[ケ]
Livingstone: Liv[ユ][ヤ][5o]
loathed: loa[ホ]d
loathsome: loa[ス][5s]
lobbyist: lo[23]yi[ヤ]
lobster: lob[ヤ][セ]
Loch Ness: Lo[カ] Ness
locoweed: locowe[ケ]
Loffler: Lo[235]l[セ]
Lofoten Islands: L[ミ]ot[26] Isl[ヘ]s
loft: l[ミ]t
loftiness: l[ミ]ti[56s]
logarithm: log[ヨ]i[ス]m
logger: lo[2356][セ]
loggia: lo[2356]ia
loincloth: lo[35]clo[ス]
Londoner: London[セ]
lonesomest: l[5o][5s][ヤ]
longeron: l[56g][セ]on
longevity: l[56g]ev[56y]
longhair: l[56g]hair
longhand: l[56g]h[ヘ]
longhorn: l[56g]horn
longing: l[56g][ユ]
Longinus: L[56g][35]us
longitude: l[56g]itude
Longueuil: L[56g]ueuil
loof: lo[ミ]
looking: look[ユ]
lookin': look[35]'
lookout: look[シ]t
loonery: loon[セ]y
looney: looney
lord: [5l]
lording: [5l][ユ]
lordly: [5l]ly
lordship: [5l][ク]ip
loudmouthed: l[シ]dm[シ][ホ]d
Louis Braille: L[シ]is [6][brl]
lounging: l[シ]ng[ユ]
lowbred: l[コ]br[ケ]
lowering: l[コ][セ][ユ]
lowlander: l[コ]l[ヘ][セ]
low-spirited: l[コ]-[456s][ケ]
Luftwaffe: Luftwa[235]e
luggage: lu[2356]age
luminary: lum[35][ヨ]y
luncheonette: lun[カ]eonette
lustrous: lu[ヤ]r[シ]s
luteal: lut[2]l
Lutheran: Lu[ホ]ran
lying-in: ly[ユ]-in
macaroni: mac[ヨ]oni
macaroon: mac[ヨ]oon
Maccabean: Ma[25]ab[2]n
mac^edoine: mac[4]edo[35]e
Macedonia: Mac[ケ]onia
machination: ma[カ][35][6n]
machinery: ma[カ][35][セ]y
machinist: ma[カ][35]i[ヤ]
Mackinaw: Mack[35]aw
macrofossil: macrofossil
Macrone: Macr[5o] (name)
maddened: ma[256][26][ケ]
maenad: maenad
maggot: ma[2356]ot
magisterial: magi[ヤ][セ]ial
maharajah: maharajah
maharani: maharani
mah-jongg: mah-j[56g]g
mainstay: ma[35][ヤ]ay
maintain: ma[35]ta[35]
maintenance: ma[35]t[26][46e]
majesty: maje[ヤ]y
make-believe: make-[23]lieve
malanders: mal[ヘ][セ]s
malaria: mal[ヨ]ia
malcontent: malcont[26]t
malediction: maledic[56n]
malfeasance: malf[2]s[46e]
malformation: mal[メ]m[6n]
malinger: mal[ユ][セ]
malleable: mallea[3456]
manageable: managea[3456]
managerial: manag[セ]ial
Mandalay: M[ヘ]alay
mandarin: m[ヘ][ヨ][35]
mandated: m[ヘ]at[ケ]
Mandingo: M[ヘ][ユ]o
mandolin: m[ヘ]ol[35]
mandrake: m[ヘ]rake
mandrill: m[ヘ]rill
man-eater: man-eat[セ]
mangonel: mangonel
manifestation: manife[ヤ][6n]
manlike: manlike
mansion: man[46n]
many: [456m]
manyplies: [456m]plies
many-sided: [456m]-sid[ケ]
marabou: m[ヨ]ab[シ]
maraschino: m[ヨ]as[カ][35]o
marauder: m[ヨ]aud[セ]
marbled: m[ヨ][3456]d
marbleized: m[ヨ][3456]iz[ケ]
marchioness: m[ヨ][カ]io[56s]
Margaret: M[ヨ]g[ヨ]et
margarine: m[ヨ]g[ヨ][35]e
marginal: m[ヨ]g[35]al
Marguerite: M[ヨ]gu[セ]ite
Marie: M[ヨ]ie
marinate: m[ヨ][35]ate
marine: m[ヨ][35]e
mariner: m[ヨ][35][セ]
marionette: m[ヨ]ionette
maritime: m[ヨ]i[5t]
marmoreal: m[ヨ]mor[2]l
marooned: m[ヨ]oon[ケ]
marriageable: m[ヨ]riagea[3456]
Marshall: M[ヨ][ク]all
marshmallow: m[ヨ][ク]mall[コ]
martingale: m[ヨ]t[35]gale
Mary: M[ヨ]y
maskalonge: maskal[56g]e
masterful: ma[ヤ][セ][56l]
masthead: ma[ヤ]h[2]d
materially: mat[セ]i[6y]
mathematics: ma[ホ]matics
matinee: mat[35]ee
matriarch: matri[ヨ][カ]
Matthew: Mat[ホ]w
Maugham: Mau[キ]am
maundering: maund[セ][ユ]
maybe: maybe
McCommack: Mc[6][36]mack
McConnell: Mc[6][25]nell
mealtime: m[2]l[5t]
meander: me[ヘ][セ]
meandering: me[ヘ][セ][ユ]
meaningless: m[2]n[ユ][46s]
meantime: m[2]n[5t]
Mecca: Me[25]a
medal: m[ケ]al
medallion: m[ケ]allion
meddle: m[ケ]dle
meddlesome: m[ケ]dle[5s]
Medea: M[ケ]ea
medial: m[ケ]ial
mediation: m[ケ]i[6n]
medicament: m[ケ]ica[56t]
medicinal: m[ケ]ic[35]al
medicine: m[ケ]ic[35]e
mediocrity: m[ケ]iocr[56y]
meditation: m[ケ]it[6n]
Mediterranean: M[ケ]it[セ]ran[2]n
medium: m[ケ]ium
Medusa: M[ケ]usa
meed: me[ケ]
meerschaum: me[セ]s[カ]aum
megaphone: megaph[5o]
megaphoned: megaphon[ケ]
megathere: mega[ホ]re
Meleager: Mel[2]g[セ]
M^elisande: M[4]elis[ヘ]e
memento: me[56t]o
memorandum: memor[ヘ]um
menaced: m[26]ac[ケ]
menage: m[26]age
m^enage: m[4]enage
menagerie: m[26]ag[セ]ie
mendacity: m[26]dac[56y]
menhaden: m[26]had[26]
menial: m[26]ial
meningeal: m[26][35]geal
meningitis: m[26][35]gitis
mentality: m[26]tal[56y]
mentally: m[26]t[6y]
menthene: m[26][ホ]ne
mentioned: m[26][56n][ケ]
menu: m[26]u
Mercedes: M[セ]c[ケ]es
mercenary: m[セ]c[26][ヨ]y
merchandising: m[セ][カ][ヘ]is[ユ]
Meredith: M[セ][ケ]i[ス]
meridian: m[セ]idian
meringue: m[セ][ユ]ue
merino: m[セ][35]o
meristem: m[セ]i[ヤ]em
merited: m[セ]it[ケ]
Merovingian: M[セ]ov[ユ]ian
merriment: m[セ]ri[56t]
merry-go-round: m[セ]ry-[g]-r[46d]
meshwork: me[ク][5w]
mesitylene: mesityl[26]e
Mesol^ongian: Mesol[4]ongian
mesonephros: mesonephros
methenamine: me[ホ]nam[35]e
mettlesome: mettle[5s]
microfilm: microfilm
microform: micro[メ]m
Micronesian: Micronesian
microsome: microsome
microwave: microwave
mid-afternoon: mid-[afn]
midday: mid[5d]
middle: mi[256]le
middling: mi[256]l[ユ]
midinette: mid[35]ette
mid-point: mid-po[35]t
midwifery: midwifery
mignonette: mignonette
mileage: mileage
military: milit[ヨ]y
milk-can: milk-[c]
millenary: mill[26][ヨ]y
millennium: mill[26]nium
millinery: mill[35][セ]y
millstone: mill[ヤ][5o]
millwright: millw[5r]
milord: mi[5l]
minaret: m[35][ヨ]et
mincing: m[35]c[ユ]
mineral: m[35][セ]al
minestrone: m[35]e[ヤ]rone
mingled: m[ユ]l[ケ]
ministerial: m[35]i[ヤ][セ]ial
Minneapolis: M[35]n[2]polis
minor: m[35]or
minority: m[35]or[56y]
minstrel: m[35][ヤ]rel
minus: m[35]us
minute: m[35]ute (adj., n.)
minuteness: m[35]ute[56s]
Miranda: Mir[ヘ]a
misally: misally
misbecoming: misbecom[ユ]
mischance: mis[カ][46e]
misconceived: misconceiv[ケ]
misconduct: misconduct
miscreance: miscre[46e]
miscreant: miscr[2]nt
miserable: mis[セ]a[3456]
Miserere: Mis[セ][セ]e
misfortune: mis[メ]tune
mishandled: mish[ヘ]l[ケ]
mishap: mishap
misheard: mishe[ヨ]d
misinformed: mis[35][メ]m[ケ]
misknow: mis[5k]
misknowledge: mis[5k]l[ケ]ge
misnamed: mis[5n]d
misoneism: misoneism
misshapen: mis[ク]ap[26]
missionary: mis[46n][ヨ]y
misstep: mis[ヤ]ep
mistake: mistake
mistaken: mistak[26]
misteach: mist[2][カ]
mistell: mistell
mistempered: mistemp[セ][ケ]
Mister: Mi[ヤ][セ]
mistermed: mist[セ]m[ケ]
misthought: mis[ス][5シ]
mistimed: mis[5t]d
mistiness: mi[ヤ]i[56s]
mistitled: mistitl[ケ]
mistletoe: mi[ヤ]letoe
mistook: mistook
mistrain: mistra[35]
mistral: mi[ヤ]ral
mistranslation: mistransl[6n]
mistreatment: mistr[2]t[56t]
mistress: mi[ヤ]ress
mistrial: mistrial
mistrust: mistru[ヤ]
mistrustful: mistru[ヤ][56l]
misunderstanding: mis[5u][ヤ][ヘ][ユ]
misworded: mis[45w][ケ]
moccasin: mo[25]as[35]
mocha: mo[カ]a
Mohammedan: Mohamm[ケ]an
moistened: moi[ヤ][26][ケ]
molestation: mole[ヤ][6n]
moment: mo[56t]
momentary: mo[56t][ヨ]y
momentous: mo[56t][シ]s
momentum: mo[56t]um
Monaghan: Mona[キ]an
monandrous: mon[ヘ]r[シ]s
monarch: mon[ヨ][カ]
monastery: mona[ヤ][セ]y
Monel: Monel
monetary: m[5o]t[ヨ]y
monetize: m[5o]tize
money: m[5o]y
monger: m[56g][セ]
Mongolian: M[56g]olian
mongoose: mongoose
mongrel: m[56g]rel
monkshood: monkshood
Monongahela: Mon[56g]ahela
monotone: monot[5o]
Montenegro: Mont[26]egro
Monterey: Mont[セ]ey
Montreal: Montr[2]l
mooned: moon[ケ]
Mooney: Mooney
morally: mor[6y]
more: [m]
More: [6][m] (name)
morel: morel
more'n: more'n
moreover: moreov[セ]
More's: [6][m]'s (name)
more's: more's
mores: mores
Morocco: Moro[25]o
Mortimer: Mortim[セ]
moth-eaten: mo[ス]-eat[26]
mother: [5m]
motherhood: [5m]hood
mothering: [5m][ユ]
mother-in-law: [5m]-in-law
motherless: [5m][46s]
motherliness: [5m]li[56s]
mother-of-pearl: [5m]-[ミ]-pe[ヨ]l
motionless: mo[56n][46s]
moufflon: m[シ][235]lon
mounded: m[46d][ケ]
mountain: m[46t]a[35]
mountaineer: m[46t]a[35]e[セ]
mountainous: m[46t]a[35][シ]s
mounted: m[46t][ケ]
Mountie: M[46t]ie
Mouri: M[シ]ri
mournfully: m[シ]rn[56l]ly
mouth: m[シ][ス]
mouthed: m[シ][ホ]d
much: [mカ]
muchness: [mカ][56s]
muddled: mu[256]l[ケ]
muffin: mu[235][35]
muffler: mu[235]l[セ]
multinational: multin[6n]al
multinomial: multinomial
multinominal: multinom[35]al
multinuclear: multinucle[ヨ]
multipartite: multi[5p]ite
multitudinous: multitud[35][シ]s
mumbler: mum[3456]r
mumbled: mum[3456]d
muraena: muraena
muskallonge: muskall[56g]e
must: [mヤ] (adv., n.)
