90's spinning

The progressive spinning reels.

The first " Twist buster " spinning reel on '96.
I bought it soon. But I bought Shimano's " Power roller " model soon after it. So, I did not use TD-S.
" Twist buster " was great. But the color was no good.
The first and original ABS spinning reel in '97.
Its reverse tapered spool prevents tangles. Its large diameter spool enables faster and stable reeling with low ratio gears. Its feeling is good because its rotor is light.
But the weight 275g is heavy.
Its leg was shortened for the line control. Although it is good , the bail wire blocked my for finger.
The " Air bail " version in `99.
This model has the light weight plastic shallower spool. So, its weight is 250g.
The bail tripping is not smooth. But it is the wrong point of all Japanese spinning.
The air bail is very good. It never makes tangle. But its origin is Mitchell300....
Its large spool design is beautiful and right.
Japan-ism ?
TD's light spool cannot be use for other Daiwa ABS reels.
Mitchell can use the many spools.
Japanese manufacturers want the owner to buy many reels.
Mitchell wants the owner to enjoy many fishing.
It is the difference of " ism ".
TD was changed its spool lighter. But other model's spools were not changed.

(2003/8/27) Daiwa Top