I tell you why MITCHELL is my favorite.
1 Easy line cntrol.
Even if I am Japanese, forefinger reachs spool easily. So, I can cast accurately.
2 I support MITCHELL's way.
MITCHELL says "The anti-reverse allows, when you have a catch, to have the hand holding the handle free to net the fish. It is not recommended to have the anti-reverse [on] all the time" on instruction manual.
I suppot this way, because the bail does not block forefinger during the
cast. The anti-reverse lever corresponds to this way.
3 Good looking
They are simple and beautiful !
4 Handle knob
MITCHELL's handle knob fits finger. I have CitroenAX. MITCHELL's handle
knob is same as the seet of Citroen.
5 Light weight
They are light weight. So,they correspond to today's light weight carbon
6 Line roller
Their line rollers prevent line twists.
7 Long long model life !
300 series live over than 50 years. Almost parts of them keep exchangeability.
So, the customers can repair their old reels. 300 lives longer than Citroen
2CV !
This is the greatest point of MITCHELL reels.