musta: [mヤ]a
mustache: mu[ヤ]a[カ]e
mustang: mu[ヤ]ang
mustard: mu[ヤ][ヨ]d
mustering: mu[ヤ][セ][ユ]
mustn't: [mヤ]n't
must've: [mヤ]'ve
musty: [mヤ]y
mutineer: mut[35]e[セ]
mutinous: mut[35][シ]s
mutiny: mut[35]y
Mymensingh: Mym[26]s[ユ]h
myself: [myf]
mysterious: my[ヤ][セ]i[シ]s
mystery: my[ヤ][セ]y
mystically: my[ヤ]ic[6y]
name: [5n]
nameable: [5n]a[3456]
named: [5n]d
namely: [5n]ly
namesake: [5n]sake
naming: nam[ユ]
naphthene: naph[ホ]ne
narration: n[ヨ]r[6n]
narrow: n[ヨ]r[コ]
nascence: nasc[56e]
nastiness: na[ヤ]i[56s]
nation: n[6n]
nationality: n[6n]al[56y]
nationally: n[6n][6y]
naturally: natur[6y]
nauseating: naus[2]t[ユ]
Nazarene: Naz[ヨ][26]e
Neanderthal: Ne[ヘ][セ][ス]al
Neapolitan: N[2]politan
near: ne[ヨ]
nearby: ne[ヨ]by
nearest: ne[ヨ]e[ヤ]
neatherd: n[2]th[セ]d
necessary: [nec]
necessarily: necess[ヨ]ily
necessity: necess[56y]
nectarine: nect[ヨ][35]e
needed: ne[ケ][ケ]
needling: ne[ケ]l[ユ]
ne'er: ne'[セ]
ne'er-do-well: ne'[セ]-[d]-well
negligence: neglig[56e]
neighbor: nei[キ]bor
neighboring: nei[キ]bor[ユ]
neither: [nei]
neoned: neon[ケ]
neofascism: neofascism
Nero: N[セ]o
nervousness: n[セ]v[シ]s[56s]
Ness: Ness (name)
Nesselrode: Nesselrode
nestling: ne[ヤ]l[ユ]
nethermost: ne[ホ]rmo[ヤ]
neurasthenia: neuras[ホ]nia
neutrality: neutral[56y]
never: n[5e]
nevertheless: n[5e][ホ][46s]
never-to-be-forgotten: n[5e]-to-be-[メ]gott[26]
new-comer: new-com[セ]
Newfoundland: Newf[46d]l[ヘ]
New Orleans: New Orl[2]ns
newsletter: news[lr]
nibbled: nib[3456]d
niche: ni[カ]e
nickname: nick[5n]
niggardliness: ni[2356][ヨ]dli[56s]
nighthawk: ni[キ]thawk
nightingale: ni[キ]t[35]gale
Nightingale: Ni[キ]t[35]gale
nighttime: ni[キ]t[5t]
nimbleness: nim[3456][56s]
Nina: N[35]a
nincompoop: n[35]compoop
nineteen: n[35]ete[26]
Ningyocho: N[35]gyo[カ]o
Nipponese: Nipponese
Niter^oi: Nit[セ][4]oi
noble: no[3456]
nobler: no[3456]r
noblesse: nob[46s]e
noblest: no[3456][ヤ]
noggin: no[2356][35]
noisome: noi[5s]
nominally: nom[35][6y]
nomination: nom[35][6n]
nominative: nom[35]ative
nonbeliever: nonbeliev[セ]
nonchalance: non[カ]al[46e]
noncommissioned: noncommis[46n][ケ]
non compos mentis: non [36]pos m[26]tis
nonconformist: noncon[メ]mi[ヤ]
none: n[5o]
nonelastic: nonela[ヤ]ic
nonentity: non[26]t[56y]
nones: n[5o]s
nonessential: noness[26]tial
nonesuch: n[5o][sカ]
nonfeasance: nonf[2]s[46e]
nonfulfillment: nonfulfill[56t]
nonpareil: nonp[ヨ]eil
nonparticipating: non[5p]icipat[ユ]
noonday: noon[5d]
noontime: noon[5t]
Normandy: Norm[ヘ]y
northeast: nor[ス]ea[ヤ]
northerly: nor[ホ]rly
northern: nor[ホ]rn
nosebleed: noseble[ケ]
nostalgia: no[ヤ]algia
nostril: no[ヤ]ril
not: [n]
nota bene: nota [23]ne
noticeable: noticea[3456]
Nottingham: Nott[ユ]ham
notwithstanding: not[モ][ヤ][ヘ][ユ]
nought: n[5シ]
nourished: n[シ]ri[ク][ケ]
nouveau riche: n[シ]v[2]u ri[カ]e
novena: nov[26]a
nowadays: n[コ]a[5d]s
noway: noway
nowhere: no[5サ]
nowise: nowise
nuance: nu[46e]
nubbin: nu[23][35]
nuclear: nucle[ヨ]
nucleate: nucl[2]te
nugget: nu[2356]et
nuisance: nuis[46e]
Nuneaton: Nun[2]ton
nuthatch: nuthat[カ]
oarsmanship: o[ヨ]sman[ク]ip
obedience: ob[ケ]i[56e]
obedient: ob[ケ]i[26]t
oblanceolate: obl[46e]olate
oblong: obl[56g]
obscenity: obsc[26][56y]
observance: obs[セ]v[46e]
obstinate: ob[ヤ][35]ate
obstruction: ob[ヤ]ruc[56n]
obtained: obta[35][ケ]
occasion: o[25]a[46n]
occasionally: o[25]a[46n][6y]
occupation: o[25]up[6n]
occupied: o[25]upi[ケ]
occurrence: o[25]urr[56e]
oceanic: oc[2]nic
Oceanid: Oc[2]nid
o'clock: [o'c]
O'Connell: O'[6][25]nell
O'Connor: O'[6][25]nor
octogenarian: octog[26][ヨ]ian
odd: odd
oddity: o[256][56y]
odd-looking: odd-look[ユ]
oddly: o[256]ly
odds: o[256]s
OED: OED (Oxford English Dictionary)
oedema: oedema
Oedipus: Oedipus
oenologist: oenologi[ヤ]
Oenone: Oenone
o'er: o'[セ]
oersted: oer[ヤ][ケ]
of: [ミ]
off: [ミ]f
offence: [ミ]f[56e]
offenceless: [ミ]f[56e][46s]
offer: [ミ]f[セ]
offering: [ミ]f[セ][ユ]
offhanded: [ミ]fh[ヘ][ケ]
officer: [ミ]fic[セ]
officially: [ミ]fici[6y]
offing: [ミ]f[ユ]
offshoot: [ミ]f[ク]oot
offspring: [ミ]fspr[ユ]
oftentimes: [ミ]t[26][5t]s
ointment: o[35]t[56t]
Okinawa: Ok[35]awa
oleaceous: oleace[シ]s
oleaginous: oleag[35][シ]s
oleander: ole[ヘ][セ]
oleaster: olea[ヤ][セ]
oligarchy: olig[ヨ][カ]y
omentum: o[56t]um
ominous: om[35][シ]s
oncoming: oncom[ユ]
one: [5o]
Onega: Onega
Onegin: Oneg[35]
Oneida: Oneida
oneness: [5o][56s]
onerous: on[セ][シ]s
onerousness: on[セ][シ]s[56s]
one's: [5o]'s
oneself: [5of]
only-begotten: only-[23]gott[26]
Ontario: Ont[ヨ]io
onto: onto
oosphere: oosph[セ]e
ootheca: oo[ホ]ca
openheartedness: op[26]he[ヨ]t[ケ][56s]
open-letter: op[26]-[lr]
openwork: op[26][5w]
op^era comique: op[4]era [36]ique
operation: op[セ][6n]
operetta: op[セ]etta
opponent: oppon[26]t
optime: optime
orangeade: orangeade
orchard: or[カ][ヨ]d
orchestration: or[カ]e[ヤ]r[6n]
ordained: orda[35][ケ]
ordeal: ord[2]l
ordinance: ord[35][46e]
ordinarily: ord[35][ヨ]ily
oread: or[2]d
organdy: org[ヘ]y
orientation: ori[26]t[6n]
originality: orig[35]al[56y]
originally: orig[35][6y]
origine: orig[35]e
Orlando: Orl[ヘ]o
Orleanist: Orl[2]ni[ヤ]
ornamented: orna[56t][ケ]
Osgood: Osgood
O'shaughnessy: O'[ク]au[56s]y
ostentation: o[ヤ][26]t[6n]
osteopath: o[ヤ]eopa[ス]
ostrich: o[ヤ]ri[カ]
Othello: O[ホ]llo
other: o[ホ]r
otherwhere: o[ホ]r[5サ]
ought: [5シ]
oughtlins: [シ][キ]tl[35]s
oughtn't: [5シ]n't
'ounds: '[シ]nds
ourselves: [シrvs]
ouster: [シ][ヤ][セ]
out: [シ]
out-and-out: [シ]-[ヘ]-[シ]
outbound: [シ]tb[46d]
outby: [シ]tby
outcome: [シ]tcome
outdistance: [シ]tdist[46e]
outdistrict: [シ]tdistrict
outdo: [シ]tdo
outermost: [シ]t[セ]mo[ヤ]
outgo: [シ]tgo
outhaul: [シ]thaul
outhouse: [シ]th[シ]se
outlandishness: [シ]tl[ヘ]i[ク][56s]
outlined: [シ]tl[35][ケ]
out-of-date: [シ]-[ミ]-date
out-of-door: [シ]-[ミ]-door
out-of-the-way: [シ]-[ミ]-[ホ]-way
out-patient: [シ]-pati[26]t
outpatient: [シ]tpati[26]t
outrance: [シ]tr[46e]
outr^e: [シ]tr[4]e
outright: [シ]t[5r]
outshone: [シ]t[ク][5o]
outstanding: [シ]t[ヤ][ヘ][ユ]
outstation: [シ]t[ヤ][6n]
outward: [シ]tw[ヨ]d
outwork: [シ]t[5w]
overbearing: ov[セ]be[ヨ][ユ]
overcasting: ov[セ]ca[ヤ][ユ]
overcome: ov[セ]come
overconfidence: ov[セ]confid[56e]
overdo: ov[セ]do
overeager: ov[セ]eag[セ]
overearnest: ov[セ]e[ヨ]ne[ヤ]
overeat: ov[セ]eat
overfull: ov[セ]full
overfullness: ov[セ]full[56s]
overlord: ov[セ][5l]
overmuch: ov[セ][mカ]
overpeople: ov[セ]people
overquick: ov[セ][qk]
overrighteous: ov[セ][5r]e[シ]s
overseer: ov[セ]se[セ]
overstuff: ov[セ][ヤ]uff
overstuffed: ov[セ][ヤ]u[235][ケ]
overtime: ov[セ][5t]
overwork: ov[セ][5w]
overwrought: ov[セ]wr[5シ]
Ow!: [6][コ]!
own: [コ]n
ownership: [コ]n[セ][ク]ip
Oxford: Ox[メ]d
ozone: oz[5o]
pachyderm: pa[カ]yd[セ]m
padding: pa[256][ユ]
paddler: pa[256]l[セ]
padrone: padrone
paean: paean
paediatric: paediatric
paedophile: paedophile
pageant: pag[2]nt
paid: [pd]
paid-in-full: [pd]-in-full
painfulness: pa[35][56l][56s]
painstaking: pa[35]stak[ユ]
painter: pa[35]t[セ]
palea: palea
paleaceous: paleace[シ]s
Palestine: Pale[ヤ][35]e
palomino: palom[35]o
pampean: pamp[2]n
pancreas: pancr[2]s
pancreatic: pancr[2]tic
panda: p[ヘ]a
pandanus: p[ヘ]anus
Pandean: P[ヘ][2]n
pandemic: pandemic
pandemonism: pandemonism
pandemonium: pandemonium
panderer: p[ヘ][セ][セ]
pandering: p[ヘ][セ][ユ]
Pandora: P[ヘ]ora
pandowdy: p[ヘ][コ]dy
pantheist: pan[ホ]i[ヤ]
pantheon: pan[ホ]on
panther: pan[ホ]r
pantothenic: panto[ホ]nic
paperer: pap[セ][セ]
parable: p[ヨ]a[3456]
parachute: p[ヨ]a[カ]ute
parading: p[ヨ]ad[ユ]
paraengineer: p[ヨ]a[26]g[35]e[セ]
paraesthesia: p[ヨ]aes[ホ]sia
paraffin: p[ヨ]a[235][35]
paramount: p[ヨ]am[46t]
par avance: p[ヨ] av[46e]
parchment: p[ヨ][カ][56t]
pardoned: p[ヨ]don[ケ]
pardoner: p[ヨ]don[セ]
pared: p[ヨ][ケ]
parental: p[ヨ][26]tal
parentheses: p[ヨ][26][ホ]ses
parenthesis: p[ヨ][26][ホ]sis
parenthetically: p[ヨ][26][ホ]tic[6y]
parenthood: p[ヨ][26]thood
pareu: p[ヨ]eu
Paris: P[ヨ]is
parishioner: p[ヨ]i[ク]ion[セ]
Parisian: P[ヨ]isian
parity: p[ヨ][56y]
parlance: p[ヨ]l[46e]
parliamentary: p[ヨ]lia[56t][ヨ]y
parochial: p[ヨ]o[カ]ial
paroled: p[ヨ]ol[ケ]
paroxytone: p[ヨ]oxyt[5o]
parried: p[ヨ]ri[ケ]
part: [5p]
partake: p[ヨ]take
partaken: p[ヨ]tak[26]
partaker: p[ヨ]tak[セ]
partakes: p[ヨ]takes
partaking: p[ヨ]tak[ユ]
