


学術著書・論文は、ペンネ―ムの才園哲人ではなく、本名の好田 肇で執筆しています



1.Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (Academic Press)

   Amino Acid Fermentation using Regulatory Mutants of Corynebacterium      glutamicum.


     K.Nakayama, K.Araki, H,hagino, H.Kase and H.Yoshida

2.アミノ酸発酵  (学会出版センター)

   アルギニン・シトルリン・オルニチン発酵  pp.243〜263('86)

     好田 肇

2.biotechnology of amino acid production (KODANNSHA/ELSEVIER)

   Arginine, citrulline and Ornithine.  Pp.131〜 143('86)


3.最新 微生物ハンドブック   (サイエンスフォーラム)

   ハイブリドーマ pp.210〜236('86)

   高津聖志、好田 肇


   単著  (アイピーシー出版)('89)

総  説


     単著  発酵と工業,40, 541 〜 551(' 82)


     単著  化学と工業,36, 88〜90('83)



      単著   日医誌,8月1日号('83)  


      単著   日医誌,9月1日号('83)


      単著    第9回技術セミナー テキスト pp.24 〜 27('86)


 1.Fermentative Production of L-Arginine. 

    Amino Acid and Nucleic Acid, No.25, 141 〜149('72)                     K.Nakayama and H.Yoshida

 2.Fermentative Production of L-Arginine. 

    Agr.Biol.Chem., 36, 1675〜1684('72)  

     K.Nakayama and H.Yoshida

 3.L-Tyrosine Production by Polyauxotrophic Mutants of  Corynebacterium

    glutamicum .

      Agr.Biol.Chem., 37, 2001〜2005('73)  

     H.Hagino, H.Yoshida, F.Kato, K.Araki, R.Katsumata and K.Nakayama

 4.Production of 3,4-Dihydrophenyl-L-alanine (L-DOPA) and its Derivertives

    by Vibrio tyrosinaricus. 

     Agr.Biol.Chem., 37, 2121〜2126('73)

     H.Yoshida, Y.Tanaka and K.Nakayama



     農化誌.48, 201 〜208('74)  

     好田 肇、中山 清

 6.Production of 3,4-Dihydrophenyl-L-alanine (L-DOPA) by  Pseudomonas


     Agr.Biol.Chem., 38, 455 〜462('74)  

     H.Yoshida, Y.Tanaka and K.Nakayama

 7.Properties of Tyrosinase from Pseudomonas melanogenum.

     Agr.Biol.Chem., 38, 627 〜632('74)  

     H.Yoshida, Y.Tanaka and K.Nakayama

 8.Production of 3,4-Dihydrophenyl-L-alanine (L-DOPA)by Mutants of

    Pseudomonas melanogenum.  

     Agr.Biol.Chem., 38, 633 〜639('74)

     H.Yoshida, Y.Tanaka and K.Nakayama

 9.Cysteine Formation from Methionine in Pseudomonas melanogenum and

    Mechanisum of Methionine-inhibition of L-DOPA Production by the Bacteria.

      Agr.Biol.Chem., 38, 873 〜874('74)  

      H.Yoshida, T.Oka, Y.Tanaka and K.Nakayama

10.Microbacterium ammoniaphilumのアルギニンハイドロキサメイト抵抗性変異株による


     農化誌.49, 527 〜532('75) 

     好田 肇、中山 清

11.N-Acetylornithine-δ-aminotransferase-deficient and N-acetyl-

     glutamokinase deficient Arginine Auxotrophs of Corynebacterium

     glutamicum .  

      Agr.Biol.Chem., 44, 361 〜365('79)  

      H.Yoshida, K.Araki and K.Nakayama

12.N-Acetylglutamate-acetylornithine Acetyltransferase-Deficient Arginine

     Auxotroph of Corynebacterium glutamicum .  

      Agr.Biol.Chem., 44, 1899〜1979('79)  

      H.Yoshida, K.Araki and K.Nakayama

13.Mechanisum of L-Arginine Production by L-Arginine-producing Mutants of

     Corynebacterium glutamicum .  

      Agr.Biol.Chem., 43, 105 〜111('79) 

      H.Yoshida, K.Araki and K.Nakayama

14.L-Arginine Production by Arginine analog-resistant Mutants of


      Agr.Biol.Chem., 45, 959 〜963('81)   

      H.Yoshida, K.Araki and K.Nakayama

15.Microbial Production of Abscisic Acid with Cercospora rosicola.

