Okuma Epix
This reel becomes popular in Japan . What is this ?
Epix2000 It is sold in Japan together other cheap reels . But it is good . What is this ? It is sold by Alpha tackle brand in Japan . Originally it is Okuma which is popular Taiwanese brand in US and EU . Made in China . |
ABS spool Oh ! Daiwa's patented ABS spool . Is it OK ? |
New flat winding system The slider is shaped " S " . It is same to AbuGarcia C300 series . The slider gear is supported by a brass bushing . It's careful design . This point is similar to AbuGarcia C300 . Perhaps C300 is Okuma reel . |
Bail arm support A is a metal bushing for bail arm supporting . B is slider . It's careful design . But its bail returning is not so smooth . |
Main shaft support The main shaft is supported by brass bushing A . It is same to Penn Spinfisher spinning . It's careful design too . But " 3 point supporting " is not good for machine design . The A point has larger clearance too . For more durability , POM bushing on B is more effective . Epix does not have it . Oscillating slider screw does not have thread locker . Is it OK ? |
Heavy styling Its styling is too heavy like as 90's Mazda cars . Perhaps they are thinking that the curved line is new . |
It is good one . If you don't stick to brand name , it is good selection
Its design is careful on the bail arm and the main shaft etc . It's great
rival for Japanese brands . (2003/12/18)