parterre: p[ヨ]t[セ]re
Parthenon: P[ヨ][ホ]non
Parthia: P[ヨ][ス]ia
Parthian: P[ヨ][ス]ian
partiality: [5p]ial[56y]
partially: [5p]i[6y]
participation: [5p]icip[6n]
participle: [5p]iciple
particle: [5p]icle
particularity: [5p]icul[ヨ][56y]
parti pris: [5p]i pris
partisan: [5p]isan
partite: [5p]ite
partition: [5p]i[56n]
partive: [5p]ive
partly: [5p]ly
partnership: [5p]n[セ][ク]ip
partook: p[ヨ]took
partridge: [5p]ridge
part-time: [5p]-[5t]
parturient: [5p]uri[26]t
party: [5p]y
parvenu: p[ヨ]v[26]u
passementerie: passe[56t][セ]ie
passe partout: passe p[ヨ]t[シ]t
passer-by: pass[セ]-by
passionless: pas[46n][46s]
password: pass[45w]
pastel: pa[ヤ]el
pastime: pas[5t]
pasturing: pa[ヤ]ur[ユ]
patchwork: pat[カ][5w]
paternity: pat[セ]n[56y]
pathetically: pa[ホ]tic[6y]
patience: pati[56e]
patrilineal: patril[35][2]l
patriarch: patri[ヨ][カ]
patroness: patro[56s]
patterned: patt[セ]n[ケ]
pea: pea
peaceable: p[2]cea[3456]
peaceably: p[2]ceably
peacock: p[2]cock
pean: p[2]n
peanut: p[2]nut
pear: pe[ヨ]
pearl: pe[ヨ]l
Pearl: Pe[ヨ]l
peart: pe[ヨ]t
pebble: peb[3456]
pebbled: peb[3456]d
peccary: pe[25][ヨ]y
pedagogically: p[ケ]agogic[6y]
pedal: p[ケ]al
pedantically: p[ケ]antic[6y]
peddle: p[ケ]dle
peddler: p[ケ]dl[セ]
pedestal: p[ケ]e[ヤ]al
pedestrian: p[ケ]e[ヤ]rian
pediatrician: p[ケ]iatrician
pediatrist: p[ケ]iatri[ヤ]
pedicular: p[ケ]icul[ヨ]
pediform: p[ケ]i[メ]m
pediment: p[ケ]i[56t]
pedometer: p[ケ]omet[セ]
peduncle: p[ケ]uncle
peen: pe[26]
peerless: pe[セ][46s]
Peggy: Pe[2356]y
Pekingese: Pek[ユ]ese
penal: p[26]al
penalty: p[26]alty
penance: p[26][46e]
pence: p[56e]
pencel: p[56e]l
Penelope: P[26]elope
penguin: p[26]gu[35]
peninsula: p[26][35]sula
penitentiary: p[26]it[26]ti[ヨ]y
penologist: p[26]ologi[ヤ]
pension: p[26][46n] (boarding house)
pension: p[26][46n]
pensioner: p[26][46n][セ]
penthouse: p[26]th[シ]se
penurious: p[26]uri[シ]s
penury: p[26]ury
people: [p]
peoples: peoples
people's: [p]'s
peppermint: pepp[セ]m[35]t
perceivable: p[セ]ceiva[3456]
perceive: [pセcv]
perceived: [pセcv]d
perceiver: [pセcv]r
perceiving: [pセcvg]
percent: p[セ]c[26]t
perception: p[セ]cep[56n]
perchance: p[セ][カ][46e]
Percheron: P[セ][カ][セ]on
peregrination: p[セ]egr[35][6n]
perennially: p[セ][26]ni[6y]
perfectionist: p[セ]fec[56n]i[ヤ]
perforation: p[セ][メ][6n]
performance: p[セ][メ]m[46e]
perhaps: [pセh]
perinatal: p[セ]inatal
perinatology: p[セ]inatology
perineal: p[セ]in[2]l
perineum: p[セ]ineum
periodically: p[セ]iodic[6y]
periosteal: p[セ]io[ヤ][2]l
perishable: p[セ]i[ク]a[3456]
peritoneum: p[セ]itoneum
peritoneal: p[セ]iton[2]l
permeable: p[セ]mea[3456]
permeance: p[セ]me[46e]
permeating: p[セ]m[2]t[ユ]
permeation: p[セ]me[6n]
permission: p[セ]mis[46n]
peroneal: p[セ]on[2]l
perpendicularity: p[セ]p[26]dicul[ヨ][56y]
perpetuity: p[セ]petu[56y]
Persephone: P[セ]sephone
perseverance: p[セ]sev[セ][46e]
persevered: p[セ]sev[セ][ケ]
persistence: p[セ]si[ヤ][56e]
persistent: p[セ]si[ヤ][26]t
personally: p[セ]son[6y]
perspicuity: p[セ]spicu[56y]
perspiration: p[セ]spir[6n]
persuasion: p[セ]sua[46n]
pertaining: p[セ]ta[35][ユ]
pertinacity: p[セ]t[35]ac[56y]
pertinent: p[セ]t[35][26]t
Peru: P[セ]u
peruke: p[セ]uke
peruser: p[セ]us[セ]
pesthole: pe[ヤ]hole
pesthouse: pe[ヤ]h[シ]se
pestilence: pe[ヤ]il[56e]
petitioner: peti[56n][セ]
petronel: petronel
phagedena: phag[ケ][26]a
Pharaoh: Ph[ヨ]aoh
pharyngeal: ph[ヨ]yng[2]l
phenol: ph[26]ol
phenomenon: ph[26]om[26]on
Phenix: Ph[26]ix
philanderer: phil[ヘ][セ][セ]
Philistine: Phili[ヤ][35]e
Phineas: Ph[35][2]s
Phoenician: Phoenician
phoenix: phoenix
phone: ph[5o]
phoned: phon[ケ]
phoneme: phoneme
phonetically: phonetic[6y]
phoney: phoney
photoflash: photofla[ク]
photosynthesis: photosyn[ホ]sis
photothermic: photo[ホ]rmic
phrenetic: phr[26]etic
phrenetically: phr[26]etic[6y]
physiotherapy: physio[ホ]rapy
picarooned: pic[ヨ]oon[ケ]
piercingly: pi[セ]c[ユ]ly
Pierre: Pi[セ]re
pigheaded: pigh[2]d[ケ]
pigmentation: pig[56t][6n]
pileated: pil[2]t[ケ]
pilothouse: piloth[シ]se
pimento: pi[56t]o
pina: pina
pinafore: p[35]a[メ]e
pince-nez: p[35]ce-nez
pineal: p[35][2]l
pineapple: p[35]eapple
pinedrops: p[35]edrops
ping-pong: p[ユ]-p[56g]
Pinocchio: P[35]oc[カ]io
pinochle: p[35]o[カ]le
pi^non: pi[4]non
pioneering: pione[セ][ユ]
pistachio: pi[ヤ]a[カ]io
pistol: pi[ヤ]ol
pitchblende: pit[カ]bl[26]de
pitchout: pit[カ][シ]t
pithecanthrope: pi[ホ]can[ス]rope
pitying: p[56y][ユ]
pizzeria: pizz[セ]ia
plagiarist: plagi[ヨ]i[ヤ]
plainness: pla[35][56s]
planisphere: planisph[セ]e
plasmosome: plasmosome
plastered: pla[ヤ][セ][ケ]
plateau: plat[2]u
platinum: plat[35]um
playtime: play[5t]
playwright: playw[5r]
pledger: pl[ケ]g[セ]
plenary: pl[26][ヨ]y
plentifully: pl[26]ti[56l]ly
plight: pli[キ]t
ploughshare: pl[シ][キ][ク][ヨ]e
plowshare: pl[コ][ク][ヨ]e
plundered: pl[5u][ケ]
plunderer: pl[5u][セ]
poenology: poenology
pointed: po[35]t[ケ]
poisoned: poison[ケ]
poisoner: poison[セ]
pokeroot: pokeroot
poleax: poleax
pomander: pom[ヘ][セ]
pongee: p[56g]ee
pontiffs: ponti[235]s
popedom: popedom
popery: pop[セ]y
porringer: porr[ユ][セ]
portamento: porta[56t]o
porthole: porthole
portiere: porti[セ]e
porti^ere: porti[4]ere
Port Said: Port Said
postal: po[ヤ]al
posterior: po[ヤ][セ]ior
posterity: po[ヤ][セ][56y]
posthaste: po[ヤ]ha[ヤ]e
posthepatic: po[ヤ]hepatic
posthumous: po[ヤ]hum[シ]s
postpaid: po[ヤ][pd]
postpone: po[ヤ]p[5o]
postponed: po[ヤ]pon[ケ]
postponement: po[ヤ]p[5o][56t]
postponer: po[ヤ]pon[セ]
postprandial: po[ヤ]pr[ヘ]ial
pothecary: po[ホ]c[ヨ]y
potherb: poth[セ]b
potholder: pothold[セ]
pothole: pothole
pothook: pothook
potsherd: pot[ク][セ]d
pounced: p[シ]nc[ケ]
pound: p[46d]
pounding: p[46d][ユ]
pourparler: p[シ]rp[ヨ]l[セ]
powerful: p[コ][セ][56l]
Powhatan: P[コ]hatan
practitioner: practi[56n][セ]
praedial: praedial
praenomen: praenom[26]
pranced: pr[46e]d
prancer: pr[46e]r
prandial: pr[ヘ]ial
preacceptance: prea[25]ept[46e]
preacquaintance: preacqua[35]t[46e]
preaction: preac[56n]
preadamite: preadamite
preadaptation: preadapt[6n]
preadjustment: preadju[ヤ][56t]
preadult: preadult
preamble: pream[3456]
preannounced: preann[シ]nc[ケ]
preappointment: preappo[35]t[56t]
prearranged: pre[ヨ]rang[ケ]
precanceled: prec[46e]l[ケ]
preceded: prec[ケ][ケ]
precedence: prec[ケ][56e]
precedent: prec[ケ][26]t
precompose: precompose
preconceived: preconceiv[ケ]
preconception: preconcep[56n]
preconize: preconize
predacious: predaci[シ]s
predated: predat[ケ]
predation: pred[6n]
predatory: pr[ケ]atory
predeceased: predec[2]s[ケ]
predecessor: pr[ケ]ecessor
predeliberation: predelib[セ][6n]
predesignate: predesignate
predestination: prede[ヤ][35][6n]
predetermined: predet[セ]m[35][ケ]
predicable: pr[ケ]ica[3456]
predicability: pr[ケ]icabil[56y]
predicament: predica[56t]
predicated: pr[ケ]icat[ケ]
predict: predict
prediction: predic[56n]
predigested: predige[ヤ][ケ]
predigestion: prediges[56n]
predilection: predilec[56n]
prediscover: prediscov[セ]
predisposed: predispos[ケ]
predominance: predom[35][46e]
predomination: predom[35][6n]
preened: pre[26][ケ]
preference: pref[セ][56e]
preliminary: prelim[35][ヨ]y
premier: premi[セ]
premiere: premiere
prenatal: prenatal
prenominate: prenom[35]ate
prenotion: preno[56n]
prentice: pr[26]tice
prenuptial: prenuptial
preoccupied: preo[25]upi[ケ]
prepaid: pre[pd]
preparation: prep[ヨ][6n]
preparedness: prep[ヨ][ケ][56s]
preposterous: prepo[ヤ][セ][シ]s
prerelease: prerel[2]se
prerequisite: prerequisite
prerevolutionary: prerevolu[56n][ヨ]y
prerogative: prerogative
presentable: pres[26]ta[3456]
presentiment: pres[26]ti[56t]
prestige: pre[ヤ]ige
prettiness: pretti[56s]
prevarication: prev[ヨ]ic[6n]
pr^evenance: pr[4]ev[26][46e]
prevenience: prev[26]i[56e]
priesthood: prie[ヤ]hood
priggishness: pri[2356]i[ク][56s]
principality: pr[35]cipal[56y]
principally: pr[35]cip[6y]
prisoner: prison[セ]
pristine: pri[ヤ][35]e
prithee: pri[ホ]e
pro and con: pro [ヘ] con
probationer: prob[6n][セ]
problem: pro[3456]m
problematically: pro[3456]matic[6y]
procedure: proc[ケ]ure
proceeding: proce[ケ][ユ]
proconsul: proconsul
procrastination: procra[ヤ][35][6n]
procreant: procr[2]nt
procreated: procr[2]t[ケ]
procreation: procre[6n]
Prof.: Pr[ミ].
