Examples of AeroSpace Facilities & Others
The high enthalpy wind tunnel for erosion testing was installed in Tajimi near Nagoya City. 20kw arc-heater of Huels type, and the vacuum pumps realize required conditions, i.e., gas temperature of 2,573K and velocity more than Mach 3 for 50mm test piece with 30 minute duration.
Main Contractor: IHI(Japan)
Hardware Supplier: IHI(Japan)
Reference: AIAA92-3888, High Temp. Materials Symposium'92
The supersonic wind tunnel of blow down type was installed in Aioi works of IHI, in Japan. The symmetry Isler regulating and the air storage of 25 m3 with thermal matrices realize required testing conditions, i.e., gas velocity in the range of Mach 1.5 -- 4.0 and duration time of 20 seconds.
Main Contractor: Japan Kanomax
Hardware Supplier: Japan Kanomax
Reference: AIAA94-3257, IHI Engineering Review Jan., 1996
The FPSO (Floating Production Storage & Offloading) is considered as a suitable plant for developing middle scale gas wells in offshores because of its mobility. This design contract report by IHI & JGC consortium was submitted to a Major oil company, resulting 2.5 MMTPA liquefaction plant installed in 300mLx50mW barge size.
Engineering Contractor: IHI/JGC(Japan)
Reference: LNG International Sympo. 12 Paper 5.7
The study contract for 1994 -1999 from NEDO via ECC was to proceed "Eco-Ene City" classified as "New Sunshine" National Project of Japan. The pressurizing system with hydrogen absorbing alloys by LNG cryogenic heat & warm water discharge in the generating plants near seashore, and the cryogenic cogeneration system with turboexpanders in remote commercial areas are to be realized.
Main Contractor: IHI(Japan)
Hardware Supplier: IHI(Japan)
Reference: Meta-Hi Sympo. (MH96) A3-03