  1.Stimulation of Abscisic Acid Accumulation by Plant Extracts.

      Biotechnology Letters, 5, 55〜58('83)  

      K.Takayama, H.Yoshida, K.Araki and K.Nakayama

16.Microbial Production of Abscisic Acid with Cercospora rosicola.

  2.Effect of pH Control and Medium Composition.  

      Biotechnology Letters, 5, 59〜62('83)  

      K.Takayama, H.Yoshida, K.Araki and K.Nakayama


       第5回腫瘍マーカー研究会記録,pp.63 〜65('85)

      矢野 況、宮国泰夫、平田清司、青山昭徳、仁井谷久暘、河内重人、弦間昭       彦、長谷川浩一、坪井栄孝、設楽研也、花井陳雄、好田 肇


       第5回腫瘍マーカー研究会記録,pp.66 〜69('85)

      設楽研也、花井陳雄、好田 肇、仁井谷久暘、有吉 寛

19.Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies against Human Lung  Squamous Cell

    Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma Using Mice Rendered Tolerant to Normal

    Human Lung.

      Cancer Research, 46, 4438〜4443('86) 

       N.Hanai, K.Shitara and H.Yoshida

20.Distribution of a Squemous Cell Lung Carcinoma-associated Antigen, KA-32,

     in Human Tissues and Sera Defined by  Monoclonal Antibody KM-32.

       Cancer Research, 46, 5206〜5210('86)   

       N.Hanai, K.Shitara and H.Yoshida

21.Generation of New Monoclonal Antibody and its Application for

     Determination and Purification of Biologically Active Human γ-


        HYBRIDOMA, 5, 329〜338('86) 

        S.Oda, S.Akinaga, A.Kumagai, A.Inoue, N.Nakamizo and H.Yoshida

22.市販のコレラワクチンによるTNF 産生の誘導 

       医学のあゆみ,140, 981〜982('87) 

       皆川治重、各務善之、好田 肇、冨田房男、稲川裕行、水野伝一

23.Distribution of Lung Adenocarcinoma-associated Antigens in Human Tissues

     and Sera Defined by Monoclonal Antibody KM-52 and KM-9

        Cancer Research, 47, 1267〜1272('87)  

        K.Shitara, N.Hanai and H.Yoshida

24.Expression of the T-cell Receptor γ-Chain Gene Products on the Surface

     of  Peripheral T cells and T-cell Blasts Generated byAllogeneic Mixed

     Lymphocyte Reaction.

       Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA, 84, 6536〜6540('87)

       K.Maeda, N.Nakanishi, B.L.Rogers, W.G.Haser, K.Shitara, H.Yoshida, 

       Y.Takagi, A.A.Augustin and S.Tonegawa

25.Monoclonal Antibodies against Synthesized Short Peptides Corresponding to

     Human AA Amyloid Protein. 

      Acta Pathol.Jpn.,37, 1135 〜1142('87)

      T.Yokota, T.Ishikawa, M.Takahashi, Y.Yamashita, H.Kawano, Y.Fujinaga,

      F.Uchino, N.Hanai, H.Yoshida, S.Honda, M.Sato and N.Matsumoto

26.Generation and Application of Monoclonal Antibodies against Salmon

     Somatotropin (Salmon  Growth Hormone) and Salmon Prolactin. 

      Agr.Biol.Chem., 51, 2331〜2335('87)   

      A.Furuya, M.Ohtomo, T.Inada and H.Yoshida

27.抗−ヒト肺癌モノクローナル抗体(KM-227) の作製と肺癌臨床診断への応用

      第6回腫瘍マーカー研究会記録,pp.94 〜96('87)

      設楽研也、熊谷安希子、花井陳雄、好田 肇

28.Comparative Studies on Monoclonal Antibodies Raised against Human

    Gastric Cancer for Application to Serum Diagnosis of Cancer.  

      Anticancer Research, 8, 329 〜334('88)

       N.Hanai, A.Furuya, K.Shitara, S.Oda and H.Yoshida

29.Production of Lactase by Mutants of Kluyveromyces lactics. 

      Agr.Biol.Chem., 52, 951 〜955('88)

30.Monoclonal Antibody against Polyglucosan Isolated from the Myocardium of

     a Patient with Lafora Disease. 

      J.Neuropathol.Exp.Neurol.,47, 572 〜577('88)

      T.Yokota, T.Ishikawa, H.Yoshida, M.Takahashi, F.Uchino and S.Hamanaka

31.Endogenous Tumor Necrosis Factor Induction with Bordetella pertusis

    Vaccine as a Triggering Agent and Its Therapeutic Effect on MM46

    Carcinoma-bearing Mice.