profanation: pr[ミ]an[6n]
profane: profane
profanely: profanely
profanity: profan[56y]
profert: prof[セ]t
profess: profess
professionally: profes[46n][6y]
professor: professor
professorial: professorial
proffered: pr[ミ]f[セ][ケ]
proficiency: profici[26]cy
proficientness: profici[26]t[56s]
profile: profile
profit: pr[ミ]it
profitable: pr[ミ]ita[3456]
profiteer: pr[ミ]ite[セ]
profitless: pr[ミ]it[46s]
profligate: pr[ミ]ligate
profound: prof[46d]
profoundness: prof[46d][56s]
profundity: profund[56y]
profuseness: profuse[56s]
profusion: profu[46n]
prolongation: prol[56g][6n]
promenading: prom[26]ad[ユ]
Promethean: Prome[ホ]an
Prometheus: Prome[ホ]us
prominence: prom[35][56e]
prominent: prom[35][26]t
proneness: pr[5o][56s]
pronephros: pronephros
pronghorn: pr[56g]horn
pronounceable: pron[シ]ncea[3456]
proof: pro[ミ]
propaganda: propag[ヘ]a
propinquity: prop[35]qu[56y]
proponent: propon[26]t
pros and cons: pros [ヘ] cons
proscenium: prosc[26]ium
Proserpina: Pros[セ]p[35]a
prosperity: prosp[セ][56y]
prostheses: pros[ホ]ses
prosthesis: pros[ホ]sis
prostration: pro[ヤ]r[6n]
protestant: prote[ヤ]ant
protestation: prote[ヤ][6n]
prothetically: pro[ホ]tic[6y]
protofilament: protofila[56t]
protonema: protonema
protuberance: protub[セ][46e]
prounion: prounion
provenance: prov[26][46e]
provenience: prov[26]i[56e]
provisionally: provi[46n][6y]
prudery: prud[セ]y
prudishness: prudi[ク][56s]
pseudofracture: pseudofracture
pseudoneurotic: pseudoneurotic
pshaw: p[ク]aw
psychasthenia: psy[カ]as[ホ]nia
psychically: psy[カ]ic[6y]
psychedelic: psy[カ]edlic
psychoneurosis: psy[カ]oneurosis
psychotherapist: psy[カ]o[ホ]rapi[ヤ]
publisher: publi[ク][セ]
puddler: pu[256]l[セ]
puerility: pu[セ]il[56y]
puerperal: pu[セ]p[セ]al
Puerto Rico: Pu[セ]to Rico
puff: puff
puffball: pu[235]ball
puffiness: pu[235]i[56s]
puffs: pu[235]s
pulchritudinous: pul[カ]ritud[35][シ]s
pulsometer: pulsomet[セ]
punchinello: pun[カ][35]ello
punishment: puni[ク][56t]
purblind: pur[bl]
purloined: purlo[35][ケ]
purtenance: purt[26][46e]
pustular: pu[ヤ]ul[ヨ]
put-out: put-[シ]
pyorrheal: pyorrh[2]l
pyrone: pyr[5o]
Pythagorean: Py[ス]agor[2]n
pythoness: py[ス]o[56s]
quadragenarian: quadrag[26][ヨ]ian
quadrinomial: quadrinomial
quadripartite: quadri[5p]ite
quaere: quaere
quaff: quaff
quaffed: qua[235][ケ]
quaffs: qua[235]s
quaintness: qua[35]t[56s]
quandary: qu[ヘ][ヨ]y
quand meme: qu[ヘ] meme
quandong: qu[ヘ][56g]
quarantined: qu[ヨ]ant[35][ケ]
quarrelsome: qu[ヨ]rel[5s]
quarrier: qu[ヨ]ri[セ]
quartered: qu[ヨ]t[セ][ケ]
queasiness: qu[2]si[56s]
Queenstown: Que[26]st[コ]n
querulous: qu[セ]ul[シ]s
query: qu[セ]y
question: [5q]
questionable: [5q]a[3456]
questionably: [5q]ably
questionary: [5q][ヨ]y
questioned: [5q][ケ]
questioner: [5q][セ]
questioningly: [5q][ユ]ly
questionless: [5q][46s]
questionnaire: [5q]naire
quibbled: quib[3456]d
quibbler: quib[3456]r
quick: [qk]
quicken: [qk][26]
quickie: [qk]ie
quickly: [qk]ly
quickness: [qk][56s]
quicksand: [qk]s[ヘ]
quickset: [qk]set
quicksilver: [qk]silv[セ]
quick-witted: [qk]-witt[ケ]
quiddity: qui[256][56y]
quinary: qu[35][ヨ]y
quinine: qu[35][35]e
quinquepartite: qu[35]que[5p]ite
quite: [q]
rabbi: ra[23]i
rabbinical: ra[23][35]ical
rabbit: ra[23]it
rabble: rab[3456]
radiofrequency: radiofrequ[226]cy
Raeder: Raed[セ]
raff: raff
raffinose: ra[235][35]ose
raffishness: ra[235]i[ク][56s]
rafter: raft[セ]
ragamuffin: ragamu[235][35]
ragout: rag[シ]t
ragtime: rag[5t]
raiment: rai[56t]
rainbow: ra[35]b[コ]
rallentando: rall[26]t[ヘ]o
rally: r[6y]
rallying: r[6y][ユ]
rambler: ram[3456]r
rampart: ram[5p]
ranchero: ran[カ][セ]o
Randolph: R[ヘ]olph
random: r[ヘ]om
ransomed: ransom[ケ]
ransomer: ransom[セ]
rapprochement: rappro[カ]e[56t]
rarefaction: r[ヨ]efac[56n]
rareness: r[ヨ]e[56s]
rareripe: r[ヨ]eripe
rather: [r]
ration: r[6n]
rationally: r[6n][6y]
rawhide: rawhide
RCV: [56]RCV (reactor containment vessel)
reabsorption: reabsorp[56n]
reaccess: rea[25]ess
reaccommodate: rea[25]ommodate
reaccused: rea[25]us[ケ]
reacting: react[ユ]
reactionary: reac[56n][ヨ]y
readdressed: rea[256]ress[ケ]
reader: r[2]d[セ]
readiness: r[2]di[56s]
readjournment: readj[シ]rn[56t]
readjust: readju[ヤ]
readjusted: readju[ヤ][ケ]
readmission: readmis[46n]
readmittance: readmitt[46e]
readopted: readopt[ケ]
readvance: readv[46e]
ready-to-wear: r[2]dy-to-we[ヨ]
reaffirmance: rea[235]irm[46e]
reaffirmation: rea[235]irm[6n]
reafforestation: reaf[メ]e[ヤ][6n]
reagent: reag[26]t
reagreed: reagre[ケ]
real: r[2]l
reality: r[2]l[56y]
realization: r[2]liz[6n]
realized: r[2]liz[ケ]
realliance: realli[46e]
really: re[6y]
re-ally: re-ally (to unite)
realty: r[2]lty
reanimation: reanim[6n]
reannexation: reannex[6n]
reanointed: reano[35]t[ケ]
reapparel: reapp[ヨ]el
reappearance: reappe[ヨ][46e]
reappear: reappe[ヨ]
reapplied: reappli[ケ]
reappointment: reappo[35]t[56t]
reapportionment: reappor[56n][56t]
rear: re[ヨ]
reargument: re[ヨ]gu[56t]
rearmament: re[ヨ]ma[56t]
rearmost: re[ヨ]mo[ヤ]
rearrangement: re[ヨ]range[56t]
rearward: re[ヨ]w[ヨ]d
reascend: reasc[26]d
reascension: reasc[26][46n]
reasoned: r[2]son[ケ]
reassembled: reassem[3456]d
reassertion: reass[セ][56n]
reassimilation: reassimil[6n]
reassurance: reassur[46e]
reattachment: reatta[カ][56t]
reavowed: reav[コ][ケ]
reawaken: reawak[26]
Rebecca: Rebe[25]a
rebounding: reb[46d][ユ]
rebuffed: rebu[235][ケ]
receded: rec[ケ][ケ]
receivable: receiva[3456]
receive: [rcv]
received: [rcv]d
receiver: [rcv]r
receivership: [rcv]r[ク]ip
receiving: [rcvg]
recension: rec[26][46n]
recessional: reces[46n]al
recharter: re[カ][ヨ]t[セ]
r^echauff^e: r[4]e[カ]au[235][4]e
recherch^e: re[カ][セ][カ][4]e
reckoned: reckon[ケ]
reclamation: reclam[6n]
recommenced: recomm[56e]d
re-commission: re-commis[46n]
re-connect: re-[25]nect
reconstituted: recon[ヤ]itut[ケ]
reconstructed: recon[ヤ]ruct[ケ]
recreant: recr[2]nt
recreated: recr[2]t[ケ]
recreation: recre[6n]
rectilinear: rectil[35]e[ヨ]
redact: redact
redan: r[ケ]an
redbreasted: r[ケ]br[2][ヤ][ケ]
reddened: r[ケ]d[26][ケ]
rededication: red[ケ]ic[6n]
redeemed: redeem[ケ]
redelivered: redeliv[セ][ケ]
redemonstrate: redemon[ヤ]rate
redemption: redemp[56n]
redescend: redesc[26]d
redetermined: redet[セ]m[35][ケ]
redigested: redige[ヤ][ケ]
rediminish: redim[35]i[ク]
redingote: r[ケ][ユ]ote
redirected: redirect[ケ]
rediscoverer: rediscov[セ][セ]
redisposition: redisposi[56n]
redissolution: redissolu[56n]
redissolved: redissolv[ケ]
redistilled: redistill[ケ]
redistrainer: redistra[35][セ]
redistribution: redistribu[56n]
redistrict: redistrict
redivided: redivid[ケ]
redolence: r[ケ]ol[56e]
redoubled: red[シ][3456]d
redoubtable: red[シ]bta[3456]
redounded: red[46d][ケ]
redowa: r[ケ][コ]a
redrafter: redraft[セ]
redraw: redraw
redress: redress
reduce: reduce
reduced: reduc[ケ]
reductase: reductase
reduction: reduc[56n]
redundance: redund[46e]
reduplication: reduplic[6n]
reeding: re[ケ][ユ]
reenforce: re[26][メ]ce
re-entrance: re-[26]tr[46e]
reformation: re[メ]m[6n]
refringent: refr[ユ][26]t
regimentation: regi[56t][6n]
registered: regi[ヤ][セ][ケ]
registration: regi[ヤ]r[6n]
Reichstag: Rei[カ]stag
reincarnation: re[35]c[ヨ]n[6n]
reindeer: re[35]de[セ]
reined: re[35][ケ]
rejoice: [rjc]
rejoiced: [rjc]d
rejoiceful: [rjc][56l]
rejoicing: [rjcg]
rejuvenation: rejuv[26][6n]
relationship: rel[6n][ク]ip
remediable: rem[ケ]ia[3456]
remedied: rem[ケ]i[ケ]
remedial: rem[ケ]ial
remedy: rem[ケ]y
reminiscence: rem[35]isc[56e]
remonetize: rem[5o]tize
Rena: R[26]a
renaissance: r[26]aiss[46e]
renal: r[26]al
renamed: re[5n]d
renascence: renasc[56e]
renascent: renasc[26]t
renavigate: renavigate
rencontre: r[26]contre
rendezvous: r[26]dezv[シ]s
Ren^ee: R[26][4]ee
renegade: r[26]egade
renege: renege
renerve: ren[セ]ve
renew: renew
renewable: renewa[3456]
renin: r[26][35]
Reno: R[26]o
renomination: renom[35][6n]
renouncement: ren[シ]nce[56t]
renovate: r[26]ovate
renovation: r[26]ov[6n]
renowned: ren[コ]n[ケ]
Rensselaer: R[26]sselaer
rentier: r[26]ti[セ]
renumbering: renumb[セ][ユ]
renumerate: renum[セ]ate
renunciation: renunci[6n]
repaid: re[pd]
reparation: rep[ヨ][6n]
repartee: re[5p]ee
repartition: re[5p]i[56n]
repeople: repeople
requestioned: re[5q][ケ]
requite: requite
reradiation: reradi[6n]
reread: rer[2]d
reredos: r[セ][ケ]os
rerefine: reref[35]e
rerun: rerun
researcher: rese[ヨ][カ][セ]
resedaceous: res[ケ]ace[シ]s
resounding: res[46d][ユ]
restaurant: re[ヤ]aurant
restharrow: re[ヤ]h[ヨ]r[コ]
restitution: re[ヤ]itu[56n]
restiveness: re[ヤ]ive[56s]
restoration: re[ヤ]or[6n]
retainer: reta[35][セ]
retenue: ret[26]ue
retina: ret[35]a
retinue: ret[35]ue
retrenchment: retr[26][カ][56t]
retriever: retriev[セ]
retroflex: retroflex
revenue: rev[26]ue
reverberation: rev[セ]b[セ][6n]
revere: rev[セ]e
Revere: Rev[セ]e
reverence: r[5e][56e]
reverend: r[5e][26]d
reverentially: r[5e][26]ti[6y]
reverie: r[5e]ie
reversed: rev[セ]s[ケ]
reversible: rev[セ]si[3456]
reverting: rev[セ]t[ユ]
revery : r[5e]y
revolutionary: revolu[56n][ヨ]y
reworded: re[45w][ケ]
rhinestone: rh[35]e[ヤ][5o]
rhinoceros: rh[35]oc[セ]os
Rhondda: Rhon[256]a
Rhone: Rh[5o]
ribband: ribb[ヘ]
ribboned: ri[23]on[ケ]
riboflavin: riboflav[35]
riddance: ri[256][46e]
rifacimento: rifaci[56t]o
riffraff: ri[235]raff
riflery: riflery
rigger: ri[2356][セ]
right: [5r]
rightabout: [5r][ab]
righteousness: [5r]e[シ]s[56s]
rightfully: [5r][56l]ly
rigmarole: rigm[ヨ]ole
ringent: r[ユ][26]t
ritardando: rit[ヨ]d[ヘ]o
roaring: ro[ヨ][ユ]
robbed: ro[23][ケ]
robbery: ro[23][セ]y
Roentgen: Roentg[26]
romancer: rom[46e]r
Romany: Ro[456m]
roof: ro[ミ]
roofer: ro[ミ][セ]
Rooney: Rooney
ropedancer: roped[46e]r
roseate: ros[2]te
rosiness: rosi[56s]
rostrum: ro[ヤ]rum
rotenone: rot[26][5o]
rouble: r[シ][3456]
rouged: r[シ]g[ケ]
roughened: r[シ][キ][26][ケ]
roundabout: r[46d][ab]
rounded: r[46d][ケ]
roundelay: r[46d]elay
roustabout: r[シ][ヤ][ab]
rout: r[シ]t
routine: r[シ]t[35]e
roux: r[シ]x
Rowena: R[コ][26]a
rubbed: ru[23][ケ]
rubble: rub[3456]
rudder: ru[256][セ]
rudimentary: rudi[56t][ヨ]y
ruffian: ru[235]ian
ruination: ru[35][6n]
rumbler: rum[3456]r
ruminant: rum[35]ant
runabout: run[ab]
run-in: run-in
run-ins: run-[35]s
rustically: ru[ヤ]ic[6y]
ruthenic: ru[ホ]nic
ruthlessness: ru[ス][46s][56s]
Saar: Sa[ヨ]
Sabbath: Sa[23]a[ス]
sabbatical: sa[23]atical
saccharide: sac[カ][ヨ]ide
saccharine: sac[カ][ヨ][35]e
sacculated: sa[25]ulat[ケ]
sachem: sa[カ]em
sachet: sa[カ]et
sacramental: sacra[56t]al
Sacramento: Sacra[56t]o
sacredness: sacr[ケ][56s]
sacristan: sacri[ヤ]an
saddened: sa[256][26][ケ]
safflower: sa[235]l[コ][セ]
sagamore: sagamore
saguaro: sagu[ヨ]o
said: [sd]
Said: Said (name)
Saint: Sa[35]t
sainthood: sa[35]thood
Saintonge: Sa[35]t[56g]e
salamander: salam[ヘ][セ]
salaried: sal[ヨ]i[ケ]
salary: sal[ヨ]y
saleable: salea[3456]
salina: sal[35]a
Sally: S[6y]
saltworks: salt[5w]s
sandal: s[ヘ]al
sandarac: s[ヘ][ヨ]ac
Sandra: S[ヘ]ra
sandwich: s[ヘ]wi[カ]
sanguinary: sangu[35][ヨ]y
sanitary: sanit[ヨ]y
sanity: san[56y]
saraband: s[ヨ]ab[ヘ]
Sarah: S[ヨ]ah
sarcenet: s[ヨ]c[26]et
sarcoma: s[ヨ]coma
sarong: s[ヨ][56g]
SARS: SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)
sarracenia: s[ヨ]rac[26]ia
sarsaparilla: s[ヨ]sap[ヨ]illa
sateen: sate[26]
Saturday: Satur[5d]
savagery: savagery
sawhorse: sawhorse
say-so: say-[s]
scabbard: sca[23][ヨ]d
scabbled: scab[3456]d
scabbiness: sca[23]i[56s]
scaffolding: sca[235]old[ユ]
scalariform: scal[ヨ]i[メ]m
scandal: sc[ヘ]al
scandalous: sc[ヘ]al[シ]s
scandent: sc[ヘ][26]t
Scandinavia: Sc[ヘ][35]avia
scarcity: sc[ヨ]c[56y]
scarier: sc[ヨ]i[セ]
scarlatina: sc[ヨ]lat[35]a
scarred: sc[ヨ]r[ケ]
scathed: sca[ホ]d
scatheless: sca[ホ][46s]
scathing: sca[ス][ユ]
scattergood: scatt[セ][gd]
scenario: sc[26][ヨ]io
scenery: sc[26][セ]y
scenic: sc[26]ic
scheduled: s[カ][ケ]ul[ケ]
scheming: s[カ]em[ユ]
scherzando: s[カ][セ]z[ヘ]o
schism: s[カ]ism
schist: s[カ]i[ヤ]
schistosomes: s[カ]i[ヤ]osomes
schizophrenia: s[カ]izophr[26]ia
scholarship: s[カ]ol[ヨ][ク]ip
scholastic: s[カ]ola[ヤ]ic
schooner: s[カ]oon[セ]
schottische: s[カ]ottis[カ]e
sciaenoid: sciaenoid
science: sci[56e]
scientist: sci[26]ti[ヤ]
sclerosis: scl[セ]osis
sclerous: scl[セ][シ]s
scoff: sc[ミ]f
scoffer: sc[ミ]f[セ]
scone: sc[5o]
scorpaenoid: scorpaenoid
scoundrel: sc[46d]rel
scourged: sc[シ]rg[ケ]
scouting: sc[シ]t[ユ]
scraggy: scra[2356]y
screaming: scr[2]m[ユ]
screed: scre[ケ]
screening: scre[26][ユ]
scribbled: scrib[3456]d
scribbler: scrib[3456]r
scrivener: scriv[26][セ]
scrofulous: scr[ミ]ul[シ]s
scrubbed: scru[23][ケ]
scruff: scruff
scrutinize: scrut[35]ize
scuff: scuff
scuffed: scu[235][ケ]
scuffs: scu[235]s
sculduddery: sculdu[256][セ]y
scythe: scy[ホ]
sea: sea
Seabee: S[2]bee
seaboard: s[2]bo[ヨ]d
sea-ear: sea-e[ヨ]
seafaring: s[2]f[ヨ][ユ]
seagoing: s[2]go[ユ]
sea-green: sea-gre[26]
sea-island: sea-isl[ヘ]
sea-maiden: sea-maid[26]
seamen: s[2]m[26]
s^eance: s[4]e[46e]
searing: se[ヨ][ユ]
searched: se[ヨ][カ][ケ]
seas: s[2]s
seashore: s[2][ク]ore
seasoned: s[2]son[ケ]
Seattle: S[2]ttle
seaweed: s[2]we[ケ]
secco: se[25]o
seceded: sec[ケ][ケ]
sedan: s[ケ]an
sedate: sedate
sedative: s[ケ]ative
sedentary: s[ケ][26]t[ヨ]y
sedimentation: s[ケ]i[56t][6n]
sedition: sedi[56n]
seduced: seduc[ケ]
seduction: seduc[56n]
sedulous: s[ケ]ul[シ]s
seedtime: se[ケ][5t]
seen: se[26]
seethed: see[ホ]d
seined: se[35][ケ]
selenic: sel[26]ic
selenite: sel[26]ite
self-belief: self-[23]lief
self-command: self-comm[ヘ]
self-composed: self-compos[ケ]
self-conceit: self-[25]ceit
self-confident: self-[25]fid[26]t
self-contained: self-[25]ta[35][ケ]
self-distrust: self-[256]tru[ヤ]
self-induced: self-[35]duc[ケ]
self-knowledge: self-[k]
sellout: sell[シ]t
semiblind: semi[bl]
semicoma: semicoma
semiconscious: semiconsci[シ]s
semifinalist: semif[35]ali[ヤ]
semi-invalid: semi-[35]valid
seminar: sem[35][ヨ]
seminary: sem[35][ヨ]y
seminiferous: sem[35]if[セ][シ]s
Seminole: Sem[35]ole
senescence: s[26]esc[56e]
senile: s[26]ile
senility: s[26]il[56y]
seniority: s[26]ior[56y]
se^nor: se[4]nor
senora: senora
sentence: s[26]t[56e]
sentenced: s[26]t[56e]d
sententious: s[26]t[26]ti[シ]s
sentiment: s[26]ti[56t]
sentimentality: s[26]ti[56t]al[56y]
sentinel: s[26]t[35]el
separation: sep[ヨ][6n]
sequestered: seque[ヤ][セ][ケ]
Serena: S[セ][26]a
serenading: s[セ][26]ad[ユ]
serene: s[セ][26]e
serenity: s[セ][26][56y]
sergeant: s[セ]g[2]nt
serial: s[セ]ial
series: s[セ]ies
seringa: s[セ][ユ]a
serious: s[セ]i[シ]s
serpentine: s[セ]p[26]t[35]e
serration: s[セ]r[6n]
serum: s[セ]um
serviceable: s[セ]vicea[3456]
set-to: set-to
sever: s[5e]
several: s[5e]al
severance: s[5e][46e]
severe: sev[セ]e
severity: sev[セ][56y]
Severn: Sev[セ]n
sexpartite: sex[5p]ite
sforzando: s[メ]z[ヘ]o
sh!: sh!
shabbiness: [ク]a[23]i[56s]
shad: [ク]ad
shadberry: [ク]adb[セ]ry
shadbush: [ク]adbu[ク]
shaddock: [ク]a[256]ock
shaded: [ク]ad[ケ]
shadiness: [ク]adi[56s]
shadoof: [ク]ado[ミ]
shadowed: [ク]ad[コ][ケ]
Shadrach: [6][ク]adra[カ]
shady: [ク]ady
shagginess: [ク]a[2356]i[56s]
shakedown: [ク]aked[コ]n
Shakespeare: [6][ク]akespe[ヨ]e
Shakespearean: [6][ク]akespe[ヨ][2]n
shall: [ク]
shallop: [ク]allop
shallowness: [ク]all[コ][56s]
Shenandoah: [6][ク][26][ヘ]oah
shanghaied: [ク]anghai[ケ]
shared: [ク][ヨ][ケ]
sharpening: [ク][ヨ]p[26][ユ]
shears: [ク]e[ヨ]s
sheathed: [ク][2][ホ]d
shedding: [ク][ケ]d[ユ]
Sheean: [6][ク]eean
sheepshead: [ク]eepsh[2]d
Sheuandoah: [6][ク](eu)[ヘ]oah
shenanigan: [ク][26]anigan
sheriff: [ク][セ]iff
sheriff's: [ク][セ]iff's
sheriffs: [ク][セ]i[235]s
shibboleth: [ク]i[23]ole[ス]
shied: [ク]i[ケ]
shilly-shally: [ク]illy-[ク][6y]
Shingen: [6][ク][35]g[26]
shingled: [ク][ユ]l[ケ]
Shinkansen: [6][ク][35]kans[25]
shipment: [ク]ip[56t]
shipwright: [ク]ipw[5r]
shoddiest: [ク]o[256]ie[ヤ]
shoddy: [ク][256]y
shofar: [ク][ミ][ヨ]
shortcoming: [ク]ortcom[ユ]
shorthand: [ク]orth[ヘ]
shorthorn: [ク]orthorn
Shoshone: [6][ク]o[ク]one
Shoshonean: [6][ク]o[ク]on[2]n
should: [クd]
shoulda: [クd]a
shoulder: [ク][シ]ld[セ]
shouldn't: [クd]n't
shouldst: [クd][ヤ]
shouted: [ク][シ]t[ケ]
showering: [ク][コ][セ][ユ]
shredder: [ク]r[ケ]d[セ]
shroff: [ク]r[ミ]f
shrubbery: [ク]ru[23][セ]y
shrugged: [ク]ru[2356][ケ]
shuddering: [ク]u[256][セ][ユ]
shuffled: [ク]u[235]l[ケ]
shut-in: [ク]ut-in
shut-ins: [ク]ut-[35]s
shutout: [ク]ut[シ]t
Siberian: Sib[セ]ian
sidereal: sid[セ][2]l
Sierra Leone: Si[セ]ra Le[5o]
siesta: sie[ヤ]a
sighed: si[キ][ケ]
sight: si[キ]t
sighthole: si[キ]thole
signorina: signor[35]a
silenced: sil[56e]d
silencer: sil[56e]r
silenus: sil[26]us
similarity: simil[ヨ][56y]
Sinai: S[35]ai
sincerity: s[35]c[セ][56y]
sine: s[35]e
sinecure: s[35]ecure
sinfully: s[35][56l]ly
Singapore: S[ユ]apore
singed: s[ユ][ケ]
singh: s[ユ]h
singing: s[ユ][ユ]
single: s[ユ]le
singular: s[ユ]ul[ヨ]
sinister: s[35]i[ヤ][セ]
sinus: s[35]us
Sion: Sion
Sioux: Si[シ]x
sirocco: siro[25]o
sister-in-law: si[ヤ][セ]-in-law
Sistine: Si[ヤ][35]e
sit-in: sit-in
sit-ins: sit-[35]s
sizeable: sizea[3456]
skedaddle: skeda[256]le
sketch: sket[カ]
sketcher: sket[カ][セ]
skiff: skiff
skinbound: sk[35]b[46d]
skinniness: sk[35]ni[56s]
skulduggery: skuldu[2356][セ]y
slanderous: sl[ヘ][セ][シ]s
slather: sla[ホ]r
slavery: slav[セ]y
slaughterer: slau[キ]t[セ][セ]
sledding: sl[ケ]d[ユ]
sledged: sl[ケ]g[ケ]
sleight: slei[キ]t
slighting: sli[キ]t[ユ]
slither: sli[ホ]r
slobber: slo[23][セ]
slothfulness: slo[ス][56l][56s]
slough: sl[シ][キ]
sluggard: slu[2356][ヨ]d
slugged: slu[2356][ケ]
smaragdine: sm[ヨ]agd[35]e
smeddum: sm[ケ]dum
smithereens: smi[ホ]re[26]s
smoothed: smoo[ホ]d
smoother: smoo[ホ]r
smoothest: smoo[ホ][ヤ]
smother: s[5m]
smothered: s[5m][ケ]
smuggler: smu[2356]l[セ]
snaffled: sna[235]l[ケ]
snagged: sna[2356][ケ]
snakeroot: snakeroot
snarling: sn[ヨ]l[ユ]
snatched: snat[カ][ケ]
sneered: sne[セ][ケ]
sniffed: sni[235][ケ]
snobbishness: sno[23]i[ク][56s]
snout: sn[シ]t
snow-blind: sn[コ]-[bl]
snowiness: sn[コ]i[56s]
snowshed: sn[コ][ク][ケ]
snuff: snuff
snuffbox: snu[235]box
snuffer: snu[235][セ]
snuffs: snu[235]s
snuggled: snu[2356]l[ケ]
so: [s]
so: so (musical note)
so-and-so: [s]-[ヘ]-[s]
soaring: so[ヨ][ユ]
sobeit: sobeit
so-called: [s]-call[ケ]
soccer: so[25][セ]
sodden: so[256][26]
soever: so[5e]
sofa: s[ミ]a
soffit: s[ミ]fit
Sofia: S[ミ]ia
soft: s[ミ]t
softened: s[ミ]t[26][ケ]
softhearted: s[ミ]the[ヨ]t[ケ]
SoHo: SoHo
sojourned: soj[シ]rn[ケ]
solenoid: sol[26]oid
solidarity: solid[ヨ][56y]
solitary: solit[ヨ]y
sombrero: sombr[セ]o
some: [5s]
somebody: [5s]body
somehow: [5s]h[コ]
someone: [5s][5o]
somersault: som[セ]sault
Somerset: Som[セ]set
Somes: Somes
somesthetic: somes[ホ]tic
something: [5s][ス][ユ]
sometimes: [5s][5t]s
somewhere: [5s][5サ]
songster: s[56g][ヤ][セ]
son-in-law: son-in-law
sooner: soon[セ]
Soong: Soong
soothe: soo[ホ]
soothed: soo[ホ]d
sophistication: sophi[ヤ]ic[6n]
sophomore: sophomore
sorghum: sor[キ]um
sorrowful: sorr[コ][56l]
soso: soso
so-so: [s]-[s]
so's: [s]'s
Souchong: S[シ][カ][56g]
sou'easter: s[シ]'ea[ヤ][セ]
souffl^e: s[シ][235]l[4]e
sought: s[5シ]
soundless: s[46d][46s]
soupcon: s[シ]pcon
soutache: s[シ]ta[カ]e
soutane: s[シ]tane
southeast: s[シ][ス]ea[ヤ]
southerly: s[シ][ホ]rly
southern: s[シ][ホ]rn
souvenir: s[シ]v[26]ir
sovereign: sov[セ]eign
spaghetti: spa[キ]etti
spandrel: sp[ヘ]rel
spared: sp[ヨ][ケ]
sparerib: sp[ヨ]erib
sparrow: sp[ヨ]r[コ]
Spartan: S[5p]an
sparteine: s[5p]e[35]e
spastic: spa[ヤ]ic
spathose: spa[ス]ose
speakeasy: sp[2]keasy
speared: spe[ヨ][ケ]
speechlessness: spee[カ][46s][56s]
speeded: spe[ケ][ケ]
Spencer: Sp[56e]r
Spencerian: Sp[56e]rian
sphenoid: sph[26]oid
sphere: sph[セ]e
spheroid: sph[セ]oid
sphincteral: sph[35]ct[セ]al
spikenard: spiken[ヨ]d
spinach: sp[35]a[カ]
spinal: sp[35]al
spinescent: sp[35]esc[26]t
Spingarn: Sp[ユ][ヨ]n
spinose: sp[35]ose
spinster: sp[35][ヤ][セ]
spirit: [456s]
spirited: [456s][ケ]
spiriting: [456s][ユ]
spiritless: [456s][46s]
spirits: [456s]s
spiritoso: [456s]oso
spiritualist: [456s]uali[ヤ]
spiritually: [456s]u[6y]
spirituel: [456s]uel
spirituous: [456s]u[シ]s
spiritus: [456s]us
splashed: spla[ク][ケ]
spleen: sple[26]
splenetically: spl[26]etic[6y]
splintered: spl[35]t[セ][ケ]
sponge: sp[56g]e
sponged: sp[56g][ケ]
spongiole: sp[56g]iole
spongy: sp[56g]y
spoof: spo[ミ]
spooned: spoon[ケ]
spoonerism: spoon[セ]ism
spout: sp[シ]t
sprained: spra[35][ケ]
sprightly: sp[5r]ly
springe: spr[ユ]e
springhead: spr[ユ]h[2]d
springtime: spr[ユ][5t]
sprout: spr[シ]t
spumone: spumone
squabbled: squab[3456]d
squally: squally
squandered: squ[ヘ][セ][ケ]
squared: squ[ヨ][ケ]
squeamishness: squ[2]mi[ク][56s]
squirearchy: squire[ヨ][カ]y
St.: [6][ヤ]. (Saint)
St.: [6][ヤ]. (Street)
stabbed: [ヤ]a[23][ケ]
stabled: [ヤ]a[3456]d
staccato: [ヤ]a[25]ato
staff: [ヤ]aff
staffed: [ヤ]a[235][ケ]
staffs: [ヤ]a[235]s
staggard: [ヤ]a[2356][ヨ]d
staggered: [ヤ]a[2356][セ][ケ]
staghound: [ヤ]agh[46d]
stainless: [ヤ]a[35][46s]
Stalingrad: [6][ヤ]al[35]grad
stamina: [ヤ]am[35]a
stamineal: [ヤ]am[35][2]l
stampeded: [ヤ]amp[ケ][ケ]
stance: [ヤ][46e]
stanchioned: [ヤ]an[カ]ion[ケ]
standard: [ヤ][ヘ][ヨ]d
stand-by: [ヤ][ヘ]-by
stand-in: [ヤ][ヘ]-in
stand-ins: [ヤ][ヘ]-[35]s
standoff: [ヤ][ヘ][ミ]f
standout: [ヤ][ヘ][シ]t
standstill: [ヤ][ヘ][ヤ]ill
starched: [ヤ][ヨ][カ][ケ]
starlike: [ヤ][ヨ]like
starred: [ヤ][ヨ]r[ケ]
starter: [ヤ][ヨ]t[セ]
starvation: [ヤ][ヨ]v[6n]
stateroom: [ヤ]ateroom
stationary: [ヤ][6n][ヨ]y
stationer: [ヤ][6n][セ]
statistics: [ヤ]ati[ヤ]ics
statuary: [ヤ]atu[ヨ]y
stearate: [ヤ]e[ヨ]ate
stearin: [ヤ]e[ヨ][35]
stearoptene: [ヤ]e[ヨ]opt[26]e
steatite: [ヤ][2]tite
steed: [ヤ]e[ケ]
steelworker: [ヤ]eel[5w][セ]
steerer: [ヤ]e[セ][セ]
stenographer: [ヤ][26]ograph[セ]
stepchild: [ヤ]ep[カ]ild
stepfather: [ヤ]ep[5f]
step-in: [ヤ]ep-in
step-ins: [ヤ]ep-[35]s
stepmother: [ヤ]ep[5m]
steppingstone: [ヤ]epp[ユ][ヤ][5o]
stereoisomer: [ヤ][セ]eoisom[セ]
sterling: [ヤ][セ]l[ユ]
stevedore: [ヤ]ev[ケ]ore
sthenia: s[ホ]nia
stiacciato: [ヤ]ia[25]iato
stick-to-itive: [ヤ]ick-to-itive
stiffener: [ヤ]i[235][26][セ]
still: [ヤ]
Still: [6][ヤ] (name)
stillborn: [ヤ]illborn
stilled: [ヤ]ill[ケ]
still-life: [ヤ]-life
stillness: [ヤ]ill[56s]
stills: [ヤ]ills
still's: [ヤ]'s
stingaree: [ヤ][ユ][ヨ]ee
stingo: [ヤ][ユ]o
stingy: [ヤ][ユ]y
stipiform: [ヤ]ipi[メ]m
stirabout: [ヤ]irab[シ]t (porridge)
stitcher: [ヤ]it[カ][セ]
stoccado: [ヤ]o[25]ado
stockinet: [ヤ]ock[35]et
stomacher: [ヤ]oma[カ][セ]
stone: [ヤ][5o]
stoned: [ヤ]on[ケ]
stone-blind: [ヤ][5o]-[bl]
stonework: [ヤ][5o][5w]
stoney: [ヤ][5o]y
storeroom: [ヤ]oreroom
Stoughton: [6][ヤ][シ][キ]ton
stouthearted: [ヤ][シ]the[ヨ]t[ケ]
straddled: [ヤ]ra[256]l[ケ]
straggled: [ヤ]ra[2356]l[ケ]
straightened: [ヤ]rai[キ]t[26][ケ]
straightforward: [ヤ]rai[キ]t[メ]w[ヨ]d
straight-out: [ヤ]rai[キ]t-[シ]
strainer: [ヤ]ra[35][セ]
stratosphere: [ヤ]ratosph[セ]e
streamer: [ヤ]r[2]m[セ]
street: [ヤ]reet
St.: [6][ヤ]. (Street)
strengthen: [ヤ]r[26]g[ホ]n
strengthened: [ヤ]r[26]g[ホ]n[ケ]
strenuous: [ヤ]r[26]u[シ]s