      Jpn.J.Cancer Res.,79, 384 〜389('88)

      H.Minagawa, Y.Kakamu, H.Yoshida, F.Tomita, H.Oshima and D.Mizuno

32.Generation and Application of Monoclonal Antibodies specific for Human


      Agr.Biol.Chem., 52, 2837〜2841('88)

      H.Yoshida and A.Kusano

33.Generation and Characterization of monoclonal Antibodies to Recombinant

     Human Granulocyte-colony stimulating Factor and its Muteins.

      Agr.Biol.Chem., 53, 1095〜1101('89)  

      H.Yoshida and S.Shitara

34.抗−ヒト肺癌モノクローナル抗体(KM-227/432) による肺腺癌の血清診断


       設楽研也、好田 肇

35.Advantage of Cocktail-Use of Two Anti-tumor Monoclonal Antibodies, KM-93

     and KM-231, in Serum Diagnosis of Cancer.

       Anticancer Research, 9, 999〜1004('89)

       K.Shitara, N.Hanai, A.Furuya, and H.Yoshida

36.Intratumoral induction of tumor necrosis factor by systemic administration of

     Bordetella pertusis vaccine.

       Br.J.Cancer, 62, 372〜375('90)

       H.Minagawa, H.Kobatashi, H.Yoshida, M.Teranishi, A.Morikawa, S.Abe,

       H.Oshima and D.Mizuno

37.Detailed Characterization of Reactivities of Anti-Gastric Cancer Monoclonal

     Antibodies To Carbohydrate Antigen.

       Anticancer Research, 10,1579〜1586('90)

       N.Hanai, K.Shitara,  A.Furuya, and H.Yoshida, T.Dohi, E.Nudelman,

       S.Hakomori and S.Sato

38.Application of Anti-Sialyl Lea Monoclonal Antibody, KM-231, for

      Immunotherapy of Cancer.

        Anticancer Research, 11,2003〜2014('91)

        K.Shitara, N.Hanai, A.Kusano,A.Furuya, and H.Yoshida, K.Wada,

        T.Watanabe and S.Sato

39.Development of Anti-Idiotype Monoclonal Antibodies for  Sialyl Le-a Antigen.

        Anticancer Research, 12,27〜32('92)

         A.Furuya, H.Yoshida and N.Hanai

40. Gag-Env 融合蛋白抗原を用いたHTLV−1 抗体測定試薬"デターミナHTLV−1

     抗体"の開発 ・・・基礎的性能評価・・・  


        森 秀治、竹中浩子、田原亜伊子、三池 彰、佐藤征二、町田容造、

        好田 肇、福井正憲

41.Application of Anti Lung Adenocarcinoma Monoclonal Antibody Recognizing

     Cytokeratin-like Cytoplasmic Antigen for Tumor Diagnosis. 

        Anticancer Research, 12,1121〜1130('92)

        K.Shitara ,K.Fujiwara, A.Kusano, K.Yamaguchi, H.Yoshida, S.Sato 

        and N.Hanai

42.Antitumor effect of a novel monoclonal antibody with high binding affinity to

     ganglioside GD3.

       Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, 36,260 〜266('93)

       S.Otha, A.Honda, Y.Tokutake, H.Yoshida and N.Hanai

43. HCV関連抗原N−14(SGH−N14融合抗原)を用いたC方肝炎診断の基礎的



        守田和樹、森 秀治、福井正憲、杉本整治、好田 肇、長谷川護、


44.Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Directed against Human Atrial

    Natriuretic Peptide with Different Antigenic Determinant Specificity

     KUMAMOTO MEDICAL JOURNAL, 44,(1),1 〜 8('93)

     S.Naomi, T.Umeda, T.Iwaoka, T.Sato, K.Hashizume, K.Shitara, K.Yamada,

     H.Yoshida and K.Takatsu

45.Detection of a Novel Lung Adenocarcinoma-Associated Serum  Antigen

    Defined by Two Monoclonal Antibodies,KM432 and KM227 

     ANTICANCER RES.,13, 579〜586('93)  

      K.Shitara, N.Hanai and H.Yoshida

46.Production of ubiquinone-10 using bacteria 

      J.Gen.Appl.Microbiol.,44, 19〜26('98)

       H.Yoshida, Y.Kotani, K.Ochiai and K.Araki