stretcher: [ヤ]ret[カ][セ]
stretchout: [ヤ]ret[カ][シ]t
stringendo: [ヤ]r[ユ][26]do
stringent: [ヤ]r[ユ][26]t
stringhalt: [ヤ]r[ユ]halt
striped: [ヤ]rip[ケ]
strong: [ヤ]r[56g]
stronghold: [ヤ]r[56g]hold
strong-willed: [ヤ]r[56g]-will[ケ]
strongyle: [ヤ]r[56g]yle
struggling: [ヤ]ru[2356]l[ユ]
strychnine: [ヤ]ry[カ]n[35]e
St. Swithin: [6][ヤ]. S[モ][35]
stubbed: [ヤ]u[23][ケ]
stubbled: [ヤ]ub[3456]d
stubbornness: [ヤ]u[23]orn[56s]
stuccowork: [ヤ]u[25]o[5w]
stuff: [ヤ]uff
stuffed: [ヤ]u[235][ケ]
stuffiness: [ヤ]u[235]i[56s]
stuffs: [ヤ]u[235]s
stumbled: [ヤ]um[3456]d
stupendous: [ヤ]up[26]d[シ]s
stylishness: [ヤ]yli[ク][56s]
subbasement: subbase[56t]
subcommittee: subcommittee
subconscious: subconsci[シ]s
subleader: subl[2]d[セ]
sublease: subl[2]se
sublet: sublet
sublethal: suble[ス]al
sublingual: subl[ユ]ual
submarine: subm[ヨ][35]e
submission: submis[46n]
subofficer: sub[ミ]fic[セ]
subpoena: subpoena
subservience: subs[セ]vi[56e]
substance: sub[ヤ][46e]
subterranean: subt[セ]ran[2]n
succeeded: su[25]e[ケ][ケ]
successful: su[25]ess[56l]
succession: su[25]es[46n]
succinct: su[25][35]ct
succor: su[25]or
succotash: su[25]ota[ク]
succulent: su[25]ul[26]t
succumbed: su[25]umb[ケ]
succussation: su[25]uss[6n]
such: [sカ]
suchlike: [sカ]like
sudden: su[256][26]
suddenness: su[256][26][56s]
sued: su[ケ]
su^ede: su[4]ede
suede: su[ケ]e
suffering: su[235][セ][ユ]
sufficient: su[235]ici[26]t
suffix: su[235]ix
suffocation: su[235]oc[6n]
suffragist: su[235]ragi[ヤ]
sugared: sug[ヨ][ケ]
suggested: su[2356]e[ヤ][ケ]
suggestion: su[2356]es[56n]
sulfarsenide: sulf[ヨ]s[26]ide
sulfone: sulf[5o]
sultaness: sulta[56s]
summarized: summ[ヨ]iz[ケ]
summoned: summon[ケ]
Sunday: Sun[5d]
sunder: s[5u]
sunderance: s[5u][46e]
superdreadnought: sup[セ]dr[2]dn[5シ]
supererogation : sup[セ][セ]og[6n]
supererogatory: sup[セ]erogatory
superficially: sup[セ]fici[6y]
superfluous: sup[セ]flu[シ]s
superintendent: sup[セ][35]t[26]d[26]t
superiority: sup[セ]ior[56y]
superseded: sup[セ]s[ケ][ケ]
superstition: sup[セ][ヤ]i[56n]
supervision: sup[セ]vi[46n]
supination: sup[35][6n]
supineness: sup[35]e[56s]
supplementary: supple[56t][ヨ]y
suprarenal: suprar[26]al
surcingle: surc[ユ]le
surgery: surg[セ]y
Suriname: Sur[35]ame
surmountable: surm[46t]a[3456]
surname: sur[5n]
surrealist: surr[2]li[ヤ]
surrounded: surr[46d][ケ]
surtout: surt[シ]t
suspender: susp[26]d[セ]
suspension: susp[26][46n]
sustained: su[ヤ]a[35][ケ]
sustenance: su[ヤ][26][46e]
suzerain: suz[セ]a[35]
swabber: swa[23][セ]
swaddling: swa[256]l[ユ]
swaggered: swa[2356][セ][ケ]
sward: sw[ヨ]d
swarthy: sw[ヨ][ス]y
swastika: swa[ヤ]ika
swastikaed: swa[ヤ]ika[ケ]
swathed: swa[ホ]d
swearing: swe[ヨ][ユ]
sweater: sw[2]t[セ]
Sweden: Sw[ケ][26]
Swedish: Sw[ケ]i[ク]
sweeny: swe[26]y
sweepstake: sweep[ヤ]ake
sweetheart: sweethe[ヨ]t
swindler: sw[35]dl[セ]
swinge: sw[ユ]e
swinish: sw[35]i[ク]
swither: s[モ][セ]
swooned: swoon[ケ]
sword: sword
sycamore: sycamore
syenite: sy[26]ite
sympathetically: sympa[ホ]tic[6y]
sympathy: sympa[ス]y
synaeresis: synaeresis
synarthrosis: syn[ヨ][ス]rosis
synchromesh: syn[カ]rome[ク]
synchronized: syn[カ]roniz[ケ]
synclinal: syncl[35]al
syneresis: syn[セ]esis
synergistic: syn[セ]gi[ヤ]ic
synesthesia: synes[ホ]sia
synthetic: syn[ホ]tic
syringe: syr[ユ]e
syringeal: syr[ユ][2]l
systaltic: sy[ヤ]altic
system: sy[ヤ]em
systematically: sy[ヤ]ematic[6y]
tabaret: tab[ヨ]et
tabbied: ta[23]i[ケ]
table: ta[3456]
tableau: tabl[2]u
tabled: ta[3456]d
tablet: ta[3456]t
tache: ta[カ]e
tachina: ta[カ][35]a
tachistoscope: ta[カ]i[ヤ]oscope
tachysterol: ta[カ]y[ヤ][セ]ol
tactless: tact[46s]
Taedong: Taed[56g]
taenia: taenia
taffeta: ta[235]eta
taffrail: ta[235]rail
tagged: ta[2356][ケ]
tailfirst: tail[fヤ]
Tainan: Ta[35]an
Taino: Ta[35]o
tainted: ta[35]t[ケ]
takedown: taked[コ]n
take-in: take-in
take-off: take-[ミ]f
takeout: take[シ]t
take-out: take-[シ]
talaria: tal[ヨ]ia
talking-to: talk[ユ]-to
tallith: talli[ス]
tally: t[6y]
tallyho: t[6y]ho
tamandua: tam[ヘ]ua
tamarack: tam[ヨ]ack
tamarin: tam[ヨ][35]
tamarisk: tam[ヨ]isk
tambourine: tamb[シ]r[35]e
tameable: tamea[3456]
Tammany: Tam[456m]
Tam o'Shanter: Tam o'[6][ク]ant[セ]
tandem: t[ヘ]em
tangentally: tang[26]t[6y]
tangerine: tang[セ][35]e
tantamount: tantam[46t]
tantara: tant[ヨ]a
tapestry: tape[ヤ]ry
tarantula: t[ヨ]antula
tardo: t[ヨ]do
targeteer: t[ヨ]gete[セ]
tarnishable: t[ヨ]ni[ク]a[3456]
taro: t[ヨ]o
tarpaulin: t[ヨ]paul[35]
tarriance: t[ヨ]ri[46e]
Tartarean: T[ヨ]t[ヨ][2]n
tartarous: t[ヨ]t[ヨ][シ]s
tastefulness: ta[ヤ]e[56l][56s]
tasteless: ta[ヤ]e[46s]
tatouay: tat[シ]ay
taverner: tav[セ]n[セ]
taxpaid: tax[pd]
T-bone: [56]T-b[5o]
tea: tea
teaberry: t[2]b[セ]ry
teachable: t[2][カ]a[3456]
teacher: t[2][カ][セ]
teacup: t[2]cup
teamwork: t[2]m[5w]
teapot: t[2]pot
tear: te[ヨ]
tearful: te[ヨ][56l]
tearoom: t[2]room
tearose: t[2]rose
teas: t[2]s
teashop: t[2][ク]op
teaspoon: t[2]spoon
teaspoonfuls: t[2]spoon[56l]s
teatime: t[2][5t]
technicality: te[カ]nical[56y]
technically: te[カ]nic[6y]
tedder: t[ケ]d[セ]
Teddies: T[ケ]dies
tediousness: t[ケ]i[シ]s[56s]
tedium: t[ケ]ium
teens: te[26]s
teethed: tee[ホ]d
tegumentary: tegu[56t][ヨ]y
telaesthesia: telaes[ホ]sia
teledu: tel[ケ]u
telephone: teleph[5o]
telephoned: telephon[ケ]
telephoner: telephon[セ]
teleran: teleran
telesthesia: teles[ホ]sia
telestich: tele[ヤ]i[カ]
television: televi[46n]
telford: tel[メ]d
temerarious: tem[セ][ヨ]i[シ]s
temerity: tem[セ][56y]
temperament: temp[セ]a[56t]
temperamentally: temp[セ]a[56t][6y]
temperance: temp[セ][46e]
tempered: temp[セ][ケ]
tempestuous: tempe[ヤ]u[シ]s
tenable: t[26]a[3456]
tenacious: t[26]aci[シ]s
tenacity: t[26]ac[56y]
tendency: t[26]d[26]cy
tendentious: t[26]d[26]ti[シ]s
tenderloin: t[26]d[セ]lo[35]
tenderness: t[26]d[セ][56s]
tendinous: t[26]d[35][シ]s
tenement: t[26]e[56t]
Tennessee: T[26][56s]ee
tenor: t[26]or
tenpence: t[26]p[56e]
tension: t[26][46n]
tenuity: t[26]u[56y]
tenuto: t[26]uto
terakoya: t[セ]akoya
tercentenary: t[セ]c[26]t[26][ヨ]y
terebinthine: t[セ]eb[35][ス][35]e
teredo: t[セ][ケ]o
Terence: T[セ][56e]
terminability: t[セ]m[35]abil[56y]
termination: t[セ]m[35][6n]
ternary: t[セ]n[ヨ]y
terpene: t[セ]p[26]e
Terpsichorean: T[セ]psi[カ]or[2]n
terrain: t[セ]ra[35]
terrarium: t[セ]r[ヨ]ium
terrestrial: t[セ]re[ヤ]rial
terrible: t[セ]ri[3456]
terrigenous: t[セ]rig[26][シ]s
tertiary: t[セ]ti[ヨ]y
testacean: te[ヤ]ac[2]n
testamentary: te[ヤ]a[56t][ヨ]y
testator: te[ヤ]ator
testified: te[ヤ]ifi[ケ]
testiness: te[ヤ]i[56s]
testosterone: te[ヤ]o[ヤ][セ][5o]
tethered: te[ホ]r[ケ]
tetrandrous: tetr[ヘ]r[シ]s
Thaddeus: [6][ス]a[256]eus
Thai: [6][ス]ai
Thailand: [6][ス]ail[ヘ]
that: [t]
thatched: [ス]at[カ][ケ]
that'd: [t]'d
that'll: [t]'ll
that's: [t]'s
Thaunderson: [6][ス]aund[セ]son
the: [ホ]
Thea: [6][ホ]a
theaceous: [ホ]ace[シ]s
theanthropist: [ホ]an[ス]ropi[ヤ]
thearchy: [ホ][ヨ][カ]y
theater: [ホ]at[セ]
theatrical: [ホ]atrical
Thebes: [6][ホ]bes
thee: [ホ]e
theft: [ホ]ft
theine: [ホ][35]e
their: [456ホ]
theirs: [456ホ]s
theism: [ホ]ism
Thelma: [6][ホ]lma
them: [ホ]m
theme: [ホ]me
themselves: [ホmvs]
then: [ホ]n
thenar: [ホ]n[ヨ]
thenceforth: [ス][56e][メ][ス]
Theodore: [6][ホ]odore
theologically: [ホ]ologic[6y]
theology: [ホ]ology
theoretically: [ホ]oretic[6y]
theory: [ホ]ory
therapy: [ホ]rapy
there: [5ホ]
thereabouts: [5ホ][ab]s
thereafter: [5ホ][af]
thereagainst: [5ホ][agヤ]
thereat: [5ホ]at
thereby: [5ホ]by
therefore: [5ホ][メ]e
therefrom: [5ホ]from
therein: [5ホ][35]
thereinafter: [5ホ][35][af]
thereinto: [5ホ][35]to
thereof: [5ホ][ミ]
Theresa: [6][ホ]resa
theretofore: [5ホ]to[メ]e
thereunder: [5ホ][5u]
thereunto: [5ホ]unto
thereupon: [5ホ][45u]
therewithal: [5ホ][モ]al
therm: [ホ]rm
thermesthesia: [ホ]rmes[ホ]sia
thermoform: [ホ]rmo[メ]m
thermometer: [ホ]rmomet[セ]
these: [45ホ]
theses: [ホ]ses
thesis: [ホ]sis
thetically: [ホ]tic[6y]
Thessalia: [6][ホ]ssalia
Thessaloin: [6][ホ]ssalo[35]
thew: [ホ]w
thickening: [ス]ick[26][ユ]
thievery: [ス]iev[セ]y
thigh: [ス]i[キ]
thimblerig: [ス]im[3456]rig
thine: [ス][35]e
thing-in-itself: [ス][ユ]-in-[xf]
thioarsenate: [ス]io[ヨ]s[26]ate
thiourea: [ス]iourea
thirst: [ス]ir[ヤ]
thirteenth: [ス]irte[26][ス]
this: [ス]
this'll: [ス]is'll
thistledown: [ス]i[ヤ]led[コ]n
this-worldliness: [ス]-[456w]li[56s]
thither: [ス]i[ホ]r
thitherto: [ス]i[ホ]rto
thong: [ス][56g]
thoroughbred: [ス]or[シ][キ]br[ケ]
thoroughgoing: [ス]or[シ][キ]go[ユ]
thoroughly: [ス]or[シ][キ]ly
those: [45ス]
though: [ス][シ][キ]
thought: [ス][5シ]
thoughtfulness: [ス][5シ][56l][56s]
thoughtlessness: [ス][5シ][46s][56s]
thousand: [ス][シ]s[ヘ]
thrasher: [ス]ra[ク][セ]
threadbare: [ス]r[2]db[ヨ]e
threatened: [ス]r[2]t[26][ケ]
threepence: [ス]reep[56e]
threesome: [ス]ree[5s]
threnode: [ス]r[26]ode
threshold: [ス]re[ク]old
throbbed: [ス]ro[23][ケ]
throne: [ス]r[5o]
throned: [ス]ron[ケ]
thronged: [ス]r[56g][ケ]
through: [5ス]
throughout: [5ス][シ]t
thudding: [ス]u[256][ユ]
thunder: [ス][5u]
thundering: [ス][5u][ユ]
thunderstruck: [ス][5u][ヤ]ruck
Thuringian: [6][ス]ur[ユ]ian
Thursday: [6][ス]urs[5d]
Thyestean: [6][ス]ye[ヤ][2]n
thyself: [スyf]
tiddledywinks: ti[256]ledyw[35]ks
tie-in: tie-in
tie-ins: tie-[35]s
tiered: ti[セ][ケ]
tiffin: ti[235][35]
tightened: ti[キ]t[26][ケ]
timberwork: timb[セ][5w]
time: [5t]
timed: [5t]d
timer: [5t]r
times: [5t]s
timetable: [5t]ta[3456]
timing: tim[ユ]
Tina: T[35]a
tine: t[35]e
tinged: t[ユ][ケ]
tingled: t[ユ]l[ケ]
tinwork: t[35][5w]
tiny: t[35]y
'tion: 'tion (attention)
tiredness: tir[ケ][56s]
tiresome: tire[5s]
tither: ti[ホ]r
tithes: ti[ホ]s
to: [235] (or) to
toadeater: toadeat[セ]
to and fro: [235][ヘ] fro
to-and-fro: to-[ヘ]-fro
to and from: [235][ヘ] [f]
tobacco: toba[25]o
tobogganist: tobo[2356]ani[ヤ]
toccata: to[25]ata
today: [td]
toddler: to[256]l[セ]
to-do: to-[d]
toed: to[ケ]
toe-in: toe-in
toenail: toenail
toffee: t[ミ]fee
tofu: t[ミ]u
together: [tgr]
toggery: to[2356][セ]y
toggling: to[2356]l[ユ]
Togoland: Togol[ヘ]
toilsome: toil[5s]
Toledo: Tol[ケ]o
tolerance: tol[セ][46e]
tomato: tomato
tomentose: to[56t]ose
tomorrow: [tm]
to-name: to-[5n]
tone: t[5o]
toned: ton[ケ]
Tonegawa: Tonegawa
Tonelada: Tonelada
tonga: t[56g]a
tongs: t[56g]s
tongue: t[56g]ue
tongue-tied: t[56g]ue-ti[ケ]
tonguing: t[56g]u[ユ]
tonight: [tn]
tonneau: tonn[2]u
too: too
to or from: [235]or [f]
toothed: too[ホ]d
toothsome: too[ス][5s]
topfull: topfull
toreador: tor[2]dor
torero: tor[セ]o
tormented: tor[56t][ケ]
tormentil: tor[56t]il
torpedoed: torp[ケ]o[ケ]
torsion: tor[46n]
totalitarian: totalit[ヨ]ian
totally: tot[6y]
t'other: t'o[ホ]r
toucan: t[シ]can
touched: t[シ][カ][ケ]
touch-me-not: t[シ][カ]-me-[n]
toughened: t[シ][キ][26][ケ]
tourist: t[シ]ri[ヤ]
tournament: t[シ]rna[56t]
tout: t[シ]t
tovarich: tov[ヨ]i[カ]
Towada: T[コ]ada
toward: t[コ][ヨ]d
towards: t[コ][ヨ]ds
toweling: t[コ]el[ユ]
towering: t[コ][セ][ユ]
towhead: t[コ]h[2]d
towhee: t[コ]hee
Townshend: T[コ]n[ク][26]d
townspeople: t[コ]nspeople
trabeated: trab[2]t[ケ]
traceable: tracea[3456]
tracery: trac[セ]y
tracheal: tra[カ][2]l
trafficking: tra[235]ick[ユ]
tragedienne: trag[ケ]i[26]ne
tragedy: trag[ケ]y
tragicomedy: tragicom[ケ]y
trance: tr[46e]
transconscious: transconsci[シ]s
transcontinental: transcont[35][26]tal
transference: transf[セ][56e]
transformation: trans[メ]m[6n]
transgression: transgres[46n]
transhipment: tran[ク]ip[56t]
transience: transi[56e]
transmental: transm[26]tal
transmentation: transm[26]t[6n]
transparent: transp[ヨ][26]t
travertine: trav[セ]t[35]e
travesty: trave[ヤ]y
treacherous: tr[2][カ][セ][シ]s
trebled: tre[3456]d
Trembleur: Trembleur
tredecillion: tredecillion
treenail: treenail
tremendous: trem[26]d[シ]s
trenail: trenail
trencher: tr[26][カ][セ]
treponema: treponema
trestlework: tre[ヤ]le[5w]
triarchy: tri[ヨ][カ]y
tricentennial: tric[26]t[26]nial
trichina: tri[カ][35]a
trichinosis: tri[カ][35]osis
tricostate: trico[ヤ]ate
tried: tri[ケ]
trierarch: tri[セ][ヨ][カ]
trigger: tri[2356][セ]
trinary: tr[35][ヨ]y
trinity: tr[35][56y]
Trino: Tr[35]o
trinodal: trinodal
trinomial: trinomial
tripartite: tri[5p]ite
triphthong: triph[ス][56g]
trisaccharide: trisac[カ][ヨ]ide
tristesse: tri[ヤ]esse
Tristram: Tri[ヤ]ram
tritheism: tri[ホ]ism
tritone: trit[5o]
trochee: tro[カ]ee
trochlear: tro[カ]le[ヨ]
trodden: tro[256][26]
trombone: tromb[5o]
trone: tr[5o]
troposphere: troposph[セ]e
troubadour: tr[シ]bad[シ]r
troublesome: tr[シ][3456][5s]
trough: tr[シ][キ]
trounce: tr[シ]nce
trousseau: tr[シ]ss[2]u
trout: tr[シ]t
trouvere: tr[シ]vere
troweling: tr[コ]el[ユ]
truculence: trucul[56e]
truffle: tru[235]le
truncheoned: trun[カ]eon[ケ]
trustee: tru[ヤ]ee
trustworthiness: tru[ヤ]wor[ス]i[56s]
truthful: tru[ス][56l]
tryout: try[シ]t
trypanosome: trypanosome
tsarina: ts[ヨ][35]a
Tshi: T[ク]i
Tsinghai: Ts[ユ]hai
Tsubouchi: Tsubou[カ]i
tubercular: tub[セ]cul[ヨ]
tuberose: tuberose (plant)
tuberose: tub[セ]ose (having tubes)
tuberous: tub[セ][シ]s
Tuesday: Tues[5d]
tuff: tuff
tuffaceous: tu[235]ace[シ]s
tufthunter: tufthunt[セ]
tugged: tu[2356][ケ]
Tuileries: Tuil[セ]ies
tumbled: tum[3456]d
tumbler: tum[3456]r
tumbleweed: tum[3456]we[ケ]
tungsten: tung[ヤ][26]
turbinated: turb[35]at[ケ]
tureen: ture[26]
turnabout: turn[ab]
turnout: turn[シ]t
turtledove: turtledove
tusche: tus[カ]e
tutenag: tut[26]ag
tuxedo: tux[ケ]o
twaddler: twa[256]l[セ]
tweed: twe[ケ]
tweedledee: twe[ケ]ledee
tweedledum: twe[ケ]ledum
'tween: 'twe[26]
twilight: twili[キ]t
twinberry: tw[35]b[セ]ry
twined: tw[35][ケ]
twin-engine: tw[35]-[26]g[35]e
twinged: tw[ユ][ケ]
two-by-four: two-by-f[シ]r
twofold: twofold
twopence: twop[56e]
twosome: two[5s]
'twouldn't: 't[wd]n't
Tyrone: Tyr[5o]
udder: u[256][セ]
Ueno: U[26]o
ugsome: ug[5s]
Uitlander: Uitl[ヘ][セ]
Ukrainian: Ukra[35]ian
ulceration: ulc[セ][6n]
ulterior: ult[セ]ior
ultrared: ultrar[ケ]
unable: una[3456]
unaccompanied: una[25]ompani[ケ]
unaccording: un[ac]
unacknowledged: unac[5k]l[ケ]g[ケ]
unbalanced: unbal[46e]d
unbecoming: unbecom[ユ]
unbeknownst: unbe[5k]n[ヤ]
unbelievable: unbelieva[3456]
unbetrothed: unbetro[ホ]d
unbidden: unbi[256][26]
unbleached: unbl[2][カ][ケ]
unblemished: unblemi[ク][ケ]
unblenched: unbl[26][カ][ケ]
unblessed: unb[46s][ケ]
unblindfold: un[bl]fold
uncalled-for: uncall[ケ]-[メ]
unchangeable: un[カ]angea[3456]
unchildish: un[カ]ildi[ク]
uncomely: uncomely
uncomfortable: uncom[メ]ta[3456]
uncomplaining: uncompla[35][ユ]
uncomplimentary: uncompli[56t][ヨ]y
uncompounded: uncomp[46d][ケ]
unconceived: unconceiv[ケ]
uncongealable: uncong[2]la[3456]
uncongenial: uncong[26]ial
unconventionality: unconv[26][56n]al[56y]
undeceivable: undeceiva[3456]
undeceived: un[dcv]d
undeceiving: un[dcvg]
undeclared: un[dcl]d
undenominational: undenom[35][6n]al
under: [5u]
underdo: [5u]do
undergo: [5u]go
undergone: [5u]g[5o]
underhanded: [5u]h[ヘ][ケ]
underived: underiv[ケ]
underogating: und[セ]ogat[ユ]
underogatory: underogatory
underpaid: [5u][pd]
underproof: [5u]pro[ミ]
understanding: [5u][ヤ][ヘ][ユ]
undertaken: [5u]tak[26]
underwear: [5u]we[ヨ]
underworld: [5u][456w]
undischarged: undis[カ][ヨ]g[ケ]
undisheartened: undishe[ヨ]t[26][ケ]
undistilled: undistill[ケ]
undistinguished: undist[ユ]ui[ク][ケ]
undistributed: undistribut[ケ]
undisturbed: undisturb[ケ]
undo: undo
undone: und[5o]
unearth: une[ヨ][ス]
unearthed: une[ヨ][ホ]d
uneasy: uneasy
uneaten: uneat[26]
unenforceable: un[26][メ]cea[3456]
unerring: un[セ]r[ユ]
unfathered: un[5f][ケ]
unforeknown: un[メ]e[5k]n
unforseeable: un[メ]seea[3456]
unfounded: unf[46d][ケ]
unfriended: unfri[26]d[ケ]
unfriendly: un[fr]ly
unfulfilled: unfulfill[ケ]
ungoodness: un[gd][56s]
unheard: unhe[ヨ]d
unideaed: unid[2][ケ]
uniformity: uni[メ]m[56y]
unity: un[56y]
unknown: un[5k]n
unless: un[46s]
unlessoned: unlesson[ケ]
unlettered: un[lr][ケ]
unlike: unlike
unlikeable: unlikea[3456]
unmanageable: unmanagea[3456]
unmentionable: unm[26][56n]a[3456]
unmistakable: unmistaka[3456]
unnecessarily: unnecess[ヨ]ily
unnecessary: un[nec]
unpaid: un[pd]
unpeopled: unpeopl[ケ]
unperceivable: unp[セ]ceiva[3456]
unperceived: un[pセcv]d
unperceiving: un[pセcvg]
unprecedented: unprec[ケ][26]t[ケ]
unquestionable: un[5q]a[3456]
unquick: un[qk]
unreasoned: unr[2]son[ケ]
unreceivable: unreceiva[3456]
unreceived: un[rcv]d
unreceiving: un[rjcg]
unrejoiced: un[rjc]d
unrejoicing: un[rjcg]
unsaid: un[sd]
unsaleable: unsalea[3456]
unseasoned: uns[2]son[ケ]
unsheathed: un[ク][2][ホ]d
unsphere: unsph[セ]e
unspirited: un[456s][ケ]
unstill: un[ヤ]ill
untameable: untamea[3456]
untimely: un[5t]ly
unto: unto
untoward: unt[コ][ヨ]d
unwearying: unwe[ヨ]y[ユ]
unweathered: unw[2][ホ]r[ケ]
unwilling: unwill[ユ]
unworkable: un[5w]a[3456]
updo: updo
upholsterer: uphol[ヤ][セ][セ]
upon: [45u]
upright: up[5r]
up-to-date: up-to-date
urchin: ur[カ][35]
urease: ur[2]se
uredo: ur[ケ]o
us: [u]
US: US (United States)
usance: us[46e]
useable: usea[3456]
used: us[ケ]
uselessness: use[46s][56s]
ushering: u[ク][セ][ユ]
us'n: us'n
usually: usu[6y]
Uther: U[ホ]r
utterance: utt[セ][46e]
vacationist: vac[6n]i[ヤ]
vaccination: va[25][35][6n]
vainglorious: va[35]glori[シ]s
valance: val[46e]
valediction: valedic[56n]
valedictorian: valedictorian
valedictory: valedictory
Valenciennes: Val[26]ci[26]nes
valerian: val[セ]ian
valuable: valua[3456]
vandal: v[ヘ]al
Vandegrift: V[ヘ]egrift
Vanderbilt: V[ヘ][セ]bilt
Vandyke: Vandyke
vanity: van[56y]
vaquero: vaqu[セ]o
vara: v[ヨ]a
variation: v[ヨ]i[6n]
varied: v[ヨ]i[ケ]
variety: v[ヨ]iety
variform: v[ヨ]i[メ]m
various: v[ヨ]i[シ]s
varment: v[ヨ][56t]
varnished: v[ヨ]ni[ク][ケ]
varsity: v[ヨ]s[56y]
vary: v[ヨ]y
vastity: va[ヤ][56y]
Veadar: V[2]d[ヨ]
Veda: V[ケ]a
Vedda: V[ケ]da
vedette: v[ケ]ette
veered: ve[セ][ケ]
vegetarian: veget[ヨ]ian
vehemence: vehem[56e]
vehemently: vehe[56t]ly
veined: ve[35][ケ]
velocipede: velocip[ケ]e
venal: v[26]al
venality: v[26]al[56y]
veneer: v[26]e[セ]
venereal: v[26][セ][2]l
Venetian: V[26]etian
vengeance: v[26]ge[46e]
venial: v[26]ial
venous: v[26][シ]s
venturesome: v[26]ture[5s]
Venus: V[26]us
veracious: v[セ]aci[シ]s
veranda: v[セ][ヘ]a
verbena: v[セ]b[26]a
verboten: v[セ]bot[26]
verity: v[セ][56y]
vermination: v[セ]m[35][6n]
veronica: v[セ]onica
version: v[セ][46n]
vertiginous: v[セ]tig[35][シ]s
very: [v]
Very [6][v] (name)
vestiary: ve[ヤ]i[ヨ]y
vestibular: ve[ヤ]ibul[ヨ]
vestibule: ve[ヤ]ibule
vestige: ve[ヤ]ige
veterinarian: vet[セ][35][ヨ]ian
viands: vi[ヘ]s
vicarious: vic[ヨ]i[シ]s
vice-consular: vice-[25]sul[ヨ]
vicenary: vic[26][ヨ]y
vicennial: vic[26]nial
viceregal: viceregal
viceroy: viceroy
viceroyalty: viceroyalty
Vichy: Vi[カ]y
vicinage: vic[35]age
vicinity: vic[35][56y]
videruff: vid[セ]uff
villainess: villa[35]ess
villainous: villa[35][シ]s
Viminal: Vim[35]al
vinery: v[35][セ]y
vinosity: v[35]os[56y]
vinous: v[35][シ]s
violone: violone
viosterol: vio[ヤ][セ]ol
visceral: visc[セ]al
viscount: visc[46t]
vision: vi[46n]
visionary: vi[46n][ヨ]y
vista: vi[ヤ]a
visually: visu[6y]
vivandi^ere: viv[ヘ]i[4]ere
V-J Day: V-J [6][5d] (Victory over Japan Day
Vlaanderen: Vla[ヘ][セ][26]
vocationally: voc[6n][6y]
voluminous: volum[35][シ]s
volunteer: volunte[セ]
volunteered: volunte[セ][ケ]
votaress: vot[ヨ]ess
votary: vot[ヨ]y
voucher: v[シ][カ][セ]
vulgarity: vulg[ヨ][56y]
vulnerable: vuln[セ]a[3456]
wabbled: wab[3456]d
wadded: wa[256][ケ]
waffle: wa[235]le
wafter: waft[セ]
wageworker: wage[5w][セ]
wagged: wa[2356][ケ]
waggery: wa[2356][セ]y
wagoned: wagon[ケ]
wagoner: wagon[セ]
wagonette: wagonette
wagsome: wag[5s]
wainwright: wa[35]w[5r]
wakerife: wakerife
walkout: walk[シ]t
Wally: W[6y]
Waltham: Wal[ス]am
wand: w[ヘ]
Wanda: W[ヘ]a
wanderer: w[ヘ][セ][セ]
warbler: w[ヨ][3456]r
wareroom: w[ヨ]eroom
wariness: w[ヨ]i[56s]
warlike: w[ヨ]like
warmonger: w[ヨ]m[56g][セ]
warmth: w[ヨ]m[ス]
wary: w[ヨ]y
was: [356] (or) was
Waseda: Was[ケ]a
washout: wa[ク][シ]t
wasn't: wasn't
wast: wa[ヤ]
watchword: wat[カ][45w]
waterwork: wat[セ][5w]
Watteau: Watt[2]u
waxwork: wax[5w]
weak-willed: w[2]k-will[ケ]
wealthiness: w[2]l[ス]i[56s]
wealthy: w[2]l[ス]y
wear: we[ヨ]
wearisome: we[ヨ]i[5s]
weasand: w[2]s[ヘ]
weather: w[2][ホ]r
weathered: w[2][ホ]r[ケ]
weatherproof: w[2][ホ]rpro[ミ]
webbing: we[23][ユ]
Websterian: Web[ヤ][セ]ian
wedding: w[ケ]d[ユ]
Wednesday: W[ケ]nes[5d]
weeded: we[ケ][ケ]
weekday: week[5d]
weever: weev[セ]
weightiness: wei[キ]ti[56s]
welcome: welcome
well-behaved: well-[23]hav[ケ]
well-being: well-[23][ユ]
well-known: well-[5k]n
well-to-do: well-to-[d]
Wenceslaus: W[26]ceslaus
Wenonah: W[26]onah
were: [2356] (or) w[セ]e
weren't: w[セ][26]'t
werewolf: w[セ]ewolf
western: we[ヤ][セ]n
wether: we[ホ]r
whaddaya: [サ]a[256]aya
whalebone: [サ]aleb[5o]
wharfinger: [サ][ヨ]f[ユ][セ]
whatnot: [サ]atnot
whatsoever: [サ]atso[5e]
wheatear: [サ][2]te[ヨ]
wheedling: [サ]e[ケ]l[ユ]
wheelwright: [サ]eelw[5r]
wheen: [サ]e[26]
whenas: [サ][26]as
whence: [サ][56e]
where: [5サ]
whereabouts: [5サ][ab]s
whereas: [5サ]as
whereby: [5サ]by
where'er: [サ][セ]e'[セ] (wherever)
wherefore: [5サ][メ]e
wherefrom: [5サ]from
wherein: [5サ][35]
whereinto: [5サ][35]to
whereof: [5サ][ミ]
wheresoever: [5サ]so[5e]
wherethrough: [5サ][5ス]
whereto: [5サ]to
whereupon: [5サ][45u]
wherever: [サ][セ][5e]
wherewithal: [5サ][モ]al
whether: [サ]e[ホ]r
which: [サ]
whichever: [サ]i[カ][5e]
which'll: [サ]i[カ]'ll
whiff: [サ]iff
whiffenpoof: [サ]i[235][26]po[ミ]
whiffler: [サ]i[235]l[セ]
whiffletree: [サ]i[235]letree
whinstone: [サ][35][ヤ][5o]
whippoorwill: [サ]ippoorwill
whirlabout: [サ]irl[ab]
whistled: [サ]i[ヤ]l[ケ]
whiteness: [サ]ite[56s]
whither: [サ]i[ホ]r
who: [サ]o
WHO: WHO (World Health Organization)
whoever: [サ]o[5e]
wholesome: [サ]ole[5s]
whoredom: [サ]oredom
whose: [45サ]
whosoever: [サ]oso[5e]
wickerwork: wick[セ][5w]
widower: wid[コ][セ]
wigged: wi[2356][ケ]
wiggled: wi[2356]l[ケ]
will: [w]
Will: [6][w] (name)
willed: will[ケ]
William: William
willing: will[ユ]
will-o'-the-wisp: [w]-o'-[ホ]-wisp
willow: will[コ]
wills: wills
will's: [w]'s
Will's: [6][w]'s (name)
wimble: wim[3456]
Winchester: W[35][カ]e[ヤ][セ]
window: w[35]d[コ]
winery: w[35][セ]y
Wingate: W[35]gate
winged: w[ユ][ケ]
winnower: w[35]n[コ][セ]
winsomeness: w[35][5s][56s]
wiredancer: wired[46e]r
wiredrawn: wiredrawn
wireworks: wire[5w]s
wiseacre: wiseacre
wisteria: wi[ヤ][セ]ia
witches'-besom: wit[カ]es'-[23]som
with: [モ]
withe: [モ]e
wither: [モ][セ]
withered: [モ][セ][ケ]
within: [モ][35]
without: [モ][シ]t
witnessed: wit[56s][ケ]
wizened: wiz[26][ケ]
wobbled: wob[3456]d
woebegone: woebeg[5o]
womanlike: womanlike
woof: wo[ミ]
word: [45w]
wording: [45w][ユ]
wordless: [45w][46s]
Wordsworth: [6][45w]swor[ス]
work: [5w]
workaday: [5w]a[5d]
worker: [5w][セ]
workmanlike: [5w]manlike
workpeople: [5w]people
world: [456w]
worldliness: [456w]li[56s]
worldly: [456w]ly
world-weary: [456w]-we[ヨ]y
world-wide: [456w]-wide
worsted: wor[ヤ][ケ]
would: [wd]
woulda: [wd]a
would-be: [wd]-be
wouldn't: [wd]n't
wouldst: [wd][ヤ]
wounded: w[46d][ケ]
wreathed: wr[2][ホ]d
wrench: wr[26][カ]
wrestler: wre[ヤ]l[セ]
wriggler: wri[2356]l[セ]
wright: w[5r]
Wright: W[5r]
writhed: wri[ホ]d
wrongdoer: wr[56g]do[セ]
wrongful: wr[56g][56l]
wrongheaded: wr[56g]h[2]d[ケ]
wrought: wr[5シ]
Wyandotte: Wy[ヘ]otte
xanthein: xan[ホ][35]
xenia: x[26]ia
xenon: x[26]on
xeroderma: x[セ]od[セ]ma
X-ray: [56]X-ray
xylophone: xyloph[5o]
yabber: ya[23][セ]
yacht: ya[カ]t
yachting: ya[カ]t[ユ]
Yarborough: Y[ヨ]bor[シ][キ]
yataghan: yata[キ]an
year: ye[ヨ]
yearling: ye[ヨ]l[ユ]
yearlong: ye[ヨ]l[56g]
yearn: ye[ヨ]n
yearned: ye[ヨ]n[ケ]
Yeats: Y[2]ts
yeggman: ye[2356]man
yesterday: ye[ヤ][セ][5d]
Yiddish: Yi[256]i[ク]
y'know: y[5k]
yoghurt: yo[キ]urt
Yolanda: Yol[ヘ]a
you: [y]
you'd: [y]'d
you'll: [y]'ll
you'n: y[シ]'n
young: [5y]
youngest: [5y]e[ヤ]
youngster: [5y][ヤ][セ]
Youngstown: [6][5y]st[コ]n
your: [yr]
you're: [y]'re
yours: [yr]s
yourself: [yrf]
yourselves: [yrvs]
you's: y[シ]'s
youthful: y[シ][ス][56l]
you've: [y]'ve
Zeami: Zeami (Japanese name)
zealot: z[2]lot
zealous: z[2]l[シ]s
zecchino: zec[カ][35]o
zenith: z[26]i[ス]
zero: z[セ]o
zinc: z[35]c
zinfandel: z[35]f[ヘ]el
zingaro: z[ユ][ヨ]o
zither: zi[ホ]r
zone: z[5o]
zoned: zon[ケ]
zounds: z[46d]s
zucchetto: zuc[カ]etto
zucchini: zuc[カ][35]i